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Brent Pollock

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Everything posted by Brent Pollock

  1. I'll make the decision easy for you: only one of the five AARs was written by the losing player (hey - anyone who wins can get worked up to write an AAR, but it takes something special to do an After-I-got-my-butt-kicked-Report)
  2. I demand you two create a During/After Action Report thread in the Scenario Discussion area. Two-Hundred Quatloos on Dorosh to win! Maybe one of these days I'll get around to playing it...perhaps, quite fittingly, during X-mas break. [ October 28, 2004, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]
  3. WOW - my son's just gonna PLOTZ when he sees the wounded guys - nice work. I'm most appreciative of the eyeglasses; I was getting tired of seeing what looked to be 1970s sunglasses...although I've got a bone to pick with you because the first guy I saw with glasses WAS MY SHARPSHOOTER...EYEGLASSES...ON MY SHARPSHOOTER...AHHHHHHHHHH!
  4. From what I remember of playing The Longest Day, there were several independent panzer battalions using French mediums over near Utah & Omaha. Maybe that's why you associate them with the Inf. Divs.? There were no PDs in the Utah/Omaha zone until reinforcements showed up, and even then, most still ended up in the Commonwealth zone.
  5. Perhaps you're thinking of the 21st PD, which had a large number of captured French AFVs and some field-worked SPGs based on French halftracks & armoured tractors (the ASL HASL Pegasus Bridge represents most of them)? I've also noted in pictures of D-Day beach pillboxes that at least some of the MGs were water-cooled, rather than the MG39 & MG42 air-cooled ones normally represented in movies (e.g. SPR).
  6. Without looking at the files, it could be that one is for the VL flag, while the other is for the info disply slot...or maybe it is for 300 point vs 100 point VL flags. Is one noticeably smaller than the other?
  7. If you could still hit them with suppressing fire while dumping smoke on them, you weren't dumping enough smoke to blind them. Or were you trying to use smoke to screen the flanks of the axis of advance, rather than blind the target zone troops?
  8. No one has to toggle between the two sides to drag-and-select or move units, but if you want to do HQ-driven, double-click group selections instead (which was the concern of the original post), you have to toggle between sides. This is also required to switch to the other side's default view and sound settings.
  9. It sounds like you're discussing Play Mode setup whereas the original post has to do with Editor Mode setup. As others have mentioned, hitting "/" (or is it"\"...I always forget...check the manual or hotkey list). The other important thing to remember is to NOT have an Axis unit selected when you hit the key...or maybe that's just my brain playing tricks.
  10. ...with the proviso that having them "beam in" is probably a legitimate way to model reinforcements emerging from sewers/tunnels, something I've had in the back of my mind for any Stalingrad scenarios I might crank out.
  11. I've been subjected to Ampulomet fire a few times vs AI and PBEM. The sequence of: - ka-chack - tinkle - FOOF! ...can be quite disconcerting when you don't even get a sound contact out of it. They are, as noted, at their best versus OT vehicles, but I've seen them KO a Pz 38(t) (mine) and immobilise a Pz IVF2 (opponent's).
  12. Just pop it open in the editor and unlock all the German units...or has it been Tournament Saved?
  13. Michael, what in blazes possessed you to crack open an issue of THE GENERAL in the first place?!
  14. I used a lot of smoke in the opening moments of Our Backs to the Volga; AAR and screen shots are here in the Scenario Discussion forum.
  15. I've also used rubble/rough for piles of wood, coal or a yard of small boats. I've never used the import units function; will it also carryover wrecks?
  16. Sheesh! I don't check the web for a weekend and THIS happens...definitely something for the to-do list.
  17. ASLVeteran and I had a stab at his version of The Last Bid. Are you using his map? Keep posting your results; I've no time to help you playtest, but I'll probably still remember all the RB rules and AARs long after old age has made me forget the name of my kin so I'm interested to see how it turns out.
  18. Picture taking tips: 1. go to the library and get out a book/magazine on how to photograph the scale models (should also have oodles of painting tips, too); 2. now that you've slaved away indoors to make the model, get out of the house to do the photography: place the model in the grass/sand, then lie down to take the shot. Try to ensure the background doesn't give away the scale; 3. if you insist on using a flash or other artificial lighting, soften it somehow (e. g. tissue paper over the flash or bounced of a white surface). The library visit refered to in point 1 should have plenty of pointers on this. Great stuff; don't stop cranking them out.
  19. The most balanced thing I've found so far is playing in the ROW tournament due to the scoring system. As to one-off playings, I'm more interested in the vibe than the balance.
  20. It's their third iteration of CM; you think it'd be bug free
  21. ...and you didn't feel any tugs on either leg whilst she was telling you how much she enjoyed the book
  22. ...and we're all awaiting CMX2 so we can use the Buffaloes/DUKWs in amphibious mode.
  23. So, you don't just want a "CEASEFIRE" button, you also want an "INCREASE FIRE" button...
  24. Can't confirm the exact date but the general statement is correct; at some point US (probably not Commonwealth, though) fully-tracked AFVs can pass through tall hedges. Can anyone please confirm this? I thought that tall hedges in CMAK generally blocked vehicle movement, including late U.S. tanks. :confused: </font>
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