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Brent Pollock

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Everything posted by Brent Pollock

  1. Unless a vehicle is on a road, I wouldn't expect its speed to make any difference to its survivability...maybe to gun fire, but certainly not to ordnance. On top of that, command delay is usually enough to ensure you won't make it to cover. Unbutton, stay still, and hope you scare them off with the AAMG...but I'm no expert.
  2. junk2drive: I thought I remembered something along the lines of the "taxi" scenario, but that brief initial search I did was no help. Lucho: The CMAK scenario "Forgotten Outpost" has something similar: Commandos vs Italian airfield. Hans: You've got to have some moving targets on the ground to spice things up. As I mentioned from the top, the two I've done previously were primarily design exercises, although they did teach me the important lesson that anything larger than light AA cannons...say, 40 mm or so...will not engage ground attack aircraft. I also found out that exitted units can still get blasted on the turn they exit. And really interesting things happen to units that are on a bridge tile when it gets demolished.
  3. ...or does anyone care? What I have in mind is a battle that represents an air attack on an airfield. It would definitely be for solo play only. Trucks tagged for "Should Exit for Points" could be used to represent scrambling fighters. The map would represent the airfield, facilities and AA installations. I've done similar "one side gets airplanes only" scenarios as novice design exercises for CMBO & CMBB, but with those I used convoys crossing defended bridges...they can be worthwhile if you're up for some CM movie watching, but not too much else. My son seemed to get a kick out of them...he was 10 years old at the time, though. Just curious if anyone else had tried something similar. [i tried a subject search for "airfield" but it came up null.]
  4. [Ahem] Folks searching for such balance might want to check out my battle, "WBRP - Company Town" at the Proving Grounds: HtH vs Allied AI vs Axis AI As I state in the design notes (or somewhere close to that), this was partially an exercise at designing OBs with balance; both sides get exactly the same AFV components via the blatant use of captured AFVs. The editor was used to give them all the same array of leaders and ammo. The only assymetry is in the map and minor components of the infantry OBs (each side essentially gets a cavalry battalion).
  5. Also doesn't mimic platoons getting spread pell mell; that can only be done in the editor with locking or the three zones.
  6. Depends if I'm in Boardgame mode (2 or 3 at level 6+) or Movie mode (1 at 1).
  7. I'm busy that week; can we change that start date Yes, and I quickly drown it out with alcohol and pain killers. Seriously, signups for ROW V will begin sometime around the first week of </font>
  8. Dammit - I want Newfie & Bluenoser accents...and some Acadian/French Canadian, too [i now await the arrival of the Canuck Regt grogs to tell me that these regions were not represented in the Med ] [ November 29, 2004, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]
  9. Having just gone through this myself for the first time, it seems you can only import the Autosave from the final AAR movie. It won't work if you SAVE the game and then try to import that. The manual could use some improvement on this point The jury is still out on our game as to whether he air support was imported. You have
  10. I'm also confused as to how this works. In both the CMBB and CMAK manuals, it states: <<Note that these troops do NOT get resupplied, and a squad with LOW ammo will enter the new battle in exactly the same condition.>> I just tried this for the first time in a PBEM QB, and all my units started with full ammo load out, including the heavy weapons and FOs...possibly even more than they started the first QB with (I can't remember if I changed the ammo supply setting). Also, we both had air aupport in the first one, but there's been no sign of it over the first few turns: perhaps they weren't considered to have finished "on map"? For anyone who's wondering, my TRPs were imported intact.
  11. Somewhere in Tips and Tricks or suchlike, there's a note that Deploying a squad near the unpassable wall can "teleport" a halfsquad to the other side. I'm too lazy to Search it out...
  12. Me three (night camo...extra armour and upgunning akin to Israeli SuperShermans/Centurions ): Since this vehicle does not appear as an opiton in v1.01, I assume it is only in v1.03 as one of the "Various small updates to Australian TO&E"? [ November 21, 2004, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Brent Pollock ]
  13. [Hmmm...I could've sworn I replied to this yesterday...oh well :confused: ] No, I watched all those movies near endlessly from CMBO-days onward: the gun gets abandoned without any requirement for incoming fire. I also ran tests back then to see the effects of AFV overrun on infantry (no casualties but morale suffers and they can break cover) & vehicles (no damage; just pushed) as well as. I used AFVs with zero ammo. I even tested smaoke rounds to see if they could cause infantry casualties; gave up after half an hour. The only AFV MG "weirdness" I've seen is tankettes getting KOd (even saw one brewed up) by the small calibre BMG/CMG. The only thing that makes this "weird" to me is that it wasn't possible in ASL; makes complete sense otherwise.
  14. Ditto - I've been crushing field guns from doorknockers to 88s since CMBO. Don't try to do it with any command other than FAST. It certainly gives the gun owner incentive to use pine/woods as cover, even though it leaves (go ahead, needle me about my puns) the gun open to airbursts.
  15. Trenches are no help either - just ask my ROW IV opponent in 'Frontier Firefight '40'; scrunched the entrenched Italian ATG with my puny Mark VI. I've also bowled over '88s with Stuarts in a couple of CMBO/CMAK matches. Grand fun - well worth the thrill ride.
  16. QBs only occasionally...and sometimes using imported maps, to decrease the oddities that can occur when the computer creates it. Mostly PBEM pre-mades.
  17. ...all the CMMOS compliant stuff, especially the Dirty Tracks. I also rate uniform mods last, although I do use them and especially like the winter hats & gloves one, although it isn't automatic, so you can end up with guys running around with hats and mittens during high summer...but that's why CMMOS makes it easy.
  18. Searched, the SD, CMMODS database & here for "Peter Wenman", but couldn't find him. Just wanted to say that Charles Kibler and I are really enjoying using his "State Farm 131" map that came with the BCR map pack. Currently running an Axis Attack, July '41.
  19. Air-to-air combat for when both sides have air support - yet another thing that ASL has but CM doesn't (yes, I like my chrome shiny ). Or is that already modelled but I am just too inattentive to see it in the manual? [i searched the CM forums for "dogfight", "air to air"& "air-to-air" but found no relevant hits in the subjects.]
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