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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. In my world time is an infinite commodity, right now I can post insults, a few minutes from now I can play a PBEM turn, or even surf the net. Later in the day, I can take a nap (not today though the grandkids are here), or I can work on my latest diorama of a Panzer IVH of the 5th kompanie 12th SS Panzer Regiment, taking a break after the battle of hill 112. All these things without once having to do anything in particular, or be anywhere or especially not have to punch a clock or take orders from some dimwit with a masters degree. So yes Boo , I could be working on my latest diorama, but not right this minute, maybe later, or maybe tomorrow, I have no where else to be. I choose right now to be here, annoying you.
  2. That seems pretty clear to me. Just follow what Pak40 posted and you will be OK.
  3. Check out the download and patches section of the BFC main website, it explains everything. Here is a link to it. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=317
  4. As John Rambo so eloquently stated "Let it go"
  5. And you were doing so well until the last sentence.
  6. To be fair to all concerned I must chime in and say that some of what GJR144 is true in respect to some of the comments made by long time members of this forum. Before the release of MG I made some posts regarding the problems I was encountering trying to place decent waypoints when crossing a bridge. Although there was a wealth of data indicating that bridge crossing was in fact a known issue, some posters indicated that my particular problem was due to the fact that I was too lazy to properly place waypoints, and that everyone else knew how to overcome this issue. I was given one decent solution about turning off the left click action in the options menu. I wont name names or point direct fingers, but anyone can search back and look at the threads. The point I was trying to make at the time, was that if a game mod revolving around the attacking, defending and crossing of multiple bridges was soon to be released it would be good to know if the bridge pathing issues were being addressed. Because I have been around here for awhile, and still use my original handle, I know how most posters operate and I don't take anything posted on here personal. Some people obviously have thinner skin, are more passionate about issues than most, or are using different log-ins to create multiple forum personalities. In other words a typical microcosm of a group dynamic situations, but without the face to face interaction, which is sometimes critical with human interaction. I think that once in a while we all have to take a step back, take a deep breath, and realize we are talking here about a computer game. I'm sure this is not the first time this has been mentioned. What brings us all here is a common love of this game, an interest in history, and a platform to display our knowledge and yes sometimes our rudeness, anger and lack of respect for fellow members. All of us have something to contribute, but there are times when we should just move on to the next thread or go play a PBEM or start a conversation with our significant others rather than post something that is going to rile everyone up.
  7. Anyone seen the movie "District 9".....? enjoy your shellfish.
  8. If you fire a lot of rounds with an MG, especially the WW2 variety, the barrels heat up quite a bit, and could be damaged. Some of the early 30 cal MGs the US used in both the European and Pacific theaters were water cooled, meaning the crew had to carry around cans of water to attach to the barrel to keep it cool. Those barrels were not the type that could be changed out. My personal experiences include the M-60 MG that was used during the Vietnam War. I have seen barrels glow cherry red when lots of rounds were fired through them. Barrel changing was fairly easy, as long as someone was carrying a spare around. In most cases we did not bring spare barrels along, but took our chances that we did not damage the barrel. It becomes a matter of shedding weight vs. the chance that a barrel could be damaged from overuse.
  9. I have noticed a striking improvement in the way I can navigate around a large, tree-dense map. Especially CMBN in the Normandy sphere. What I have not looked at yet, and I wonder if anyone else has, is any improvement in waypoint control when moving across bridges. I am going to test that out today on a scenario that gave me fits a while back.
  10. I have great respect for those who can speak, read and write in more than one language. And an even greater respect for those who are not intimidated to post on a web forum in a language that is not their native tongue. My efforts to learn additional languages all start out with good intentions and a lot of effort, but then I just lose the will and determination to stick with it and become fluent. So now in my 60's I know a little German. a little Japanese. a little Latin American Spanish, but not enough of any of them to carry on a decent conversation. So jppsx more power to you, and keep posting, this web site has a helpful and patient (in most cases) membership, we need new blood to keep the interest alive. Guten abend kon ban wa Buenes noches
  11. He clearly wrote "Black wheel tires", I dont believe its a language thing, although I could be wrong. I think its a matter of the later versions of these panzers having all steel wheels as PhilM indicates. Does anyone know if the game has only later variants of those vehicles? Edit: I checked a scenario that has both Tigers and Elephants, circa 1944. The Tigers appear to have all steel wheels, the Elephants are harder to determine, they may be rubber-tired versions, but the part that would be rubber is a light color on my PC.
  12. This common sense attitude displayed by BFC would surely be welcomed in the rollout of the Affordable Care Act. You can have your flamethrowers, period!
  13. What I think is missing at times from these arguments about picking up weapons, is the recognition of what the game is simulating...... A real world battlefield, where bullets and metal fragments are flying about waiting to shred human flesh. What is not going to happen (in real life) is some Tommy or GI or Panzergrenadier saying, "Wow that dead guy over there has a cooler weapon than me, I'm just going to expose myself to enemy fire, jog over there and take his cooler weapon, and the ammo as well if its different from mine. Then I'm just going to toss my uncool weapon away and go about my business of killing the enemy.
  14. Me too, the number is on the original email sent by BF to confirm the pre order purchase, as well as in my account on the web store.
  15. And we worry about carbon emisssions....the earth has been constantly changing, long before we got here, and I'm sure it will continue to do so long after we are gone and the cockroaches take over.
  16. Yeah I think I saw it on the morning news here, it happened last week..it looks to be near the shoreline. http://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/2013/10/17/new-bluff-collapse-videos-from-the-usa-and-canada/ This site has a good video, check it out.
  17. Maybe it got buried in that bluff collapse in Port Townsend that is all over TV and the internet. Was that anywhere near you?
  18. Does a bailed out of vehicle that has not been totally destroyed look "dead" to a unit that can target it? In other words will the AI keep firing at an empty tank or just ignore it. This would be similar to the "death clock" in CMx1 where it might take a turn or two for a mortally wounded vehicle to look "dead"
  19. If they have side skirts how would you know anyway? The only other obvious J characteristics would be the mufflers, the lack of the secondary traverse motor, and maybe the lack of pistol ports.
  20. Be careful when playing this battle. For some reason the name of the battle on the list uses the word "Seven" in its title. However, when the game creates a PBEM file there must be a numerical seven somewhere because it creates the first file as "Bridge Number 008". Just noticed this while creating the password file for a PBEM game. You might have to rename the file to produce a smooth numerical flow.
  21. Same Canadian voices from Cmx1, ay? American: Keep it down, lets get some noise discipline here! Canadian: Keep it down, lets get some noise discipline here ay!
  22. The J model of the PzKw IV was produced from June of 1944 until March of 1945. 1758 were produced. Obvious physical changes included the deletion of the auxilliary electric traverse motor, 3 return rollers, steel tired roadwheels and vertical exhaust mufflers. Other Pzkw chassis were used to build Brummbars and Jagdpanzer IV 70 in different factories. The J model had only three return rollers according to documentation.
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