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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. If those boobs on the Ozzie newscast are what passes for educated Down Under. I'll stick with the good ole USA and its sub par education system, along with horrible health care, high crime, lots of guns, high taxes, morons for leaders.....hmmmmmm, may I'll move to New Zealand. Sir Mace . I read somewhere that you contructed a scenario for either CMBN or FI, is it part of the game software or something that you can download?
  2. Direct TV satelite gives you the NFL Sunday Ticket package as part of its service, free for the first year. After that they charge for that, but you can go back to just watching CBS, FOX, NBC and ESPN and NFL Network and just get your local games. The FCC is contemplating eliminating the blackout rule, so you can also get the Chargers' home games.
  3. Speaking of roofs, why can't we remove them in game as was possible in CMx1? This was a handy feature to see what was inside a building. I'm supposing this has already been discussed, but it seems logical to bring it up again in a "roof thread"
  4. Thats an exciting scene. but realistically I dont believe a grenade can be detonated by a rifle bullet.
  5. Wow a Chinese movie, with spoken Japanese, Chinese with Vietnamese subtitles. A vertiable Asian feast, I wonder what the Vietnamese think of this movie? Considering their history with both the Chinese and the Japanese.
  6. Everything about Japanese culture revolves around ritual and sacrifice. The Chinese are also no strangers to ritual in their lives. What is interesting to me, is this is a Chinese war movie and Japanese are portrayed as almost human. Especially considering the barbarism they rained down on the inhabitants of Nanking this seems quite generous. There is still no love lost between the Chinese and the Japanese. Seeing these movies opens an interesting window into the current attitudes of the Chinese.
  7. They appear to be made to look like late F or early G models, I dont think there were that many MKIV Fs and Gs in 6th Army at the time of the Stalingrad battle, maybe a few, but every tank in the CGI sequence looks the same. Its still pretty cool, what can be done these days with computer enhanced movies.
  8. No excuse now with the new bundle offerings, BFC must have provided them especially for you and the rest of your, er che, er frugal crowd.
  9. I tried that as well no luck for me, but thanks for the tip.
  10. ******Spoilers******* When attempting to move StuGs through the railroad underpass, they travel partway through and then appear up on the railroad tracks where they attempt to move forward, but cannot. There does not seem to be anyway to move them over the embankment because there is a terrain block along the entire length of it. Any solutions out there? This has started out as an exciting battle, but if I can't get my armor into it whats the point?
  11. What the heck is a choob? Is it something of a chubby tube? The M-1 Rocket Launcher or "Bazooka" used by American forces in WW2, was about 1.35m long or 54 inches. The average American soldier in Europe was probably somewhere around 69-70 inches tall. So sitting down in a jeep with a 54 inch tube in your lap would be rather uncomfortable, I think. More likely the tubes were packed in between the seats somewhere. The way they are rendered in CM is odd.
  12. Only you would make reference to playing with one's self. First of all I doubt he would waste a viagra tablet just for that.
  13. I guess it depends on what one considers "a few turns", in my experience playing many PBEM games, three turns is the most time elapsed before a ceasefire takes effect that I have seen. I do know that it does not happen on the first turn that two PBEM players request one by hitting the "ceasefire" button.
  14. Edward "Babe" Heffron a member of Easy Co 506 PIR and Stephen Ambrose's "Band of Brothers", has passed away at the age of 90. There aren't many of these folks left from any of the countries that fought in WW2, we should honor their memories.
  15. http://youtu.be/UMCNltgrs1U Remember this one? Blancmanges turning Englishmen into Scotsmen.
  16. I am running Norton 360 on a Windows machine, and I have found that disabling auto protect in Norton allows for a trouble free download and install of CM patches. Once you have completed the patch install you just restore auto protect and things are right with the world again.
  17. Steve are you saying that this anamoly is caused by something in the save turn process of an upgraded PBEM game , and would not occur in a brand new PBEM game played after upgrading to 2.11?
  18. What do you have there at your house that attracts all these vermin? Besides booze that is.
  19. AT guns are essentially useless in meeting engagements because of all the shortcomings they have as posted here. Prepared in place is really the only way they can be at least partially effective. If you have to transport them, push them around or try to set them up in the midst of a firefight, forget it.
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