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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. No reason not to take yourself to the other coast of your Godforsaken Continent, get to the Indian Ocean and further away from us. Take whats his name with you.
  2. Shouldn't you be swimming in the Indian Ocean listening for PINGS, or acting as shark bait or sumfunk?
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Anvil-War-Generalship-Defense-Eastern/dp/1853671819/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1396283252&sr=1-1&keywords=the+anvil+of+war This is an excellent book that presents a lot of detail on what the Germans encountered late in the war in the East, and how they went about trying to counter it.
  4. Li Li Li.....Li Li Li Li.. Li Li Li, La La La Li Li. Courtesy of Simon and Garfunkle "The Boxer" 1970.
  5. Once you get it, we shall see who is the spanker and who is the spankee!!
  6. Radley!!! Have you gotten a decent computing device yet, one does a bit more than allow you to post in here? (Not the one your employer provided and has no idea you spend three fourths of your work day on these forums and not actually working) Can you play the game yet?
  7. There are no gods here, only idjits pretending to be witty.
  8. WW2 Normandy Vet Bill Guarnere dies at the age of 90.
  9. So!, Shaw rears his ugly head after years of hiding, he must be looking to borrow money.
  10. Not where OJ used to live? Thinking is your first mistake.
  11. Its about F$#%ing time you boobs decided to create a new MBT!!! Why I'll never know, but it gives the mentally challenged a place to post, excluding me of course.
  12. I think its the brown pullover he wears each week that makes him so loveable. Remember how Mr Rogers used to put on his sweater with the elbow patches before he started spouting his wisdom to the kids? I think Normal Dude is on to something. :-)
  13. I assume you have seen the flame graphics watching Chris/ND's live streams on the internet. Are we even sure that those will be the final iteration of what the flame graphics will look like? He has stated that he is playing on a Beta version not fully implemented.
  14. Wow, this thing is still going. Human beings of all races, creeds and nationalities are capable of the most wonderful behavior as well a the most despicable behavior. I'm piqued that this seems to be a surprise to a lot of you.
  15. Hey thanks alot ChrisND, that was fun to watch.
  16. The tracks are getting dangerous ahead......a wreck could happen at any moment. Especially since the US beat Russia this morning in hockey after 8 shootouts in overtime 3-2.
  17. We already have anti personnel and anti tank mines in game. Can they be placed in structures? Not sure, but they would serve adequately as a boobytrap IMO. What else could you booby trap if you had that option, that would in anyway influence game play other than the way mines do now?
  18. Well in that case you would hope that the designer is mature enough to know when he is being trolled by a 14 year old or is getting valid critique from a person interested in bettering the scenario. That is why the ROW series seemed to succeed in getting creative AARs and mature and intelligent feed back on the battles. The feedback came from players who had actually played the series of battles from one side or the other within the parameters of the tournament. Of course if you design a scenario and just throw it out there like so much meat to the lions you have to expect feedback that is not honest or constructive.
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