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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Aw come on, admit it....you like to peek in there from time to time....dontcha.
  2. Along with watching the grass grow, its one of my favorite pastimes.
  3. The pearls of the cassava plant are quite unique. In Vietnam we stomped through endless fields of them. never knowing their worldwide popularity. I was often spellbound.
  4. Jon S could be the winner, but he may be a Nexus 6, does that give him unfair advantage?
  5. My Lord!!! Yeknod is on a veritable spastic episode of postings. Rapid fire verbal barbs tossed hither and yon. I wonder if he is violating the large capacity magazine rule?
  6. The biggest story coming out of the Super Bowl was not the game itself but the fact that CBS did not have a time delay in place when Joe Flacco shouted "THIS IS F'ING GREAT!!!" Apparently only Beyonce' was on delay, as if she were more likely to say or do something stupidier than the average footbal player. Welcome to America 2012!
  7. Why is his picture in a game about the Normandy Campaign....he was never there.
  8. See and its already having a subliminal effect on you..... "I bin watching it a lot" is the new leader of AQIM!! Taking the place of Osama bin Laden. What does all this have to do with Fallschirmjaegers?
  9. Texans can be quite "British Acting" at times, especially if they have BBC America on their cable TV systems. I shudder to think how they will behave when Al Jazeera comes along.
  10. Have a lot of freinds do you? I guess all illiterate ex-pats wind up in Doha. Maybe since the fellow was German you meant freund, I'm in a generous mood, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
  11. Thats really stretching the point, don't you think? I wouldn't say a significant portion of the population has these opinions. Donald Trump made a big deal about the President's birth certificate, but most people I know didnt think much of his ravings. The Muslim thing was also a tempest in a teapot, not many reliable sources latched on to that either. There are a lot of folks in this country that just don't plain like Obama and his policies, but what that has to do with the neglect of history is beyond me.
  12. History and Tradition are what cements a people together. Once you ignore your history you are likely to have a country composed of many special interest "communities", without any commonalities of tradition or belief.
  13. Which is a sad state of affairs for this country. Even so, how many people in other countries know a lot about historical figures of their own land? Let alone of a different country? To a thirty year old in the US today, WWII history is so far in the past for them, it might as well be of no value, and knowing about a British General!, not happening. The American Civil War?, that might as well be Athens vs. Sparta....who cares about that? Its just a fact of modern life, unless people have a particular interest in history and historical figures, anything more than ten years in the past is ancient.
  14. All right, I won't, we'll leave things civil and as they are. Happy New Year.
  15. So, are there any non Hollywood directors that bash the Brits? Or is it the fact that Hollywood is so successful and so American that really bothers you?
  16. Please elaborate....we would love to mock your ramblings.
  17. 1.It's about the fact that he is in charge of the film, he get gets to do what he wants. 2. We Yanks love to bash Monty, no secret there.
  18. As Steiner14's opponent in this battle, in my first turn of the game before hitting the ESC key, I cannot see any of his defensive positions. Especially the ones high up on the mountain. After looking closely I can see the terrain "deformations" where the bunkers would be, but they are in areas where my units have no direct LOS. I should not be able to see anything but the terrain in the area. I guess there is no FOW for terrain, which makes sense. I should not be able to see the deformations for bunkers though.
  19. Its comforting to know that they at least wear them. Why, I dont really know.
  20. God bless us one and all!!! For the rest we should re-open the workhouses.
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