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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. No personal affront was taken. I wanted to male the point that even though I would like to see designers get as much feedback as possible, I too was guilty not providing it. Thank you my health issues have been taken care of. It is a difficult balancing act.
  2. Yeah, I was one of the lazy sods who did not submit an AAR in your tournament after getting knocked out in the first round. I'm sorry for that, some health issues got in the way for me at the time. But you are absolutely right, just running a tournament can be a lot of work, and coming up with a formula to get folks to submit feedback can also be daunting. Treeburst155 ran several of the ROW affairs, along with someone else who I dont recall now. The tournament itself was based on points and was not a knockout type, that may help. Winecape, offered bottles of South African wines to those who submitted the best AARs. Perhaps offering incentives in the form of prizes is the only way to ensure majority participation in the feedback requirement.
  3. Back in the CMx1 Golden Years we had the "Rumor of War" tournament series that were very popular. Members of the community who had the ability, designed H2H battles based on the tournament parameters, and a series of battles were fought over time, until a winner was declared. One of the requirements of participation as a player was to create AARs of the all the battles from the side one was playing. Some AARs were very creative, and some were plain, about what you would expect from a random group of players. The AARs also served as a feedback vehicle for the designer and eventually when the tournament was completed the scenarios became public domain for general download. IIRC there were 5 total ROW tournaments. Participation was always high, and believe it or not some players did not review their battles as required by the rules. So even in a semi controlled environment like this some folks just did not bother to give any feedback. The feedback that was provided however was always fair and valid. There are still a few of us around on these forums who participated both as players and designers, and remember how much fun they were and how valuable the AARs were to the battle designers. Perhaps a CMx2 based ROW Tournament might increase the feedback for player designed battles.
  4. That group of photos was clipped out of a German propaganda film that was staged after an American unit was overrun by elements of Kampfgruppe Hansen. Apparently the SS man with the MG survived the war and moved to the US. He has chosen to keep his identity confidential. I'm sure the cameraman probably asked the soldiers to pick up American rifles to make the film more dramatic for the folks back in the Fatherland. I can see Germans dumping their own cigarettes to get a pack of Luckys, but I dont see them trading an MP44 for an M-2 carbine.
  5. True, von Manteufel did not take part in the Normandy campaign.
  6. What I find interesting is people who drop these types of "negativity Bombs" as I refer to them, never come back into the thread to defend their extreme comments against folks who come along later. They have a purpose in mind.....to piss off as many people as they can, and then they probably sit back and chuckle as people react to their comment. They are not true believers, but just petty trouble makers. One of the sadder realities of the internet.....any dope can say whatever they want, with totally anonimity, and without regard for the interests or feelings of other human beings.
  7. Ah, you're back! Persistense is considered a positive trait, except in your case its just annoying. I am saddened to know that someone as lame as you lives on the same island as I do. In the immortal words of Sensei John Kreese "you're a pushy little bastard, but I like that, I like that"
  8. The cold can scoop up a lot of undesireable elements as it gouges its way through the midwest.
  9. Yes he could be considered the epitome of old and grouchy.
  10. You're getting old and grouchy. Don't you remember how much fun this used to be?
  11. I always suspected there was a lot of in-breeding going on in Springs. I never in a million years thought it was this rampant. To mistake Route 112 for the LIE, takes a certain level of brain impairment, even for a Bonacker.
  12. BRRRRRRRRP!!!!! Beulah the Buzzer has pronounced you WRONG!!!! You lose. You have defintely proved yourself to be an idiot by getting two of three moronically easy questions for any LIer worth his salt. Move along, there is nothing for you here.
  13. Quickly loser, pronounce Happauge and where is 112? What do you lose when you get Verizon FIOS? Its been a long time since a SSN has dared to cross this hallowed threshold, I want to make sure you are a legit idjit.
  14. No, who in their right mind would do that? Wait, is there such a thing? It seems that so many Ozzies live in other places, what does that say? It seems that Emrys would probably want to live there. He would fit right in as just another odd member of the animal kingdom. I just hope they are enjoying their fading summer weather, I'm thinking of moving to someplace perpetually warm. This climate change nonsense is starting to bother me.
  15. Quick, all you superbrains, what are the three states of water? Have things gotten this bad, discussing ice, and the sad fact that dalem gets visits from Berli and Seanachai ? Lets talk about how Boo talks such nonsense all the time that he begins to sound like a Lewis Carrol poem.
  16. Is this a plea for help, to remember old Beatles songs, or to keep us thinking about CM Bagration?
  17. There is no need to dump Norton if you are satisfied with it. Just go into your Norton settings and turn off Auto Protect until you have loaded the upgrade, then turn it back on. No big deal, or go in and un quarantine the file in your threats section if you have already gone through the download and install process.
  18. Bridge pathing issues have been around since the beginning of CMBN.
  19. How many times did your StuG wind up on top of the bridge before you tried FAST, or did you use that mode from the beginning?
  20. Not to be sarcastic or anything, but it is a New Year, I get to start fresh. Looks like bridge waypoint issues are still with us. Maybe the issue was never fixed, maybe we are likely to see them until they are finally fixed somewhere down the road. Try to get a Stug to pass under the railroad overpass in Jon S' scenario. My last contact with him gave me the impression he was looking into it. Hope he has a fix, and it was just specific to his map design.
  21. The "Sie Kommen" group of scenarios by Fredrocker has a beach landing battle that is quite good. Its not a re-creation of Omaha Beach but its close enough IMO. I dont know where they are available anymore, but from one NY senior citizen to another if you send me a PM with your email address, I'll send you the game file. In the meantime maybe someone will pop in with the location of the SK battles.
  22. Ok thanks for the reply you scum sucking, parasitic sheep shagger.
  23. There also comes a point where the desire for realism and game immersion conflict with the pure enjoyment of playing a tactical simulation. You can adjust factors as much as you want to produce a realistic model of a battlefield, and the amount of information available to the local commanders (you the player) about his opponent (the AI or another human player). However, once it becomes a continuous stream of micro management and order giving, the game loses its fun factor and just becomes work. My opinion.
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