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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Plenty of rubble to be had, might as well put it to good use. They probably can't afford to replace the RA modules.
  2. What don't you understand, my friend?
  3. That is my point LLF, when our guys cheer they are immature and bloodthirsty. When the Jihadists cheer, we call ourselves infidels and make excuses for them. It just seems odd to me.
  4. Eeeeeew, the fingers on his left hand are also creepily the same length....is that a bug too???
  5. Don't forget to mention that a special blank cartridge had to be chambered in order to create the gas to launch the grenade. With a clip full of blanks, it would certainly be wise to have an additional rifle or sidearm available.
  6. Interesting how tolerant we are of these rebel fighters invoking the greatness of God every time they destroy a vehicle or kill SAA soldiers. I remember not so long ago how folks in these forums got all over American soldiers and Marines for hooting and cheering after destroying Iraqi positions shown in videos during the second Iraq war. The stresses of combat certainly affect people in different ways.
  7. I'm sure you have realized that 99% of these videos show action in urban locations. There are no battles going on in open country, which I am sure is the majority of Syria's geography. Urban battles are meatgrinders, i.e Stalingrad, Sevatopol, Kharkov, Aachen, Berlin to name a few in WW2. More recently Grozny and Fallujah. I'm sure that Syrian Army leaders have enough smarts not to deploy infantry heavy units in these large cities. They would be inviting heavy casualties. What they are trying to accomplish, I think, is to maintain a hold, however small, on the cities to deny them to the rebels. Pound the towns and cities to rubble, and along with that any safe havens for the rebels.
  8. Kinda proves the philosophy of Karma, or to use a Christian version; Whatever you sow, so shall you reap.
  9. Get a hold of a movie called "Defending your Life", written by Albert Brooks, and also starring Meryl Streep and Rip Torn. It pokes righteous fun at all these theories about how fear motivates our lives.
  10. As I think has been mentioned before, to my understanding anyway, scenarios and campaigns, even going back to the CMx1 days, that were created after the release of the main game were always free and available to the community on several different websites. Sometimes the only requirement to obtain really good quality human designed battles and campaigns was to join a ladder club or a wargaming website. Players designed and made available to the community, hundreds of battles free of charge. I don't see that trend changing much, unless the desire to design and produce CMx2 battles and campaigns dries up.
  11. Good thing you guys aren't paying carbon taxes for all the hot air expended in this thread. I won't add any more caio
  12. Could we at least have purple colored smoke?
  13. I just received this book in the mail. An excellent photo-essay of the battle in chronological order. A lot of photos previously unpublished. Not intended as a history lesson, more human interest IMO, but an excellent look at the German response to the massive allied airborne drops and subsequent armored thrust toward Arnhem. Along with the hefty pricetag, one should do some weight training in order to be able to just pick the book up. Its large and heavy and meant for the coffee table. Great resource for modelers and others who are interested in German equipment and uniforms.
  14. I should think a good pounding of the meat should precede the cooking, donkey is notoriously tough!.
  15. Oh, I understand now.....bugger off! Does that clarify matters?
  16. The tac ai needs to control teams and squads better in the urban setting. Sometimes a team member will stand exposed in a doorway or street waiting the rest of his team to catch up, only to be gunned down. I dont know what neeeds to be done to correct group behavior, but in city settings it can be deadly.
  17. It also saw a lot of action in the Huertgen Forest, and then on into Austria and Czechoslovakia.
  18. Why did they let YOU in the room.......oh I get it, to clean up the dog poop.
  19. I miss the Gnome , his brand of cynism and black humor was always entertaining,
  20. Vacationing in each other's countries is the new way Europeans make war. They can be obnoxious and rude to each other without firing a shot or commencing a siege....its wonderful.
  21. The Thread , slowly slides off page one and into the oblivion of ignored and old threads. Sort of like a home for the elderly and infirm, but instead a place where threads that no one cares about anymore reside.
  22. Just once, I would love someone to call me "Your Eminence"
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