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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. And I am drinking green tea With a dollop of "gravel root" (... for to ease strictures in the joints) And "milk thistle" (... so to help the liver process accumulation of wrongly introduced... junk! LOL!) And rest assured of this one thing, jjr. You have FOOLED very many over the years, But, I like to pretend that you haven't Put much of much over on me. As in... you thoroughly ENJOY Playing the jester, The "show-man" Entertaining the gathered clan. You are NOT remotely what you seem to be. Anybody, IMHO, Who can see the genuine poetry In J Swaggert, or Jerry Lee, Is alright by me. :cool:
  2. Hmmm. In over 4 years on this forum I cannot recall One single incident, jjr, When this was the case, IE, that some member... WORSHIPS Hitler Or, the GErmans in general. Name one instance. And if you can do, tell me, if you don't mind HOW you could possibly "Get inside the heart & mind" Of any person that you cannot see, Or touch, say, Shake hands with, And, "Look 'em in right IN the eye" So to determine, tactiley, Just WHAT they are made of. And just what they... believe. Did you not know the exaggerated amount Of sheer "showmanship" That happens on any forum. [... simple reason being, no one looking over the shoulder, a chance to let go some REAL, or imagined thoughts that you would NEVER allow out in ordinary, everyday conversations] You should. You are one of the aptest practisers Of it. As when you CONSTANTLY accuse Some folks, play-testers even, Of being GErman lovers And such & so. No more than it is your fault, Or mine, or ANYBODY Now alive, That the Indians are living on Reservations, Which, BTW, Was very often the LEAST desirable land Available in any given State. Nor, that it is OUR fault that African-Americans Were once upon a time, Chattels without chance of living Out the American Dream, even steven, No hindrance, no harm. So? I must conclude, then, that YOU, jjr, REALLY truly mean it When you say that we shouldn't BLAME Anyone now alive, Like GErmans, or the Spanish in South America, Or the French in Canada, etc, For ANYTHING that happened BEFORE each of us was born. That's fine, I've often expressed an identical sentiment. However, I would add this: IF some small kindness Can be done For any single Soul who has suffered needlessly, Well, By all means, we should do it. This is realized as: "Making things right." Or, Should you be inclined Easternly, Good Karma. I say: Ease the Earth, Do not further dis-ease it. :cool: [ June 28, 2006, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  3. Well, jjr, I had already been promised one of these Awhile back, only, For some reason I don't know What-for or why, I never received it via the mails. :confused: Still got Pony Express up 'er in old Idaho? LOL. 'At's alright. All I EVER wear are Levis and T's, So I got plenty. Wear 'em everywhere I go, no exceptions, I ain't enny fawning fashionista. Weddings, Larks in the park, Frequent trips to the local Hoo Doo Shop, or Out to dinner with the wife, usually, It's... Levis and T's. Trouble being, if it's some sort of up-town Place where the in-crowd yearns to hang out, They like to MAKE you wear a tie. Not a problem. I have this skinny thing from high school Graduation that I keep close To hand, in ragged back pocket. Utilitarian item for sure. Use it as bandana, Or a kerchief to wipe my brow Then I head on out into the desert Hereabouts, and BTW, Once I lasso'd a rattlesnake with it, and, I insist, that's no lie. Thanks San Diego I've enjoyed reading yer apt And game-improving contributions As well. I FIRMLY believe ANY good forum Has MANY myriad sorts of things in it, as I am quite convinced That...all work and no! play Makes Jack & Jill As though they had spent the whole day Rolling an out-of-round rock Up & down the hill, over And over and over again, Like Sisyphus had to do, eh? Couldn't agree more, RJ. In them days the Studios controlled Actors with long-term contracts, At outrageously low pay, compared To these lucrative Malibu days, anyway, And would trade them around To other Studios, Like us kids down and dirty, Bartering baseball-cards. And yet, Despite being semi-subservient, Somehow... they managed to project A kind of "majestic elegance" And they truly KNEW their craft, How to hit the mark and make a spark That translated mere celluloid Into a view... resembling the arc Of a night star's light Sleightly adrift, And you half asleep, half awake, There in the dark. And very best, An innocent T-shirted arm looped Oh so casual... 'round yer lightly Perfumed, soft-shouldered Beauty. Yeah, them were the days, alright. :cool:
  4. [... pardon, a bit off-topic, but, not really] Thanks for the recommendation RJ, Since I have somehow missed that one. William Holden is, perhaps, THE most Under-rated American "actor" - ever. One of the few, As with Burt Lancaster, Very early and honest Jack Nicholson When he had not become mere Charicature of himself, and Humphrey Bogart, beginning to end, Who could - literally, stop a "moving picture" Frame by frame. IOW, he had that rare quality Of... "quietly exerted" charisma, And a kind of stoic, and Natively wise, yet "expressionist" demeanor. As Michael Caine or Max von Sydow Can sometimes also accomplish now. I am fair certain you've already seen THE best motion picture RE: WW-2, That has ever been made, IMHO: Cabaret. It isn't merely the lavish production values, Nor the "haunting & poetic" songs, And not even the excellent, explicit Attention to period detail, But... FAR more, A chilling portrait of "group consciousness" On the verge of collective regression To a primitive "fear & loathing;" A whole Society crashing to base impulse And superstitious embrace In the vain hopes Of subduing the "slouching Beast" As it trudges toward (... a secretly greeted) Apocalypse. Some of those scenes, As with the one lone GErman Youth Inspiring the ordinary "Rathskeller Volk" To a hyper-heightened "nationalism," Are harrowing and, truly, An age-old, yet ever risible warning That what happened in GErmany, Circa... 1930, to and through 1945, CAN happen... anywhere. As the prescient author, Sinclair Lewis has written it In a novel with deliberately ironic title: "It Can't Happen Here." (1935) IE, here,... in America. Unbridled power done run amok, Safeguards indolently pitched on trash heap, In the name of impossibly achieved "Complete security." Well, sure it can. Yep, recent evidence Would unequivocally suggest, If not... INSIST, You bet it can.
  5. Shootout at the mostly-OK Corral! Yipee Kai Yai, and 88's away! LOL. OK, I'll send EM later tonight when I get back on the Net. Now, time to tend to that there broken fence-line, And! Lookee there! I usually see one of these every day When I get down the road a piece. :cool:
  6. MUCH potential yet exists In that "silent running" feature, I agree. Avoiding SM's "round up" Seems a desirable goal. We'll see what, IF anything, The King of the Cowboys might Eventually enact In the way of an... anti-lassoo. :cool:
  7. Thanks TK, I have noticed that you've been VERY active In the meanwhile, With some X-tremely art-ful devise In scripted AI, and otherwise. Apt point about: "Scattered and too-occasional anecdotes." I agree. Small sample size is the bane Herein, and, of my Profession As well, Since MANY "psychological portraits" Are soon enough Over-turned... even, derided, And rightfully so, By another, more diligent And faithfully testing individual Or group. Rare indeed is the fast-drawn! Smoking gun actually emitting ANYTHING of substance, Saving, perhaps, colourless, odourless, Hot air. [ June 26, 2006, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  8. Ummm, TK, "theory-craft" IS what ordinarily preceeds actual Hard testing, yes? When I first looked at Hubert's "design doc" A couple years ago, I thought to myself: "Wow! Now, THAT is really great theorizing!" Yet, I appreciate yer over-arching bridge Across these turbulent waters. More reportage, in AAR's, In ACTUAL testing out Of personally conceived ideas, Surely is a valuable short cut, like Leaping from (... slippery) stone to stone, Instead of peering down From high on the bridge Whereat you can't see the minnows, Let alone enny Monsters of the Deep. ___________________________ Also, a reminder. It has already been established, IMO, That U-boots DID INDEED Sink a fairly great percentage Of Capital Ships, Especially the very vulnerable CV's. Therefore, I wouldn't lower Sub ratings As much as JdF2 has recommended. To each their own opinion, And more and MORE "theorizing" please! :cool:
  9. In over 50 years of a'times utterly irresponsible and profligate relationship between myself and the Common Weal and Good, I have nonetheless TRIED to refrain From throwing hard-earned Dollars down the sewer-drain. One of those times when I abjectly failed Was... when I purchased Hearts of Iron. A more stupidly ridiculous WW-2 war-game I shall NEVER find. Ever. Even should I discover The Philosopher's Stone (... or HGH derivative that is herbal, holistic and not likely to annihilate my vulnerable innards) And live another 50 years.
  10. Various values are probably lower than I would have it, but, Excellent! Analysis and test-profile, JdF2. :cool:
  11. I am allergic to milk. Didn't happen until I turned age 40, Which is odd, but 'at's OK, Now I have come to really prefer Rice Milk. OK, SM, I will take you up on your offer for some "thunder under the sand-glittered sun." However, Neither one of us seems to have a public EM address, and so... we could NEVER make contact? (... tried yer "home-page" and got error message) Each existing in one of the other of the 4 dimensions? Anyway, let me know how to reach you and I'll send EM with parameters & particulars.
  12. Thanks Diced Ice, [... a friendly "take" on how enshaded cool are many of your posts; if you don't care for that liberty, say it straight out, I desist ] You had taken a short break as well, And so, I'd suppose, We are BOTH "Fit as... some combustible Hendrix git" And ready to rock the House cold, Since foundations are semi-solid! Roll-yer-own Gold! :cool: Actually, Blashy Mon, Bill And I are all on the same SC team, [... along with some others who haven't yet announced it aloud] Though, Some might imagine that I am hardly Game-vetted Vet enough To qualify? LOL, it's alright, I know what Is what, in game or street. Your suggestion is a good one. Not sure if Hubert wants to change Schematic all that much, But, As with all else, We can only wait and see? Agree on difficulty of "modeling" USA's gargantuan "gear up," But, I reckon some satisfying solution Will emerge, Either as implemented in default, Or by way of one the very MANY Adept "modders" Who have staked some claims. :cool:
  13. Essentially you can already do this now, Should you prefer that sort of game. Mod away!
  14. Actually, You seem to be swooning once again jjr, Since that naval occasion was A kind of "happy accident," which Come to think on it, Is what God IS. As opposed to the presently supposed Mean Old MAN, Who chooses sides In War or ho-humdrum daily life, Depending on who? Has horded the most Lucre? LOL!
  15. I would make it a half-salute, SM, How I had usually done it when I was in (...save for 1st Sergeant, who had EARNED it) Half-way raised, yea, Nonchalantly lowered, with just A touch of the ironic fey. No snap, no smile, Nor some reckless grimace neither, nothing 'Cept keeping that secret integrity of Each's potentially Universe-shattering Soul. Yep, half-salute... UNTIL, Is attained, The Holy Grail. As was the olden Knights - charge! Anticipated query: "Grail" being - what? In a wargame, Balanced, Many and sufficient variables So to allow tremendous! re-play-ability, An in-depth S&T possible, Sans any onerous "micro-managing," And, By FAR! the most important thing, Having plain old fun! Either HvsH or Solo. Which, happily enough, IS being Diligently worked upon, Day after day after night into Dawn yawning unto sun-dun dusk, even As I type. In Life? Each to their own. Yet, Coming to realization That there NEEDS be: Harmonic Equilibrium, In... Science/INNATE religious impulse, Which ALL possess in equivalent measure, Bar NONE, despite "class" divisions Becoming egregiously proto apparent; In... industry/preserving the ONLY Earth We'll ever EVER have; And most vital, Personally internalized Codes of... Honor & Ethics :cool: In lieu of - I DESERVE! All! and eveything! - right this nano-instant! No matter I did nothing for nobody Other than #1, Which is jejune and fooly un-cool, and A... Blues House of Shame, too. [ June 25, 2006, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  16. You have MANY variables. Weather being merely one of them. Some others being: Diplomatic results. Tech Achievements. Unpredictable combat dice rolls. As Terif the Myth has aptly stated, You must ADJUST according to new variables Introduced as the game progresses. What would you prefer? A safe, Predictable, Constant, And soon boring adventuring? Game after game after game? The weather WAS a major factor in this war, And in EVERY war since Wielding long animal bones In the Cave Days. Why ever would you want stultifying SAMENESS, Come rain or shine? :confused:
  17. All on SC-2 board, Recently I have been too Heavily "involved" in: 1) Politics 2) Religion 3) Some " personally offensive" stuff, Therefore, As appropriate measure, And proper penance, I leave the SC-2 board for now. In two weeks, I'll reconsider where I am at, And may be back. Meanwhile, pzgndr, Blashy and of course! Hubert Can answer all yer questions. Patch #1 is really cool, BTW. :cool: Also, My apologies to anyone that has borne The brunt of my a'times strident remarks [... you too rambo jr, ah, yer alright!] There are reasons for my present "upset" But no excuses. What merely matters is... this great game.
  18. ALL of these quotes are from SeaMonkey, A well-meaning, I am convinced, and Learned, intelligent human: #1) #2) #3) Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Somehow, Some way, I am trying to give fair hearing, but, These 3 quotes don't... QUITE, jive, At least, not to me. :confused: ROOT OUT "evil" at EARLIEST possible instant, Since, as we know, The deed very OFTEN follows, is father to The constant, oft-repeated THOUGHT, And yet, No, never mind, let's wait awhile, See what happens down the road some. See if time is on our side, See if the "evil" will wilt away All by itself, Who knows, Could be a... beneficence In odd disguise - ah! so, All depends on WHICH kind of perceived evil, Hey, I get it. LOLOL! Could have been applied in a more recent Pre-emptive and INSANE And commonly tolerated Inanity, eh SM?
  19. ADDENDUM: Last night, I was testing new patch, And, My wife happened to come into Well-stocked gaming room, And she noticed that NAZI flag On BF's logo, And she asked me: "Dave, Why does this company that you associate with" Anyway, she goes on: "Why do you NOT mention something to them BF folks, That our sister-in-law being Jewish, And who lost MANY relatives To them Nazi Pigs, Would REALLY have to wonder WHERE IN HELL! Is your priorities, your Sense of honor and decency? That you wouldn't even protest this Lack of common Corporate consideration?" I could not answer her - then, But, NOW I let her read the things I have typed Today. Not enough, but a start. [ May 27, 2006, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  20. I wouldn't mind it. Naval Bombers! Ship-to-sky Flak attacks! I say - go for it! LOL! :cool:
  21. Good point DT. Thank you, I am done with this cretin... for now. Until the next needs be dealt with, In real life, And NOT on some "safe-at-a-distance" War game Forum. Then I will indeed stand up, Count down, Whistle very tunelessly, And allow them ever-growing Vermins 'er ONE chance To get out of my sight.
  22. It ain't no hysteria, John C, It is purely reasonable and rational Disgust. Gotta keep that back-brain Wet-dream of the Fantasy Freak At forefront, else, IMO, We see it all over again. As it's re-commencing... now.
  23. That incredible MESSED up wreck & dreck, AKA: HoI, Would be something I would avoid Like the next coming Plague. Also, anything! to do with that On the cheap-skating And typical modern Con-Man rip-off, So to "milk the market" merely, IE, GG's WAW, I would also utterly ignore Then it comes time to examine Other sources For some fresh and "out of box" ideas. IMHO.
  24. Fiddle and finagle Mondo Skando, It's ALWAYS the very best way to learn. :cool: Closely examine ALL the possiblities, Go from there. NOBODY else knows what you are up to, Really, So rely on yerself, as Emerson & Thoreau? No doubt yer Russian Campaign Will be great FUN, though, Certainly will be PLENTY Of... click-click-click clicking!!! All around the many stepped town. I would, personally, CUT WAY BACK On so many units. Well, There you go, JUST one old radical catholic's Experienced opinion/perspective.
  25. Thank you, John, For the "true-to-life" reminders. I can well imagine, knowing you as I do, That particular "convincing" Was quick, effective, necessary And quite decisive. Good to know there are ENOUGH Still out there Who will simply not take ANY more Of this old, or Neo brute, infantile And sick-in-head belligerence. You and me, and my brother too, Alone, sans any gangsters, on Harley, Them there American three, Just now, it's... enough. :cool:
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