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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. True enough, insofar as it goes. This moment. Who knows what a modder might? Wish to incorporate In some other differenty scaled scenario, 1800 or so - forward, As with US Civil War. 1) One thing... I can easily foresee Rails going to places where there are NO City as hub/terminus, (IE... from a remote city and then trailing off into... dead-end) And you might want to cut that rail spur To prevent supply to remote units. Also, you have your VERY long line From, let's say - Warsaw to Minsk. Reducing either of those cities SHOULD? Prevent ANY rail/supply movement ALL ALONG that line? No whistle-stop Train Stations in any Small cities along the way, As one might imagine it to be? 2) Yer apparent preference is apt, IF you are using the "railheads" option. If NOT, then you would likely Wish to interdict the rail/supply network Somewhere along the line, eh? (... same way as you could interdict convoy lines with a revised naval dive/torpedo sort of bomber) In fact, were there to be some rail/roads, Then, Our old pal the under-utilized Engineer Would have - a new! task. Repairing the network at break-point. As is, we are apparently destroying Some part of the transport hub Located - somewhere In the generally ruined City? Are we sure we got that Round House? Kinda small in relation To the Big City and its vast environs. And yet, Assuming we did hit the tiny target, Not any way to fix it. Other than waiting for ONE improvement Each turn, Which may never happen Since the determined Bomber Could actually keep City @ zero - forever, Or the rest of the present game, Whichever comes first. That likelihood seems... improbable. IRL War, I mean. More realistic, As viable option, IMO, to have your on-map Rail lines, (... or air-vulnerable Convoy lines) Which could be destroyed At - ANY point, along the path, And, Here comes efficient Engineer! Who could repair - at reasonable cost, And, In ONLY one turn, That particular portion of the line Has been disrupted. Therefore, Rail/roads are indeed an OPtional Method to simulate... op-moves. If we had it, Modded in, or O/W, I would use it. INSTEAD of, Or, a'times - for variety, THE delightful spice of Life - in addition To... "rail-heads." :cool: ________________________ **IOW... suppose there is a LONG rail line From City to City - after all, not a LOT Of Cities on board, and then the unit could Op-move ONLY to - the point of disrupture, And no further... say, half-way from Paris To Brest, and not all the way Into, or next to Brest. _________________________ And, as possibility... allow your Engineer To BUILD new lines. For example, You have the '39 Scenario With rail/roads ONLY going From Capital to Capital. So. IF you want that line from Paris To Bordeaux, well, You have to instruct Engineer To construct. I wouldn't mind something such as this As well: IF the Engineer connects a rail line To a resource such as Oil or Mine/mineral, Or, to a new! Factory Complex sprite, THEN, The value of the resources increases By one. Building things. Making your OWN unique game board. Now that's the ticket! LOL! **Could even have it where old pal Engineer Could ALSO Construct: 1) Airports (... range and recon bonus) 2) Supply Depots (... for "offensives," Which, actually were VERY expensive to undertake... might curtail some of the helter-skelter ram-rod around, eh?) 3) Shipyards (... for repairs BEYOND just the one point per turn for smaller ports) 4) Sub Pens (... IRL, there was not ANY damage to ANY subs in ANY sub-pens) 5) ?????... no limit to the human ingenuity or imagination, eh? Now, Some Old Guard Grogs are gonna opine: "You want to have Civ 3 or 5 or 7? Go buy it and play it!" I say: WHEN you can be intimately involved In CREATING a VERY unique and personally Contrived Map/Environment, In a game, or, In your own life (... IE, that new! kitchen remodeling you finally! Finished at great effort? So neighbors actually CLAMOR to come to YOUR house for dinner? LOL!) Well, All to the better. IMHO. :cool: [ February 14, 2007, 04:36 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  2. Sounds like a great game Minty. Had very many myself, playing HvsH. Now, If we can only punch up the AI Some more, a little bit more, Here and there and All around the SC Town, well, We'd really have some kind of b/witchen Wonderful, eh? And, Some thing tells me... it's gonna happen, IS happening... now. :cool:
  3. I would like... the EASY ability To use that fantabulous Editor, Ever evolving as it is, And must be, To... put LETTERING on any map. Well, Maybe some SC Graphics Cat Already knows HOW this can be done, Using "MS Paint" or some other inaccessible To most of us, sort of Fancy Graphics program. Cool for them. But, I'd prefer that we could do it Ourselves, as we please. Large maps, Middling maps, Small maps. Names of cities, Names of gulfs or bays, Names of regions, Or a whole mountain meadow Named after an old girl-friend From 1963. :cool: (... nope, my wife ain't up yet, still sleeping, won't read this commentary, ever... will she? :eek: LOL!)
  4. Excellent propostion Colin I, And I really like having "infrastructure" Play a part in movement cost. We need to make that research area More valuable, in terms of "Bang for the buck." I wouldn't mind also seeing Engineers able to build & repair Rail roads, So that Strat bombers would have Another target. [... and BTW, and as corollary, I ardently AGREE with those who would like the "naval bombers," however configured, to be able to score hits on any convoy line] Small % chance to hit, of course, Yet, It would add great excitement (... trying to knock out the rail from Paris to Brest in '44, for instance) And equally vital - variablity To this fast! evolving game. **Nobody ain't seen hardly NUTHIN' yet! ANYTHING that can enhance/increase The... "aesthetic gestalt," Is - Jake the Rake, with me. :cool:
  5. Very true. Even, To the extent that - during daylight hours, The paltry submarine force Had to remain submerged During daylight hours Or it woulda been smashed to smithereens. Malta "effect" just was NOT much of an effect UNTIL, oh, 'round about Spring of 1942 when "Malta Strike Force" WAS finally able to interdict Enough supplies to "turn the tide" Against the Desert Fox in North Africa. I do like the idea, however, That Malta Effect is primarily based on The size of the unit, IE, if it has been diminished, Whether that be ground or air, (... yep, I would have this difference for unit type - in HvsH games, since Solo-AI doesn't KNOW, or care, which is more likely to inflict the most damage on convoys) AND, additionally, On the size of the port and the little Island enclave itself. IOW, you start at, say, 10% "effectiveness" And that would be reduced, Proportionally, Depending on the COMBINED "value/effect" Of unit AND resource. :cool: [... all of this would be a pain in the keister... in a board game, but, computer capability can and should allow MORE intricate combinations and "un-seen" calculation - a simple "pop-up" with brief explantion of results should be sufficient - same kind of thing you might use for convoy attack results, or, strat bombing success, or lack thereof]
  6. Yep, especially when it issues Out the mouth Of the Nazis. Well, For that matter, "War Propaganda" Then, or, NOW, Ain't exactly the whole truth And - nothing but, eh? JUST because something is WRITTEN down, Doesn't mean it is Exacto facto. Does it? And, What you can Every day mundane - see, witness, Breathe in, ozmose, Is, oh, probably? A tiny FRACTION Of all that is... actually "there." So. I wouldn't bet the Gigantic Corporate Farm On anything - ANY Government CLAIMS, During... war. Peaceful existence... maybe.
  7. Legion are the number, SM, Yea verily, are the number of Scoff Cats Who have been handsomely gifted For dutifully DENYING a thing Which quite apparently... exists, Does NOT ipso in facto exist - at all! Usually, some body with vested interest, Say, Like a fat cat that has got ALL he Or she needs, And has no concern IF the next neighbor do. It's REALLY the rage These days - the... Credo, Dude, "I got mine, ta hell with at mangy Cat Over there, over the border!" Well, I guess it's like you said once: "I am a Texan FIRST, And an American next." LOL! Well, Got some news for ya. "Fear mongering" and "double-speak" Ain't o-riginating From out of the mouth of Bawling Babes, eh? It cometh from - hallowed halls And echoes offa marble, Dirtied white walls. "War IS Peace." "Black is White." (... IE, in terms of "equal opportunity and access" I mean, LOL!) See, it's all... of a piece. Like... Day into Night. Sorta like so: The gloaming is what is nebulous And - deliberately so confusatory here. Who can SEE coming disaster, There in the HALF DARK, When the bark of the willow tree Looks exactly like the Devil's mark! At's more & more alleged to be EVERYWHERE at the once! LOLOL! BTW, I anyhow, ain't need NO body else To tell me things aint'... quite... right Out there. All I gotta do Is take a long walk through The ummmm... rather shoddy built, Clutter & dross littered City, Over the walls where gangstas have left Their infantile spew-marks, And on out into The cactii and scrub, Them snake trails, and following The (... here and gone again!) Roadrunner tail - through The flash-flooded gulleys & washes. Take a... good... long... look-see. Consult MOSTLY my... gut. No need for enny 'em "experts," Most in particular, that kind Are, like I say, sore handsomely PAID To - as the street mime also do, Intimate - what a Fool! Don't you know? Such and so is indeed MY truth. Can't you SEE that, drone-on Dude? Or, also as mentioned, They got it so awful good, They'll just insist and insist and insist The "dreamed up" problems (... as, recently, all them - bees? just... disappearing? Where ever did they go?) Just...do NOT exist. LOL, times have changed since yer Grandpa Roamed the big-fin roads, yes? Things have... accelerated. I wonder? We got enough... brakes, Are..."techno efficient/sufficient?" __________________________________ BTW: Along with: "Don't worry, be happy," You forgot to also say: "Have a nice Day! " LOLOL! [ February 13, 2007, 04:06 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  8. Well, RAILS sure enough... could. Make Op Moves more realistic, IMO. You have a basic rail network, And Op Moves/Strategic Moves Would have to "follow the blazed trail" Of... the rail road. Supply too. IOW, say, you could Operate a unit From Berlin to Konigsberg, Transport it to Helsinki, And then, likely, depending on how you ADD rail roads to your own mod/game, Force march the unit to Mekilli Lakes area Where Russian Karelian Front Is causing incessant consternation. That kind of thing. BTW, Liam, your idea of Zones Is a pretty good one. Especially "over the seas" movement. And, would work, especially WRT to sending Air Fleets - all over the place and gone. I would prefer it where you have to TRANSPORT Air units across the 7 Seas. Or, alternately, they could move Up to TWICE normal strike range As part of "re-basing," And, assuming a chain of friendly tiles, Eventually get where they want to be. **Various penalties and/or bonuses For Op/Strat moves have been discussed Since the very beginning. Who knows? Maybe some thing new! And daring and different might appear Down the John Henry rail road? :cool:
  9. To paraphrase Robert Kennedy, Who paraphrased it from some old, Long since expired Cat, Who that was, don't know, don't care, It's not important anyhow, just now. _________________________ Some see things as they ARE, And ask... why? Others, See things as they are not, And, have NEVER been, And ask... why not? __________________________ Communism? Some of it good, most of it stifling, Dreadful, totalitarian-tending. Socialism? Parts of it could work, Lots of it would not, ever. Utopia? LOLOLOL! Well, it's a surreal dream-scape And allows us ineffectual escape. Like... Walter Mitty Goes to the Circus Kind of cartoon thing. Capitalism? Simple. It's gonna kill us all. And, Most likely accomplished, By... BURYING us under Tons and tons and tons and tons and tons Of... TRASH. Yeah, come-back Kid, It'll all disintegrate in 10-20,000 years. We ain't got that long. Think of this. How much garbage do you carry out, All... by... your... own self, Each and every day of the week? Yippee! I AM free! Well, multiply that by 7 billion. :eek: Bury it in the sick suffering Earth? Carry it on long ships, And dump it in the gagging Seas? That'll work. For... a little while longer. So. Now we got China, and Russia, And India, and many many others Demanding their industrial due. Ipso in facto, Now we can MULTIPLY that amount Of trash and dross and garbage By another 1, 2, 3, 7 more!... billions. Whee, what fun it will be For - YOUR grand-kids! To clean up. Hmmmm... where do they begin? OH! I see. Technnology will save us! LOLOL! We can send it into... outer-most space! Though, hmmm... that's expensive eh? OK, Back to the original thought, To envision... what is NOT. How about? Some combination of all of the following: Plato's Republic. USA Bill of Rights. British Parliamentary System. (... I LIKE that idea where the PM, as Blair MUST predictably appear and answer all sorts of - sometimes outright indignant, though apparently respectful, questions... ALSO, the notion that a Government can be: delivered unto the trash heap - along with all those mod electronics that go defunct in a year or 2 - in a vote of "no confidence!" IF we had that here in USA, them Oil Goons woulda been pitched out years ago! ) So, on we go, Ten Commandments. Christ the Carpenter's "Sermon on the Mount." Olde Knights' "Code of Honor." SOME Euro versions of "social democracy" (... as inexactly, imperfectly integrated with industrial/entrepeneurial necessity ) And etc etc etc. WHO! Will NOW come together (... NO! NOT biddy Hillary's crazy CON--vocation - "the Global Village!" LOL! That's only more of the current trend towards "one world Government," which is anathema, at least, to me... it's just NOT "human nature" to live en masse, and the "tribal instinct" will, as proven out over many millenia, NEVER go away, it's here to stay, so we may as well admit that, and go from there) AND! Dream up something better than what we got, So to avoid? Is it even possible? The disaster we are surely headed for, THEN! IF the power-brokers and World Bank And Federal Reserve Board (... who took away everybody's GOLD and replaced it with worthless paper, which, BTW, does NOT have to be redeemed, and one day, quite likely, won't be - like those promised pensions by the Super Corps just... suddenly, one fine Blue Bird warbling day... immaterialized!) And those who now HAVE ALL THEY NEED, And much more? Don't like the NEW form of governance? Tough sh*t - throw 'em the hell out. Right along with those billions Of little plastic doo-dads, Let 'em shovel wet cement I say, For a couple bucks a day. See how they like it. OK. Time to - QUIT thinking in terms of What you NOW got, In ANY of its' many iterations, And start thinking of what... might be? Different? Unique? All including? Fair, Honorable, Each respecting, Challenging, Allowing for Nirvana, Sartori, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, the 9 Circles, Reincarnation, existential nothing-ness, Atheism - WHATEVER floats yer boat, And, finding the good, And, deliberately TRYING To displace the bad (... well, some are "sociopaths," and nothing to do about that but put 'em away and throw that dungeon key on our ever growing! Trash Heap, LOL!) Some of the dwindling resources, for each? Instead of - as in USA, The top 20% controlling 80% of the wealth? Now, it's alright with me How YOU "rationalize" and justify it (... IE - ME, I am superior, blessed by innate brains or, more like it, lack of common conscience, and DESERVE all that excess that I, and I ALONE... earned! What ego-maniacal... crap. ) EVERYBODY born on this earth is entitled to a part of it, IMHO, It dont' BELONG to: Exxon-Mobile, The Pentagon, The Queen of England, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Oprah Winfrey, Barry Bonds, Whoever it was who started E-Bay, A Saudi Prince, or Shiek, Well, you get the idea. The dirt, the soil, the very earth And all its majestic spendours, Belongs to... each. Not too difficult a proposition To imagine? We need more Fee feisty Cats like - Spartacus, And WAY, way less of those Who somehow suppose That they, and they alone... are Somehow? DESERVING, And should be allowed to create As much... TRASH... as they please! LOL, how... absurd. How awful... small. [ February 11, 2007, 04:45 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  10. What the dickens Exel? Melt? In that... icen enclave AKA: Land Of the Finns? LOL! Well, Another Cold Cat ain't like baseball, eh? That's alright, I ain't liked it since, oh, 'Round about 19 and 69. [... 'cept for the little leaguers, then the parents aren't around ] I got another one for yer fragile noggin, Been meaning to post it up Since the war boys with their War toys been shoutin' For more! Young blood, well, That what ain't their own, Or, ANY of their OWN kids, that is, As for instance, 99% of the craven cowards who are running A Great collection Of 50 States - the hell Into the ground, of late. ____________________________________ The following composed by Brian Turner, An infantry team leader In Iraq, for a year. In 2005, he published a collection of poems, "Here, Bullet," quite likely to endure long after the shrill arguments about the war have been forgotten. Here is one Turner poem, whose title means "friend" in Arabic, prefaced with a quotation from Sa'di, the 13th century Persian poet: __________________________________ "Sadiq" It is a condition of wisdom in the archer to be patient because when the arrow leaves the bow, it returns no more. It should make you shake and sweat, nightmare you, strand you in a desert of irrevocable desolation, the consequences seared into the vein, no matter what adrenaline feeds the muscle its courage, no matter what god shines down on you, no matter what crackling pain and anger you carry in your fists, my friend, it should break your heart to kill. _______________________________ Some folks KNOW, Been around, Elbows are scarred, Knees are abraded, Got the hands dirty, The heart fired In kilns of ecstasy, and, Travail, Learned stuff the hard way, And yet... still And sore fiercely - holding dear Such defunct - very nearly, Dumb considered ideas As: Honor, Decency, Dignity, For all! [... and I DO mean... every... single living thing... this, all our one and only Earth) Others, As events make evident, These last two to four-score And more! Years... aint' got... a frickin' clue.
  11. LOL, yeah boy, Old Idaho Ivanho, Of late, [Hey! teetering Stilt Man, ain't it A sad Mad, hate-gay Parade! ] And especially these last several decades, Most shame-less-ly, Them there kill-shy shill-meisters Are... bought... and... sold! As so many 1950's era Baseball Cards are Over the ether E-Bay. O my aching *ss, Fred Myrkle! What you gotta pay! For a 1958 card-set issue **(... REAL-deal ball player likeness - in a circle, Remember JJ? Alas, couldn't do that sort of PIC now - heads are so swole from throwing 'roids down the gape-hole, they wouldn't FIT should the card be -> bill-board size :eek: ) Anyhow, a REAL ball-player card Of, say, one of 'em true Cool Cats Outta Dee-troit City - marv Harv Kuenn, Or slick-mitt'd Al Kaline, even! Coot Veal and/or Ozzie Virgil! (... depending on how much loot ya got to spare... 'course, this omits VERY many now who ain't even able to cadge together rent & med monies ) Why, it's a psycophantic crime! See, IF the LAWS of the Land, In this FAST devolving, teeny-tiny-D "democracy," Were to be strictly, fairly administered, Hell's bells, Mr Swell, There wouldn't BE any 'em lying thieves We got usurping all over the place These last 6 years, In the White House nor In 'at Zoo AKA: ape-walk Congress, Save, maybe, One or 2 or - three? LOLOL! BTW: No need to tell me to "simmer" SeaMonkey, From what I ken tell, Yer all confused about WHAT is "free" Market And what is or is not: Monopoly, Gamed System, Birthright decrees, Ivy League pedigree, Stolen from Workers kind of Lucre, And the like, See what I mean? LOL!
  12. Apt remarks, HvS, These can all be repaired. One way or another. Anybody else got enny commentaries On how the AI can be improved? :cool:
  13. I got the same problem : I get ALOT less tech hits then normal in both my e-mail games so far. Not just a bit less, nono, ALOT ALOT ALOT less. When it was only one game, I thought "well, bad luck, good for the other guy". But in the second game it's exactly the same. In all my AI games (and I played alot), there was not one single game were I had such slow tech advances then in my two PBEM games. Either I am the unluckiest PBEM player in the world or there is something wrong, I tell you. </font>
  14. I wouldn't bet on that Liam. From what I've read, Yogi, TJ, And many others have got some, ummm, Earnest interest In learning the in & out intricacies Of SC-2 Blitzkrieg. One of these days! One of 'em will... just possibly? Even... beat - you? Well, 90 % +++ Don't go to PL, Don't know nor care what it IS, no, They sit easy like Always! Smiling Buddha (... ever wonder? WHY that is the case?) In their very own game-room, And! Have the time of their lives! :cool: Thing is... Hubert, Or ANY game company, in exacto fact, Would go broke in 17 seconds flat! Should they merely market To a few head-hunters, And not take into serious account Those who: 1) Never post on any board, 2) Never care who is #1, Nor, #18 or - next to last! Poor slob! On some arbitrary list, 3) Never say out loud - to their wife, Mistress or faithful dog, such as this: I AM THE... almost! best - at this! They're prob'ly just... havin' fun.
  15. You talkin' to me? Hard to tell. Addressed to no name. Partial quote, out of rhyme. Leastways you didn't use that X-tremely un-cool, unschooled "@" jive.
  16. WELL worth the price, gwg, And best part? YOU! Can make it PRECISELY how you'd like it. The Editor is unprecedented, And from what I can gather, Glancing around at other similar kinds Of games to come [... ahem, one of which seems to be "borrowing" an AWFUL LOT of Hubert's schemes & ideas, well, sometimes, I guess, you gotta do that when you ain't got much... Mojo Moxie of yer own, eh? ] THIS Editor will - REMAIN that way. By an immense length. And EVEN IF you are notso apt At that... as of... yet, You soon enough WILL be. It is VERY easy to learn, Either the Event or AI schematics, yea, There are detailed instructions For each and EVERY file, And "help" provided, Not only in-game, but Also by VERY accomplished SC Cats, Here, and over to the work-shop AKA... Mod Forum. :cool: Arguing, Discussing, Debating, At mainly gracious decibel & percussion, Keeps any "work in progress" vital & fresh, O Yes, as is necessary. And thank the Lucky Stars! Lars, For that! Whether it be, Improving the Game, Or, Perhaps, if pro-actively Bent, and/or intractably intent, Him and her and them and you, And, possibly... even me, IE, Old collar-less dogs CAN learn new! Licks & tricks. [ January 12, 2007, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  17. No. Thing is Minty You'd have to do yer homework, And go back, Let's see... over 4 RAMbunctious years, And read and ponder and read On 3 or 4 different Forums, A couple of which No longer exist, BTW, In order to sleightly understand What is happening here, uh huh, and What it IS ain't exactly clear, There's a man with a... well, never mind, So, hmmmm... you made some other predictions 'At also proved out incorrect, eh? No mention of enny DEBACLE IE, UK co-conspired and mired in Iraq, true? Besides which, Folks can mostly say what they please, (... you for one - don't mind - right?) By - VERY DEFINITION Of the term... "forum." Else, It wouldn't even BE such as that, would it?
  18. Ummm... ever hear the term Non Sequiter? rambo jr... in pancake make-up And silk-black top hat And set-sail tails, Assailing! the audience With nifty - heel & toe, A 2-step dosey-doe, And! A whip crack! :eek: Then the Crowd gets fidgety, yep, Commences to get up and - go. LOL! Yah, Audie, Elvis, The Mighty Mouse Marauder, Who the hell else too! I'll re-visit my old pal Ernie Pyle now & again, Over to the Desert City Library, And NOT - no, never EVER Forget to pay my repects At The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Now there's a courageous, Honorable some one you can Re-set yer disquiet heart-beat to.
  19. Ack! My own words - once again! Coming back to haunt me! Didn't play GG's WaW, Though I did look 'er over real good, Same as I NOW check in On progress of ANY new! WW-2 GS game, As with Commander - Europe @ War, And concluded... an inane, Simplistic rip-off of the VERY worst Aspects of "Axis & Allies." WHAT a piece of exploitive And copy-cat bunch of JUNK THAT thing is! LOL, I'd LITERALLY be ashamed to even Have it on my VERY extensive Game shelf. :eek:
  20. Very true Brad, Not a thing WRONG with re-visiting old ideas, Since... things change. Gotta keep up, Here, out there, in yer community or home, and Not merely with patches, But WRT each our own "modified Gestalt," As we see how the many great games play out, Either HvsH or Solo, Each EQUALLY important. Best evidence... your OWN evolving commentaries Which, As with ALL the rest of the members, Are VITAL in order to INSURE A dynamic and greatly evolved game. In actual exacto-fact - YOU - all, ARE the new! Beta Testers! No need to STIFLE yer intuitive, Gut-feelings and honest, True-to-Self comments and suggestions TJ. As with Retributar, Normal Dude, Moonslayer And many others, You - and they, have X-traordinarily Original, WW-2 enthused, Entertaining (... wouldn't even BE a Forum unless all sorts of stuff - game related, O/T, or personal jump & jive, was IN there, true? :cool: ) And VERY well informed Perspective on this whole... shebang!! Keep 'em fresh ideas coming! :cool: [ January 10, 2007, 06:22 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  21. A mite cynical TJ, And too, A lot provocative. A good mix might be half and half. Half you choose, Half provided on P/Q. As is, You've got more latitude than There does exist from Arctic to Antarctic. Yep, it would. Many games make it VERY difficult For Axis to take out Eygpt, Just as it SHOULD be. As for instance, Third Reich The board-game, where You are only allowed so many strength points In North Afrika, IF you've not taken out Malta. "Malta Effect" implemented to partly Replicate that. There are other ways as well Using combination of Event/AI scripting. I've played EVERY single WW-2 GS game, Board or Pixel, And, IMHO, Hubert is WELL within The "norm" on OOB's Start to finish, Alpha to Omega. Nonsense. Any WW-2 GS game worth it's Gestalt & salt Has combination of 3 essential things: 1) FUN to play, no matter how you gotta finagle it. Map not QUITE as per 1939 World Atlas? So what. You can have USA the size of a mustard seed Or, Covering half the screen area, Clear over to Los Alamos, NM (... side note... used to drive a truck and off-loaded deliveries to that place, yea, it were... eerie and unsettling... musta been the "aura" of... I am Ecce Homo NOW! Destroyer of my one and only World, LOLOLOL!) Anyway, don't matter a whit How you might "draw & paint" the game-board. 2) AESTHETICLY pleasing, IE, decent graphics and in-game "enchantments" and variablility. It's PROVEN through decades of research That EVERYONE is "attracted" to, and by Symmetry, and an apt, ah, Enrapturing sort of colour palette. 3) Adheres to what I like to call Yer basic... "Historical imperatives" Not strictly, And yet, EXACTLY enough so That there is not as much ram-around, Flim-flammable Scam shambling With 'em gamey exploits And "literal impossiblities" Such as taking out Low Countries In 1939. Or, EITHER side invading French NA Colonies Until USA did it in November 1942. Well, There are PLENTY of "modders" out there, More every day! Insofar as I can tell, Who change OOB's and schematics And what-else besides! So to suit How they MOST prefer it. NEVER been ANY Editor such as the one Hubert has provided, Has there? :cool:
  22. My own words, well, I thought... I was hoping... maybe? Some kind of truce, ah, drat it, Spoke to soon, again. Well, Live & learn, what else to do? :confused:
  23. LOLOL! Well, Kinda quiet out here in Desert City, So may as well respond to this simplistic Comment: I suppose the only real "climactic" problem Is... global warming - which 90% ++ Of reputable Scientists the world over Agree IS occurring. Done with that. NOw, As for this "adversity" jive, Here's how I see that SM: 1) Manichean World View too pervasive, US vs THEM, and it's Black & White, WIth no shades of grey (... kinda how rambo junior likes to see it ) 2) Chauvinistic attitudes shouting loud, @ Individuals, or @ States, IE, Patriotism mis-placed, Militarism gone bonkers - even Commencing to make un-livable Outer space (... as with Mars of late) 3) SELF interest above all else, "I/we/my Country is #1 - ha-ha! Take that scoundrels! 4) Creating "adversity" Where not long before There was... NONE, for instance, To illustrate for you... imagine IF Some future "Super Power," China for example, Sent troops deep into... the heart of Texas. You think them Alamo-remembering Dudes Would stand for that? LOL! So - why on earth would ANY other Nation, Say, like 'em in Middle East Since 1947 or so, Would want anybody else's troops occupying And interfering in their country? Finally, I'd list the 7 Deadly Sins, But, I am quite confident you already know All those, yes?
  24. Yep, I knew it. Not only are you Ace #1 Show Man (... in old, Center-Ring tradition) Of early & later... SC Boards, But, As I have suspected right along, You have some style & grace And! Idaho Ivan Ho! Quest-ability... all over the place! :cool: BTW: One of these Days! You and me gotta have a knock-down Drag-out contest. Once I get caught up on a few personal Projects and - MUCH mundane-else besides! **Thing is, I ain't got broad-band, So EM might be better way to go. Them Desert City Monolithic Monopoly Of a Cable company Are just - out of my price range, alas.
  25. You just cannot let things go , that it? Women children and AI crowd? LOL! Yogi's cool SC Cat, Man. Hmmm... read these next 2 somewheres, "Forgive and Yee shall be Forgiven." "Judge not lest Yee be judged." BE what you CLAIM to be, brother rambo junior.
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