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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. No, actually I'll stand by my assertion That ev can indeed Replicate the alternate paradigm He'd like to have. Very near - precisely. I have done it, he can do it, It's really rather simple, Merely a few clicks, So he don't gotta worry About having to perform some Tortured, time-consuming secret rite. Nobody does. :cool: [... AI scripting is a BIT tougher, but not outside the capabilities of yer everyday average gamer] Also, pardon, But you have omitted quite a lot (... perhaps, as me, due to NDA? ) WRT just what the Editor CAN do, Insofar as relative combat values For - ANY kind of unit. Not merely the Willie & Joe Slog-along sort of dog-soldiers. I can relate to them kind, E-5 on down, now That's what it takes To win ANY war, Undeclared, with "just-cause," or O/W.
  2. Oh, forgot to mention... all of the above AND Damn near EVERYONE's tendency To "snitch" on their neighbors. Makes 'em feel BIG, Important. Flush with power. Now, THAT you can DEPEND on. It's THE one thing That will break The Biker's Code Hemingway's Code The Cop's Code West Point Code Knights-of-olde Code Everyone's! Code. Except for the Mega Corps, which, HAVE no "code." LOLOLOL! [... you could just laugh & laugh 'til you die!]
  3. I would have thought you would have thrown a little Deacon in there too. The Pinko's must know who you are, If not don't worry, I'm sure Rambo does. </font>
  4. One of the most coherent And well organized commentaries I've ever read on this here board. What you'd prefer is NOT quite in default game, Tho, Who knows? Maybe Hubert will read this superior analysis And be convinced. IF he's not, As I am not - too much "micro" To suit me, Well, Given the new! And greatly expanded Editor :cool: I am very sure you can almost EXACTLY Replicate what is yer after. Has to do with ability to edit Not only - hard, dice-roll Kind of combat target values, But with... well, Given the NDA I'd better let you yerself See how it can be done. Here pretty soon I'm guessing.
  5. Hey! I take that The wrong way! Shouldn't I? :confused: See hear, Yer browsin' 'round that UN-ending What was or, What will be. ALL what's past, Is merely... memory. And, As we know - that's unreliable As all get out. IE, 20 SC Cats see an "incident," Say, some "misdirection" Applied by a mage like one or 2 We got hereabouts. Take those 20 "witnesses" And sit 'em down somewhere For, oh, about an hour, let 'em Do -> whatever. Now, go ask & talk and take notes. Sure enuff - you get 20 TOTALLY different Versions of the story. Wildly divergent versions even. OK, next. ALL of the future is... imagination. SPECULATE from here to 88 doom day, That's ALL yer gonna get. Merest speculation about What -> MIGHT occur. So. All the past is UN-reliable memory. All the future is rank speculation. I gotta ask? What is... this VERY micro-second? Doesn't it HAVE to be? One or the other, Past or Future? How not? And IF that be true, not myself Sayin' yea or nay, But IF it is, Where and, what are -> "you?" [ August 18, 2007, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  6. No other way to make REAL money? Say, You bite into the flippin' disc And it ain't no wooden nickel After all? It's actually... fool's gold? Some 49er one time lost Out in Death Valley? Like that? LOL! "Money for nothing And yer Chicks for free?" Who sung that, any idea T? Research CLEARLY establishes That those who WORK - manual, With their hands, Live longest. NO doubt about it. The peon, the fellaheen, The fisher man, The tender of beans, yep, The lettuce selector, His hands are green, Them kind live the longest, oh, Over 100 yrs in some cases. Type-A Dude? Got to shout and scurry about And run the rat-race maze Day after day after day? Well, Don't need no research To know - they don't do nuthin' But - make loads of dough! For the Widow! The YOUNG babe, since the old lady Was discarded somewheres Along the way. LOL!
  7. Been meaning to get up thatta way Long time now. Keep hearin wonderful tales, though, That alone may be Good and sufficient reason not to go? Yep, I'll take you up on that offer, They got enny con queso or carne ardavada Up there in the rain forest? Far as the drinks, it'll have to be Ale. "Ginger" I mean. That other fire-water stuff, yeah boy, Loved that jump juice... too much, it damn near Did me in X-tra early. I don't give advice much, but, Ennybody out there drinkin' MORE than a couple shots A sitting, I'd say, Give it up, man. :eek: Comes the day - oh, about 749 Things commence to go awful wrong With yer body. Mind too, So some have told me, anyway. What the hey, Bang the gong - we'll invite Kuni and his ol' pal Loki along. You on one side, him on the other, Me the lilly-livered referee.
  8. Take the heat. Return to sender. :mad: ___________________________________ [... one of these seems to be how the "the boss" - Jersey B Springsteen would sing it?]
  9. Yep, you have a good 'un as well. Not every SC Cat can apologize, And I respect that. I'd do the same, but I'm NEVER wrong! LOL! Yep, you been there, I apologize For sayin' you ain't. And so, yer ever the "show-man," You know what's what WRT to the art of... "illusion." Over here, On the one hand, we got - empty fist. Clenched behind the back We got - another! EMPTY fist! The "lost article" The "vanished Dove" was nudged under The table Whilst every body was a'lookin At yer deceiving - hands! I know this. Grand Dad - em-ployed by Barnum & Bailey, schooled me At his knee, patiently, when! All I wanted to do Was go play - baseball - yippee! Yeah, all about the Circus, The Animals and the freaks, The sleight-of-hand And the plumed ponies so grace-full sleek, Ah, so VERY long ago it was. I wonder - enny body else? Besides you - is an actual Magician?
  10. Easy Chair Preacher: Nary a thang, gots all I need, thanks Anyhow, and Lawd, I am beholden you Daren't call me "son." Good of you, being that you Ain't quite qualified To be ANYONE's Father, as of yet. Excuse me ECP, But I've mentioned this already, I did my time, Volunteered back in 19 & 6-6 It was, even though I had One 'a them there "2S" deferments? How's about you? More like them 5 gung-ho Romney kids? LOL! Well, I go down to the Barrio Oncet a week And speak to them gangstas, you know, Kind have got tatoos coverin' up 94.7% of their upper body? Wear 'em cinched bandannas and will! stomp You ragged red if you give 'em A "mad-dog" kind of glance? Yeah, TRY and get em off the drugs, Off the "hate-the-Other" Kind of trip. Seems very many folk have got that DIS-ease, That "hate-the-Other" misfortune These latter days, eh? Do it for free too. Look for - Vets, mostly, as We ken "relate" And welcome each other back home Again. OK, you know all this. So quit with that "deserter" flambouyance, Yes? Meanwhile, You are REALLY gonna love - love, love, SC2 WaW. So many choices! You gotta make, but, alas, Not enough lucre to go 'round. Can't have ALL them different units, Such as the new Artillery, And Anti-tank guns, And Anti-air flak, And TAC bombers, And Deeestroyers too! See, I've played it alot, And you're gonna have the time Of your life! Decidin' WHICH units or what research Or Diplomacy? Yer gonna buy. It's kinda like Consumer Capitalism, think? Mister - easy-chair Preacher?
  11. Truly, an obscene post. More exactly, A-Fool-and-his-Money Sort of soul-less boast. Be a man for once in yer life. Get a job. Pick lettuce or cotton. Run a back-hoe. Weld some steel. Re-build what's gone rotten. Work the green-chain in a lumber camp, and Off-load baubles for the lace-cuff Yuppies, Some ocean-worn dock. Work the night-shift At a Convenience store For minimum wage, yea verily brother, then Stare at the Saturday Night Special Aimed square at yer face, And pretend it's only - a reality show. As for the rest of the recent bombast, Do this: Go preach down 'round - south New Orleans. Or, In bloody 'hood of Harlem. Spin yer cherry-picked gospel in East LA, Or the wrong-side of the tracks In bad-shoulder Chicago. Pick any USA city, Large or small, no matter, And sing high priced praises To them's beat and afflicted. We got! Ghettos galore - and so, You can go SLUMMING - everywhere! In this fast elapsing land, ah, mercy, Ain't that just... grand? Then, Well, ONLY then Do I - personally, Consider you WORTH listening to. Right now, ALL I get about you, Of late, Is this ever-increasing feeling That yer... a freaking fraud.
  12. This whole 9 or so pages Is a... what-you-callit, A scarecrow man :eek: Humans are, basically, animals, Relying on their back-brain. Very very very Very very very THIN veneer of civilization Hardly hiding the lizard beneath. If it wasn't "religion" That everyone was fighting about, It would be something else, No doubt in my mind. It would be: The Nation (... patriotism, chauvanism, jingoism) Or - the State/area yer from. The skin color. The favored tree, IE, Some tribes/groups Would be "the elms," Some "the oaks," And, naturally - some "the weeping willows" (... who like to hug the trees and bemoan the FACT of rampant deforestation) All this angst and absurd claims About "religion" Is pretty strange, IMO. EVERYTHING, darn near, can be a "religion." Science. War-gaming. Sports. Politics. They all have: 1) Particular rituals 2) Certain ceremony 3) Adopted dogma 4) Charismatic figures 5) Baptism/indoctrination 6) Elders who uphold 7) Prayer (... or wishes, hopes, desire to attach the non-corporal part of each to some thing "larger" than themselves) Etc, etc. Yep, like I say - it's a Straw Man Kind of faux contra-versy, I mean to suggest, Who is AGAINST - anything? Everybody! At one time or another. Far as who is going to kill us all? Take a good long glance In the looking-glass. That threatening shadow you notice? Is it - the Devil - trying to get - IN. Or, Is it - the Devil - trying to get - OUT. [ August 05, 2007, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  13. "Nobody's right If everybody's wrong." Heard that in a song - long ago; seems To apply here and now as well? IOW, Since NOBODY is "god-like" That I know of, after all these years Wandering thither & fro (... getting Into trouble often as not, alas) and Since no human Could POSSIBLY be.... omniscient, Or omnipotent or omni- Much of anything, We ALL must be wrong, some times. Hmmm... don't recall, In over 5 years on this here open Forum board, ANYBODY ever making a post Like such & so: "Doggone if YOU ain't got the real deal Goods, man alive, and I have CHANGED my mind Due to yer - most-convincing! WORDS." LOL! In this particular conversation, EACH person has very VALID points. I agree MORE with Kuni & Blash-Mon, As has been evident these 5 years, No apologies for that rad stance, To which I'd, pardon, like To add: Any single quality that you got, Whether it be of the body, mind Or spirit, is... a gift. And so, Why on earth would you, or I, CLAIM It is some thing personally gained? It truly Astounds me that some folks come 'round, Rolling shoulders or flexing intellect, Or be speaking of spirit, which is fine By me - so long as ANY "religion" STAYS Completely separated from the State, ah, Anyhow, And makes the preposterous claim: "MY success is ONLY due to MY "will-power!" Now, THAT is truly funny... LOLOL! Anyway, Moving on, rambo_jr, et al, ALSO have some very good notions. What is "conservative" IS, ipso intracto, Vital to preserve. Some things ARE intrinsically valuable And shouldn't be discarded MERELY because they are ancient In nature. IE, "Know thyself," and "Do unto others as you would have them Do unto you," and, Well no need to keep on keeping on, All gets the gist, eh? Thing to do, I guess, Is ACCEPT the fact that... without Common agreements - laws, And norms, and taboos and the like, And a return to civil and empathic Kinds of discourse, We ain't - no way, Gonna make this "temporary mirage" Last much longer, IMHO. One'a these days - damn! shazam! It's all just gonna... disappear, We gone go out - as ol' T.S Once wrote - not with any bang, But... a whimper. :eek: Well, Just one SC Cat's crazy opinion, Is all. _________________________________ Now, a more topical comment: I have played several hundred games, At mimimum, Of SC-1 As yer everyday average, And dedicated, FUN loving War gamer. Solo, PBEM, and TCP. I have played several hundred games Of SC-2, as... etc, same as above. You know what? I am NOW playing the latest iteration Of SC-2 WaW. The default '39 Grand Campaign, with No alterations or mod-ifications. It is - without ANY doubt, THE best game - of ALL those I've played Thus far. NO exception, foget it, nope, nix-nein Fellow Frankensteins! I am... not... kidding... anybody. :cool:
  14. Little Sunday Morning Story, as First posted in another forum, but, Have decided to tell all: ___________________________________ "Pistol" Pete Maravich Was recently voted One of the top 50 basketball players Of all time. Professional, or Collegiate. He was the ONLY white player Who was ever offered a legitimate contract By Abe Saperstein, Who it was that owned The Harlem Globetrotters. In college, at LSU, from 1968 to 1971, he averaged Over 44 points per game, And this, WITHOUT the 3-point line. A record not yet broken. However, Almost without exception, Black & white alike, He was... despised. Resented, dis-liked, shunned, Ignored and in general, Actually hated. Why? Nobody else Could do what he could do With the basketball, Not then, and not since. He took to drinking at an early age (... yeah, the jealousies extended that far back) And continued drinking, oh, Until his mid-30's it was. Then, Of a sudden - he quit. Completely. Never touched a drop of alcohol Ever again. Began to do "good works," Like volunteering in soup kitchens Down there in Loosianna, Where he lived. He would drop off boxes of food And clothing, And gave lots of money To his chosen Church. Yep, He had quit because he had An "epiphany." It was "religious" in nature, As ALL things actually are, Whether anyone chooses to admit that Or not. No matter - an enlightenment Can arrive for an agnostic or atheist Just the same as for Some body who believes Or has a faith. But, All of that isn't the REAL story, Nope, not by a long-shot. See, He had collapsed and died Playing a "pick-up" game With some friends. The autopsy revealed that... he only Had - HALF a Heart. IOW, he was missing one of the two Main arteries supplying oxygen To the heart-muscle. ALL of the specialist Doctors Were in accord. He SHOULD have died, As 99.99% of those with the same Kind of affliction Will do, By age - 9 or 10. He was almost 40 when he finally died. HOW? Would anyone suppose? Did he do it. :confused: ALL that immense amount of practice (... 4-5 hours every single day, from age 6 to 32) And extremely INTENSE game-play In college, and in the pros, And somehow? Manage to set all those records, And, Like I say, Be voted one of the 50 all-time best? And quit drinking, when, as I know Very, very well, From over 15 years of addictions Counseling, That over 90% who try... will "relapse," And go back to drinking & drugging. Hmmm... was it some "thing" In his body? In his brain? Or was it - elsewhere. You guys who know ALL about These sorts of matters - decide Amongst yerselves, Come to a common consensus, yes? ____________________________________
  15. Well, JJ, just so long as I myself don't get stoned! LOL, Ain't done that new fangled Sort of stoning in 15 years. The old-fashioned method? Plenty of times! But, this I know... as with you, It only makes the stonee That much tougher. WRT the "rich," I am fair certain YOU Anyhow, KNOW I am speaking of those Great Americans (... save the occasional tendency to "monopolize" free trade ) Like Rockefeller & Carnegie And Vanderbilt and Ford, And NOT the hugely encumbered "Middle Class, Which is, these days, paying for Damn near everything. Also, am concerned about the failed Immigration bill - again! Well, the Mega-Corps sure do Exploit that cheap - can't complain Kind of labor, eh? BTW, very much have been enjoying Your historical expressions, Such as the recent accounts Of city-state of Venice And the absurd? Notion of "squatters" in & around United Nations. Boardwalk Raconteur is alive! And, one hopes - VERY well And yet playing some ball. Bonds breaks the record And, like Hank himself, I'm gonna Go golf... ah never mind, The fix is in, The Con-boys have got the Nation's Grand old game where it is damn Near - unrecognizable, anymore, Pinball in a shoe-box I yet insist. :eek:
  16. How did all 'em Red Cats Get to Algeria? Op Moves? Well, No RAILS in Libya at'all so... that Won't be possible enny more. Could force-march them there I guess? Take some long while, tho. Yep, LOTS of old S & T Soon enough becomes doomed, defunct. EVERYBODY starts over, Starts out - even up, in the 'hood. Learning many, many new things, And that's ever - for the good.
  17. I have been in the shabby-shiny Mansions of the rich, Noticed those supposed as Grand and impressive? appointments, Such as - the famous painters Held close hostage on antiseptic walls? So that no one else! Might enjoy them. I have spent time - too much time, In their august company (... had to, it was what was required while working in the Family Business for a decade - finally figured it, that I couldn't stand it any longer and quit that awful fawning and hit the road) And one thing I ALWAYS heard, As a kind of rue resentful Mantra: Complaints, fulminations about - paying taxes. LOL! They want somebody else's kids To fight the Wars, Defend their stash, their piles Of accumulate interest & lucre. They want somebody else to pick up Their trash and - man O man, Do they generate immense amounts of that! They want - no, expect! Clean water and clean air And the very best kind of cutting Edge hi-teched - health care, yeah, Hear me now, They send their children To the finest Ivy And status climbing kind of schools, They imagine that their opinion, oh, On - anything at'all, Should count for more, Should be heeded, And, They have the monies to purchase access To those corrupted full and final, in Soul, Who've bargained with Faust - and won, They suppose, Whoso can deliver them what they want. Later it was, Then I'd hiked and, a'times, Rode the patch-work Indian bike All across this - become blighted land, From Loosiana Bayou To Pacific Pallisades, Crossing and re-crossing many times My own home Here near the Rio Grande, And I got to know... the poor, The freaks and the out-casts, The shunned and made fun of For fun, and The drunks and addicts and what's Impolitely termed - black & white trash, And the discarded and disdained, The ones lacking brawn Or blessing of brains, and so, I came to understand - at long last and, Have held it close to heart ever since, That the "rich" have - NEVER EVER Uttered... one... single... thing, Insightful, valuable or worth preserving, That I can recite for you today. Not - a one. The "poor"... even then they were Beat, broke, battered or lamed, Did indeed reveal to me Quite the contrary stuff, That... I'll never forget. Main thing - they had no fear. Fear of somebody coming for their goods. Fear of terrorists. Fear of Big Brother. Fear for the sake of fearing. Fear of venturing forth, As John Muir did over a hundred and some odd Years ago - crossed the entire continent Of wilderness America, Just - the ruck-sack Had bracings of hard-tack and tea. The rich are hardly ever satisfied, Something... something They are, they realize too late, It seems... is... missing. They don't know what it IS, since They cannot get outside Of... themselves, Long enough to see - quite, what. They stand in front of their million dollar Paintings, And stare and stare... alas, nothing there. Should be, but, They don't know how to see, Where to look, What might excite, how easily It can be said, As a Child might - gee! Ah well, it's No use worrying over, and I don't. Me? I'll stand, finally, with... the least. So long as they retain their dignity, Their long and hard learned peace. You can be poor and yet remain true To anciently great... verities. Like - honor, faith, hope oh yea, It's an actual amazing grace Hardly to be found in ANY Church, Selah, To discern, know... genuine freedom From the useless rat-after-rat race For... nothing, Slyly disguised as... something. LOL! Taxes. I read somewhere, once, Some thing this really radical old Road-going carpenter Cat had said: "To those who've been given much, Much is expected." LOL! Used to be true, in America. Then the rich would BUILD things For the common weal - libraries, Schools, hospitals, industries That lasted - a part of the community, Not re-located off-shore In a Carib Isle Bank. Ain't no more gonna be as that, nope, And likely, not never again. The newest Rubicon hast been passed, And, Ain't no going back. One way to know this - for sure? The latest Mantra: NO TAXES! On ME! If - you please! LOLOL! You cunning cadging Cats - have fun! Maybe? You can build a Pyramid And take it - ALL, With you? [ July 08, 2007, 05:27 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  18. True. Hitler was NOT so very risk-taking At the start (... of yet another! Internecine Euro-Mayhem), anyhow. Well, he was indeed concerned That - Guderian, Dietrich & Kleist, et al, WERE Out ahead of the curve, So to speak. Worried that they would be cut-off Before the following infantry Could secure key objectives. As for chemical warfare, BOTH sides knew very well That was a foul & horrendous Witch's brew, And neither side wanted to be the FIRST To introduce them, Partly, Due to - not fully knowing Just what the other guy was capable of. Hitler's own WW-I experience? Like Hemingway, He had a severe and lasting jolt, And ever - even sub-consciously, Feared receiving a similar sort Of body & mind disarrangement. UNLIKE Hemingway, He wasn't able to realize, Internalize, and re-direct That kind of deranging experience And make "Art" out of it. Too bad that he couldn't. I am supposing - based on partial Readings, so... an imperfect guess, But, Hitler could have gone The other way, IE, Become a somewhat "normal" citizen Had he sold some paintings Or, O/W "succeeded" in Society. His eventual "madness" was real, though. What caused it? Not the chemicals on the ground, IMO, But, The volatile mixture of neuro-chemicals In his head. Since birth. Many "normal" humans DO resort To "craziness" at a later stage of life, It happens every day, At any age, In every Nation on earth. As we have recently witnessed, Ad nauseum, all over the place.
  19. And - not only that! But, You can likely ADD in yer own Public domain PICs Besides! Or, lacking some elemental tech-skills, As I myself often am, Some body else could do it for you! Most Amazing! New! Creation on the way! BTW, Timskorn, Hubert has had some rather deft assistance All along and especially, These latter days... though, You are right in yer assumption That ONLY Hubert has done The coding, the final decision making. Green Door And Normal Dude for only two (... of a dozen or so) Have done some mighty fine work WRT interface/graphics, (... as you'll soon enough see then the end-game credits roll out ) Yea, This I know - and, appreciate And, I bet! You and, many, Will also - as well! :cool: [ July 06, 2007, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  20. First, WHO is this... "Victor," and, What's the big-deal diff, Smith, WRT - hexes? :confused: "Threatened fanboys bemoaning... " LOLOL! Look, I myself KNOW what a superior WW2 GS game should have in place, In the way of REQUIRED Mechanics & schematics, Variants and "what-if's" besides. Having played them ALL, Covering, oh about 50 odd years now. You cannot name one that I haven't Closely examined, If not - played out - cardboard or pixel, Several or, more times than that, even. Whether it be ANY of the Third Reich Series (... to include J Prados' latest iteration, which, BTW, I would recommend if you ain't already got it) Or World in Flames - FE, Or Totaler Krieg, Or HoI (... ACK! I cringe at this sloppy glop of bottom of-barrel... garbage :eek: ) And so on and so on and - you git The PIC, I am guessing. That OTHER game under discussion In this particular thread, Lacks MOST of the MINIMAL requirements For ANY decent WW2 GS game. I ain't gonna list 'em For the previously stated reason: I ain't got NO interest in helping Rank amateurs - who are stumblers And flim-flammers... slumming At the anti-creation edges, Who wouldn't know faithful and Historical precedent IF it up and bit 'em On enny appendages, Ah, IMO - only. Well, let's see, You should know what's minimally required, eh? YOU - apparently like 3R/A3R - since you've Tried to make a MOD Using that as a template, yes? (... ain't it just grand! That you CAN! Make such-like sort of mod, using this here UN-precedented Editor, eh? :cool: ) Can you not notice the DIFFERENCE Between what is superior? And, What is immensely - inferior? Well, shucks podjo, I will ALWAYS be a "fan" (... though the days of being a "boy" Are long gone, down-under Dude... ever since 1966, at the least, LOL! ) Of ANY good, reliable, re-playable, and Mainly attuned to what's historical, Kind of game. ANY. So long as it meets certain criterium. That other limping lame-game don't, It's really that simple, and, As some one has mentioned just recently, One patch just... ain't gonna get it. Done. Like I said way back at the beginning, Oh, More like 10-20 patches and A coupla 3 years. OK. Now! New market value of that Other game dwindles to... 95 cents. Crank up yer Electro Glide, Agent Smith, Should you know what that is, And how youse goes about Man-handling it... through - ANY Barricades, Blue Meanie made, or, no. Ayup, yer gonna need it.
  21. Back O/T: Given added understanding, And further review, That other game, is now Valued at... $1.95 Soon enough we'll be finished Electro-gliding THROUGH The barricades (... these ever exist merely in the MIND, anyhow ) And on the way! To the city different - Santa Fe! :cool:
  22. Heard the news yesterday... 66 Canadian soldiers have been killed In Afghanistan thus far. Canada may be the ONLY "trust-worthy" Friend we - the USA I mean to say, Has got left, Given all the "cowboying around" We have been doing these last, oh, 60 odd years. Chasing bad-guy ghosts. Imagine IF all the monies That went into the pockets Of those VERY FEW who own Substantial shares of stock In Weapons, IE, The sprawling and EVER increasing :eek: Military-Industrial Complex, Had instead gone into: Schools. Infrastructure. Police & Fire departments. Alternative Energy sources. Etc, etc, ad infinitum. The list is long. Soon enough, We - the people, The reason for the Government Existing in the first instance, WILL make some long over-due changes. It's JUST beginning... now. :cool:
  23. Amongst the aging population of grognards (myself included), probably true. For the yearlings, some of them have never played a board game with hexes and do not care. :eek: Having played a variety of PC wargames now with hexes, tiles, provinces or no grid at all, the old hexagon "standard" is largely irrelevant. Turn the grid off! Game play is the real test. How well do the game mechanics work, how is play balance, how is replayability, how extensive is the game editor so players can mod the game (or create new games themselves), etc. Bottom line, is the game playable and is it fun?? </font>
  24. Yep Targul, I am OFTEN Way off - in the wild blue, Or, Failing that - same as the Aero Cat With them wax-wings daring! to go Too close to the Sun - it Was - Icharus? No matter, I am certain to be - LESS "way off" Once the new! SC-2 WaW arrives In a theatre near you! :cool: WRT to your unswerving - not near! ANY sun going preference For more straight-line linear And historical HvsH game-play. SO many! More options also - for the Mod Cats So to have precisely THE GAME Of their deep delirium dreams! For instance, Just now I am working the numbers For '41-42 North Afrika, And I have discovered this: There are an amazing! # of Editor permutations possible, so many In fact, That I must be VERY careful And, conduct much testing, So to insure that they all "fit together" In a synergistic and complementary Way - what say you? How far off am I nowadays?
  25. Thank you for that Green Door. Tho, not many, I am guessing - based On prior commentaries, Would agree with that last part, LOL! You - much more so than I, KNOW what zazen sitzen IS, And how to survive in this Going coo-coo corrupt old world. (... my apologies to those who don't get this reference - it's from another forum) And you - far more than I, Have courteous wit - merely exceeded By - considerable patient grace.
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