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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Thanks Brad! :cool: Now that I have some VA issues resolved, I'll have some time To work on this a little more. Hubert has already indicated That he will help out with Sure X-tremely versed AI scripting. And so... after Thanksgiving, If you are yet willing We can test it through, Get that earlier game done! And you can provide, If willing - some of your Knowledge and expertise, WRT to swirling sands And last ditch desert-rat stands, And how the Scotch-Irish Will enter on in, Playing that old time march-forth rag On the bag-pipe band! LOL! And therefore and then! It'll be even better than ever. Most likely!
  2. Well, Taking a long shot at it, Ottosmops, For the same reason, I'd reckon, That the GErman speaking peoples Always write der Haus, When, What is really meant, is... the House. By the side of the road, Or, Of the Rising Sun or Billed as - filled With ill-repute! :eek: and etc. You wouldn't want to see a CD label In a Wall-to-Wall Mart, Let's say... in Battle Creek, Michigan, That says: "Der Haus of the Rising Sun," Would you? _______________________ Yah, yer right, I am overly fastidious, or possibly? Reckless-righteous in zee zeitgeist or just plain old obsessive-compulsive, I guess, That the folks (... die Leute? or, das Volk?) Would get Hubert's last name correct. ANYBODY's name... correct. Apparently, And judging by the above 5 postings, I am, ummmm... meowing up the WRONG SC Tree? LOL! **Actually, I ASSUMED I knew the correct spelling, Since here in US of A the "long hard E" Would be pronounced "eeeeee" And not "eye," [... as above, we might PRESUME that "zeitgeist" would be ZIETGIEST since pronunciation proceeds after the Z... with "long hard I" and not ipso vice-verso] oh well, Truth to tell, Ich wast, In this ONE instance I must insist - TOO LAZY to look it up. How's that for STRAIGHT answer? :cool: [... now you know WHY I could never be a lawyer, politician, doctor or even, der Herr Professor @ Heidelberg U... again, there is that "e" BEFORE the "i" and we say, ah, never mind it was... l-o-o-o-n-g way to go, yep, I know. ] [ November 13, 2006, 04:03 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  3. TJ, You've been around awhile now, You've seen Hubert Cater Post up, what? 20, 40 - 60 times already? Can you not notice how his name is spelled? :confused: EVERYONE prefers that their NAME, Which is the only one they'll have, Most likely, Is not only spelled properly, But pronounced correctly, yes? You wouldn't like it if folks Took to calling you... Dow Jones, eh? ________________________ Insofar as "cheating" goes, I would say this... folks who cheat, In a game, In various aspects of life, On their mistress or their wife, For ill-begotten fortune Or silly-begotten fame, Well, They are only cheating themselves, That's apparent, ain't it? Let 'em. Live & die with it, In their heart, Rubbing soil into their soul, So? Don't play 'em anymore, IF YOU ARE CERTAIN of it. Else, I myself wouldn't do like rambo jr And commence calling folks "cowards" When he doesn't know for surely sure, nah, Just goes by some anecdotal accusations, And them ain't worth nuthin' much, mostly.
  4. Liberty? Well, She is now, At long last Kept safe, and fastly bound. To borrow a line from The Beatles: Read the News Today - O Boy! :cool:
  5. Even including Hubert? LOL! [... perhaps? Edit out "bar none?"] Well, I would rate "game mechanics" A distant third, behind: 1) Game "aesthetics," IE, variants and appearance of units & game-board and the like kind of "pleasure-creating" aspects 2) Reasonable adherence to WHATEVER historical imperative it might be, whether WW-2 or USA Civil War #1, and etc Other than that, Another! Wonderful AAR, Superbly written and contested, As per usual. :cool:
  6. As I've said, I am EQUALLY concerned To let the SOLO players IN on - the fast action reactions. :cool: HvsH Ain't the only game going blue blazes In most-amazing! SC Town, Though, Some suppose it's ONLY so. Yep, AI is gettin' better 'n better n' better Is what I was sayin'
  7. Playing as Axis only last night, Until too late, as usual Since so much to do! In order to TRY and wrest control Of Libya mind you, From marauding Desert Rats. V 1.05, Intermediate, + 0.5 And it is already? July of 1941. D-rats have Tobruk surrounded, Unremitting bombardment With 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 pounders! FM Rommel? Back at AK HQ, near El Aghiela. Could hardly get Afrika Korps Across the Med... to Tripoli. Port of Tobruk? Forget it. Italian Navy has already lost: 2 BB's 1 CA HvS, I think yer gonna need a bigger boat, The sharks are roiling the waters.
  8. If I might ask... what does this "pre-emptive DoW" REALLY mean? :confused: It wouldn't, by glad happenstance, Be the case where a faithful Player Would DoW some unfortunate tiny-Minor, With NO INTENTION of occupying it himself? :eek: Just to DENY plunder to his opponent? [... morale issue should be defunct with V 1.05] **IF SO... and say it right out, If it ain't, Well, perhaps Some teeny tweaks need be made To appropriate Diplomatic Scripts (... IE, Tunisia & Algeria, and etc) Ober there, and yonder too, And also, as here, for Eire, I am thinking. But another grand game, And most X-cellent story telling, Soon enough We'll have to start calling you guys: Herr Terif Hemingway, Liam T. (you can't go home again) Wolfe, And F. Scott Fitz-Hellraiser. :cool: [... for rambo, well, that'll take a LONG time to get it... the author of "Superman" comics? LOL! JK! rambo!] [ October 24, 2006, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  9. All these assorted gambits Are - Not TOO! 1) Exploitive? (... I keep hearing, rather SEEING that word on the boards... often) 2) A-historical? 3) CONTRARY to "traditional" WW-2 GS gaming as we've come to know it over 50 + years, board or computer? 4) Strategems that were NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED by the actual WW-2 leaders, are really OK? 5) No need for ANY small adjustments? 6) Not "off the mark" that a GErman Panzer can kill off a Russian Corps, or even, an Army... 10 to nothing? Whole Army destroyed, no losses to the panzergrenadiers? [... I am thinking of the many games where 2:1 attacks cause significant casualties for the attacker; 1:1 attacks even worse, possibly utter ruin and retreat] 7) No problem with GErman air fleets that can reach 4 or 5 medals by 1942 or 1943, when the Allies have NO medals? **IOW, "experience differential" has NO bearing on the outcome, or, perhaps more importantly, the good FUN in playing the game? OK, I am likely pushing the oncoming tide back into the moon-beam Sea here, But I am EQUALLY concerned that the "Solo Gamers" will have a similar amount of "competitive excitements" that the HvsH players do. Ever improving AI, and some of the Mods help, it is certain. Thanks for responses thus far, and any further commentary RE: above questions, as you please. :cool:
  10. How about for Solo Play? Should you ever do such a thing, I mean. You must? Mustn't you? :confused: Estimates are 80% do play it thatta way, mostly, even if to "practice" moves... and now, it's happening! AI is very much improved... so, maybe? *For instance, Do you think the "balance" has been achieved In North Afrika? For solo-play? If not, what would you do DIFFERENT in that Theatre? ______________________ And, You are no longer concerned with the game being TOO "offensively oriented?" As you had stated in the past. Several times.
  11. And so, Unlike the unfearing, Yet, become-vulnerable Max Schmeling Of yester year, Terif the Myth Remains! Undisuputed - SC World Champeen! Roll out the barrels of non-Gaullic Champagne! __________________________________ OK, down to business, And now - a pertinent question: Given what you have learned after 100 + games, And, Given that you claim that V 1.04 is "balanced," **What changes would you MOST like to see For V 1.05? Proviso: that would MAINTAIN your perceived "balance." Excluding "excessive morale boosts" Due to ruination of hapless Minors. How about a short list, say, ~ 5 or so. Or more, If you feel like it. Conversely, don't do it if you don't, etc. Thing is this... best way to learn HvsH play, As many will say, no - nix - insist! Is to play... the very best. We got some feisty Cats doing just that, Like Liam & Hellraiser and Rambo jr, And so they ALL contribute To the "learning curve" For all still in class-room. Cool. :cool: And yet... playing Myth Ist Terif, Is NOT the same As emulating, or duplicating, Or even, ACCOMPLISHING his sehr assorted Strategems. Since, We sure realize, He has... his S&T... in depth. IOW, No good to merely COPY. Must also have, at minimum, TWO YEARS planning - extending outward until That apparently insignificant little move Several YEARS prior, becomes Ack! HUGE in a later oft awful... Achtung! LOL! Good show. Excellent write ups. Nearly TOTAL... Mojo Mastery. Ball-hat must come off. [... worn forward, as is de rigeur for actual... Players, yep!]
  12. Best advice I've seen In a blue Skando Mondo Moon. And that's quite a while. Yea, Once V 1.05 hits the show-room floor, And IF The shy cats will do as you suggest, SM, Why, They'd have THE game they've been clamoring for All these dry-dessicate, WW-2 GS days. :cool:
  13. An oddness duly redux. Months of normalcy shattered! In a gnat's heartbeat. Yep, some are the folks Who will ANNOUNCE! that they are leaving, Or, About to, A'times they feel... anxiolytic Word-fear, Or, 'Em nuts & bolts have got all Jumbled and screw-loose. Yet... FEW are the number who announce!! They are back, Even though, Indelicate derelict are the SC Cats Who never knew so & so was gone. You cannot do that @ Hotel California, However, As no one will hear ANY! Yells or screams, Even, From... The Emperor of Ice Cream. Sorta like here I'm livin' it out, With all refuseniks Who just will NOT - stand up and cheer! (... these last -oh, half dozen years, giv or take 7 days) Should you dissent from The... "amassed Crass Media view," Which, As we know, Has no News, and, as our vanilla Emperor Sans proper clothes, Whose too attuned to dirty-Rat PlutoCrat cues. Anyhow, I do like your suggestion RE: "Variable # of Experience Medals." In exacto facto, I had suggested just such A preposterous, Albeit, reat unprepossesing thing Quite awhile ago, Feeling Four Was more than enough. VERY scary. :eek: That you and I would have a similar longing. Or, Some... same insane and gone-wrong Familiar, For that matter. Loki for you, I'm sehr certain of it, and any ol' Ash-can involved Elm Street alley cat for me. OK, It's how the revolving door @ Hotel California solves concealment, but, I ain't liken it much. :eek:
  14. LOL. Yep, And, as you have demonstrated MANY times Over the years, John, You are reading mine mind also! Here fair soon, Then I get some Vexing VA matters over & done with, I'll have to send EM And we'll catch up on all the latest. REALLY thrilled that you've, at last, Begun to achieve some old goals. :cool: First, though, You had to live it on out, And it wasn't always - quite, like that Storied Atlantic Ocean we both Know and love. IE, falling ashore with such wonder-full music, In some of those days, eh? Well, If it was - easy does it, Anybody could do it, And, very apparently, They don't. Wish it. Sufficiently. Etc, and, like that there.
  15. Yogi, I don't believe that is the "attitude" at all. Rarely have I seen it so. Folks don't gotta read nuthin They don't cotton to, Who's makin' em? Anyhow, Who would be afraid of A series of etched line symbols, Who "afraid of"... words? :confused: The World is FULL of all kinds of things, Good Bad and Ugly, As one of my Cinema heros, Clint Eastwood, would have it, And if you are afraid to deal with Some, if not many of them, Well, Good luck in living out yer life In a reasonably care-free manner, nope, It ain't gonna always turn out EXACTLY as you'd like. This I know. Too well, LOL! BTW, WRT to that "@" business, I don't take offense If you should use it when responding to me, So no apology necessary. All I said was that I "prefer" it not be used, Since it makes it seem as though You are not conversing WITH someone; rather, AT them, As though they are an "object." PC? LOL. No, nix nix. Merely, I'd hope, a return to courtesy? And some, me included, could Use the practice, I'd reckon.
  16. You do understand my "hideously metred" And old Southern-umbra'd English after all! As for "mechanics." What game, board or pixel, Does NOT have... "mechanics?" Games are not such as... cob-webs spun Out in some kaleidoscoped space, are they? Yes, agree, best to just... have FUN Playing the game. Though, IF you wish to ALSO win one once In a while, You gotta know the rules/mechanics. Terif knows them. So do I. But not as good as he, most probably, We'll see one of these "tag-along" days.
  17. Don't care for that "@" business That jjr started, IIRC. Kind of like - hurling a stone, Or a picked-over bone, Or it's a Blues Tune sans the moan, See what I mean? O/W, Well said. I'd only add... the Lens of Perception Is, necessarily UNIQUE For each. The Doors of Perception Open DIFFERENTLY... for each. [... and the gap is VERY tiny; how has it been said? We merely use, maybe, 10% of our brain... well, ALL originates there, other than what you might cull outta yer imperishable Soul, and so, ipso, we CANNOT actually SEE so very much, in any given moment - ALL is vast and we are quite tiny in compare] On we go; As Ottospmops hath righteously stated, 2-D language on a Forum Board Has about as much to do with WHO, And, what we REALLY are, As staring at an old Washed-out PIC, say, circa 1888, Has to do with the Cat Standing directly next to you, true? As I see it, pardon, but One Cat's... "bullsh*t Is another's... lotus flower. Drifting along, hour by hour, In a glistening, deeply listening Sea. Take 'er easy, There's plenty of room 'round here For all sorts of stuff. You can talk SC-2 all you want, Who's stopping you? _______________________________ One word for WHY the Allies won The World War 2? It's actually 3... they HAD to. EVIL, pure and undiluted Had been let loose. Desparate, almost, the race For very best Technology. The stakes were huge. Have... "progress," fairly orderly And commonly agreed to, OR... live Under the boot Of bullying Doom. BTW, Thanks! JJ, For the details on Hitler's witch-doctor. I'd heard tell about some of it, But, as per usual, You've provided some insights I'd not known. **Would make a very apt Center-piece for the latter half Of your novel-to-be. Luck! With that. [ October 08, 2006, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  18. Well, it's no kept secret, I do believe Hubert has paid heed To the needs of the Forum Cats, Like he always does - ain't it unique? And so - my best guess? Yea Merrily, your wish shall indeed come true. Thanks, In immense measure - to you! Prosit! Mythic Man! :cool: Now... time for some brand new S&T. Them old decrepit ones As hellraiser has herein delineated Are - how to say? Completely... kaput. Playing new V 1.05 the last couple days, And I daresay, Hey - mostly Solo Players? Yer gonna have to - DIAL BACK The difficulty settings. Due to better AI and tweaks Here & there and what-else besides! Play the Axis @ "Intermediate, +1" And, VERY good chance... you lose! Get yer clock cleaned, In other words! You've never seen so many RED sprites In yer whole life, I bet the House Of the (mid-summer) Rising Sun On that one.
  19. Why, my my, Yogi, DISSENT is as "American" As Apple Pie, Did you not know that? Bashing. Who framed that debate? Who inflamed that ordinary discourse? Merely saying that someone is "bashing" America, JUST BECAUSE they have differences Of opinion, Let's say... in what direction WE the people... should go next? Whether that be in war, or peace, Or social welfare or whatever, Is... nothing more, And nothing less than... a Con. A "con game," you know, Like when the Shill move the pea around Beneath the shells? Ask the Cat to guess where the pea went? See what I mean? Bashing? LOLOLOLOL!! I call it... a citizen's RIGHT To... dissent. Though, Alas... these draconian laws The Chicken-Hawks And other Neo-Cowards are passing Out there in Washington D.C, well, It's gettin' close, brother. You'll wonder where it went When it's gone, I reckon? Free-speaking Democracy, I mean. WAKE UP! As my old neighborhood bike-riding pal Jim Morrison usta say, It's getting' late in the Con game, brother.
  20. Very very very ODD to me that MOST Of the upholders of good old fashioned American Spirit Aren't even - Americans! :confused: From Canada, From European Nations Large and small - they come! They speak out free! and clear! Three cheers! Well, Not to be out-done, I put aside H.D. Thoreau book, And, enter on in, only One Humble, working-class Cat Since age 16 It has been! Imagine that! That's... over 40 years Dudes! Any-hoo, About time to... throw! them Scoundrels O-U-T OUT! As our U.S. Consititution promises That we can, Should it become prudent, necessary O Yes! Yeah, you bet it does. The... Days of the Smiling Vile Tyrants Are very near O-V-E-R OVER! Yay Hooray I say it - out loud! [... hey! is this "bashing?" Gee whiz, I sure hope not, I wooden wanna Be some sorta "degenerate radical" Or somethin, O Lord on High - nix nix!] 'Course, That means we gotta get, Hmmmm, At minimum, 57 % of the Vote, 'Cuz they gonna call out the Goon Squads Once again, oh yea, Make 'em poor folks stand In the voting line In the rain - 8, 9 hours, and then! With that X-tremely Ugly grin they got (... born with it? or, acquired? no matter) They just... close the door. OK. Suck it up, Get it done, I tell myself! And so, First I tried... a Novena. To Saint Philomena. Lit the candles, Said the sing-song thing properly As it's meant to go: _______________________________________ "O faithful Virgin and glorious Martyr, Whoso workest so many miracles On behalf of the Poor And the Sorrowing, I beseech you... " ____________________________________ No go? Not a problem, next, as is my wont, I commenced - in a friendly sort of manner, Asking for STRICT accounting Of ALL! This lying and cheating and applying Of the crude-cowardly sledge-hammer (... whereat, a deft, and adept touch would've got it done, no muss, no harm, thank you kindly, see you down the glory road!) But... well, we know how That goes, eh? Some votes count MORE than some others. What is left to do, Dudes? Pseudo AMERICAN Dudes? OK, down the steps, Across the dank expanse, there! I pull the light cord. It's dim and dusty and - doggone it! I trip over an old rusting Sword, Saint Michael the Archangel Up and forgot it Last visit? And anyway, finally - yep! Over in the corner of the basement, There they are! You should see them beauties! It's like... Saint Vitus fire! Left over from Chicago, Left over from post mortem Kent State, The... barricades. I look em over. A little "wobblie" here and there, LOL! Not a problem! I got 3-penny nails all over the place, In Mason Jars, Falling from Mars and long dead stars, Though, LOL, these ones were Picked up, Only recently, you see, At a garage sale. Yep, It's like the Boy Scouts taught me. Be... PREPARED! :cool:
  21. LOL, JJ! Don't know about them others, hope They'll stick their wrong-wired wicket IN Now and again. And hey! BTW! Where in dickens you been? Out on boardwalk? Be strolling the day away? Commenting to some startled!! passer-by: "That Atlantic Ocean! She sure was something! Back in the day... you know? Tell me That, anyway, you DO know!" Yeah, Hotel SC California Is a lot like that there Overlook Hotel Out in Rocky Mountain Colorado, where Nicholson vamped & grimaced, Scowled and howled - here's Johnny! All over the place! You gotta pony up some special sort Of entry fee - uh huh, jeepers, Last I heard it was... the gold fillings Robbed right out the mouth Of ol'... Mojo Mother MaCree! Anyhow, As the song goes [... wouldn't you know, it's by jjr's VERY favorite-most house band, The Eagles! ... him being so truly enamoured of the American demi-democratic Diaroma and all ] ___________________________________ OK - faithful excerpt, with one small addition, IE, "SC": ______________ Welcome to the hotel SC California Such a lovely place Such a lovely face They livin’ it up at the hotel california What a nice surprise, bring your alibis Mirrors on the ceiling, The pink champagne on ice And she said ’we are all just prisoners here, of our own device’ And in the master’s chambers, They gathered for the feast The stab it with their steely knives, But they just can’t kill the beast Last thing I remember, I was Running for the door I had to find the passage back To the place I was before ’relax,’ said the night man, We are programmed to receive. ___________________________________ Well, seems, as though It's them last two lines that will surely Hex and vex and totally wreck! Some folks idea of HOW To conduct orderly! business On some game forum or other, ah, Tsk tsk, too bad, Let 'em learn the REAL deal, How it is on the streets, How to perform - most amazing! feats! When you ain't own nuthin' But a crust of bread And a crow feather in the ball-hat Backwards on yer head, And, Not least, How old Mother MaCree feels? Then that pinched wither-mouth is scavenged! Of all it's... useless gold. ___________________________________ Here we go, last two lines, Memorize, Or not, as you please: ____________________ You can checkout any time you like, But you can NEVER leave. --- Music & Lyrics by The Eagles ______________________ My kind of hoo-doo hang-out, man! :cool: **By the by, I've got a RELEVANT question For ALL SC Cats... to whom? Does that turqoise-blue T-bird - belong? :confused: WHO... some Ecce Homo In ambling innocence... checked in, WHO - now... wonders, What's the fate of his much beloved, Daily polished and oft thought Fetishly fondly of, Auto-mobile? LOLOLOL! C'mon "nuts & bolts" SC Cats, Let's have some FUN, NAME the Dude that holds the skeleton keys! ... 'cuz, he ain't got no pockets anymore, those were ripped to tatter & shred by them steely knives?
  22. MajorRH, Whenever you modify an existing campaign or scenario, you'll need to copy/paste the data stored in the Campaign Folder and place it in your new game folders. Naturally, editing whatever changes you have made from the original. For Example, File Directory: Bitmaps Folder -> Campaigns Folder -> _41-42 North Afrika Folder, Campaign Localization: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; 1941-42 North Afrika - Custom Text ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; COUNTRY ID's #CANADA= Commonwealth #DENMARK= Crete #LITHUANIA= Malta ; Terrain ID's #MOUNTAIN= Escarpment #MARSH= Desert ; Unit ID's #HQ= Mobile HQ #CORPS= Brigade #ARMY= Division #ENGINEERS= Special Weapons #ROCKETS= Artillery #TANK_GROUP= Tank Regiment #AIR_FLEET= Air Squadron ; Weather ID's #TEMPERATE= Desert #FROZEN= N/A #DESERT= N/A #MUD= Rainsqualls #SNOW= Sandstorms ________________________________ Also Edited, so to fit the specific scenario SCALE and schematic: Movement Costs, Terrain/Resource Defense Bonus, CTV's (... unique per Nation) and Weather zones to account for sandstorms and rainsqualls. You will also need to alter the Campaign Configuration file, depending on which parts of your new scenario you have changed. #CUSTOM_BITMAPS= 1 #CUSTOM_INTERFACE= 1 #CUSTOM_SOUND= 1 #CUSTOM_LOCALIZATION= 1 ___________________________________ IOW, ANYTHING that has been changed from the ORIGINAL, default campaign (... or ANY scenario included) will need specific, special information stored in one of the files/folders. When you do make alterations, and save the file, you'll need to CHANGE the name of the file, IE, something like... "_41-42 North Afrika Test" **WRT to "desert into marsh"... instead of making a separate tile for desert, we simply used the marsh tiles and coloured them yellow. So, you would need to make sure that your new "configuration" file included... Custom Bitmaps (... where the terrain tiles are located) is "1." Using "0" means that you have NO changes from the default game. Naturally, movement costs and defense bonus, etc, were changed to "fit" the smaller scale. I would suggest reading the "designer's notes" also. Any questions on this scenario (... that I created) don't hesitate to ask. BTW... just curious, and interested, but what changes did you intend to make? [ September 30, 2006, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  23. So much for all them mistaken calculations I have been reading for months now, About how you just cannot defend Merry Olde England against, even, A hell-for-leather, X-tremely risk-taking Idaho kinda Foe. Well told tale, myth'd Terif, And just as CS Lewis himself, Enjoyed reading all about it. :cool:
  24. Sorry, didn’t see another post with same theme.On the other hand we should have posts about this much more because diplomatic system is not good. </font>
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