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Everything posted by Wicky

  1. Have you tried searching for: sound files / sound mods ?
  2. Lewis gun on LRDG Chevrolet > http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205194965
  3. The game is mostly hard coded to avoid cheating. The appearance of things can be modded as skins are accessible and a few other unit variables via the scenario editor in the full game. Another way of depicting running out fuel in game would be using special keyboard combo Ctrl+Shift+Escape (PC) or Command-Option-Esc (mac) or simply pulling out the power cord...
  4. It was more generally for antiaircraft defense when mounted like that to the rear. Units in the field often modified the mountings on their vehicles, especially tanks and tank destroyers, to provide more operator protection in the anti-vehicular and anti-personnel role. In the days of CMBO I once had a Stuart credited with destroying an enemy aircraft. Does your testing involve aircraft?
  5. Don''t you claim to have sources in 'high places' that give you info that you publish for profit?
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-36683549
  7. I concur - there's so much misinfo/disinfo that I didn't know where to begin debunking all the various claims put forth by GAZ NAZ.
  8. Send in the Welsh Air Force to sort things out... :-)
  9. 10 minutes away from where I live - Colchester Cavalry barracks where they also filmed Blackadder scenes and where I learnt to march as well. Now converted into civvie housing as Paras have a new modern built base further out of town with an old restored Dakota at the entrance.
  10. "warms my heart ..." Is that the Port hitting the spot! An old school cricket club my club plays as well as incorporating the mid interval 'tea' which is a hot cooked meal also includes a bottle of Port on every table - with interesting results in the 2nd innings for both sides :-)
  11. Problem is proving where the attacks originated and putting out evidence in the public domain so its clear where it started if a nation or NATO is going to retaliate. For instance my UK Cricket League co.uk website is 'attacked' / visited quite regularly from a variety of countries (see below) that basically have no good reason to visit my website - but is the originator of those attacks necessarily from the apparent IP address & nation... as Tor and similar systems can befuddle and cloak IP addresses so even attacks could be routed and appear to originate from allies / innocent parties...
  12. If Eurovision Song Contest is diplomacy by other means then what on earth will kick off if Ukraine and Russia meet in the later stages of the Euros... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_War
  13. "Despite devastating the country, the Allies were still overwhelmingly welcomed by the French)." The way I've read it (Ken Tout's By Tank and D-Day Bombers - The Veterans' Story) after preinvasion and subsequent bombing the French were a bit twitchy in immediately expressing their joyous welcomings despite the allied commands best efforts to avoid civilians killed. As the allies moved further North into less directly effected areas i.e Belguim & Holland the welcomes became warmer.
  14. "there are vastly more Tatars living in mainland Russia' Not surprising after Stalin's Sürgünlik (In November 1989, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR recognized the deportation of the Crimean Tatars as a crime against humanity of the highest degree.) The results of crimes are now excuses for further crimes - interesting how Russia digs itself into a deeper hole.
  15. It seems the legacy of Stalin's forced migration internally and of Russians into neighbouring counties will last longer than his statues - if they perpetually serve as a pretext for shenanigans stunting the bordering nations forever held hostage to Russia's self interests. Maybe the bomber flights and naval intrusions around the UK are for the protection for the enclave of Russians... "The 2001 UK Census recorded 15,160 Russian-born residents. Estimates published by The Guardian suggest that the resident Russian-born population in London was over 150,000 in 2014. The rise in population has led to jocular nicknames for London such as "Londongrad" and "Moscow-on-the-Thames"."
  16. ASL Veteran's point covers AI controlled AFVs. Pretty difficult then to have AFVs engage in say urban combat if there were hard and fast gun elevation/depression limits and the onus was on the scenario designer to somehow compensate for this with even the best foresight.
  17. So Putin is returning to the good ol' days: Declaration of the Government of the USSR on the Principles of Development and Further Strengthening of Friendship and Cooperation between the Soviet Union and other Socialist States Keep your friends near and your enemies even closer... and we'll pop in anytime we fancy... Never mind Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine and Ukrainian sovereignty referendum, 1991
  18. "making Russia out to be a aggressive country that can invade at any time" But you've already admitted here somewhat reluctantly that Russian military is playing a significant role in Ukraine! counter to anything I've seen on state sanctioned RT News. Is that enough to get you in trouble like Andrei Bubeyev with Russian authorities for activities that aim to undermine the nation's security or constitutional order for which you could serve 5 years imprisonment (Amended to makes it an even greater offense if the statement is made in the press or online, even on a private social media account).
  19. What does Russia intend to do about Poland also building its own and complementing US deployments, by modernising its air defences at a cost of $10 billion with half dedicated to lower-tier missile defense. Is this percieved as also potentially offensive? http://cepa.org/index/?id=061f193d29d6ec5b5c02ed242396c2a7
  20. Heck - what's to stop em replacing the guidance system with pigeons trained to aim the missiles at Moscow.
  21. "What prevents replace the stuffing in the missile defense system to the shock ? System at any time covertly converted to strike system." The SM-3 missile used in the Aegis BMD is a kinetic interceptor (31 kg TNT equivalent of kinetic energy at the point of impact.) About as effective offensively as taking off the bullet proof jacket and throwing it over a wall at someone...
  22. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Battleworn-Memoir-Combat-Medic-Afghanistan-ebook/dp/B00JR2PVO2 Claustrophic and immersive account from combat medic of time at Nad-e Ali, Helmand Province.
  23. Very impressed! Must have been fun lining up the camo edges on the Shermans. Hopefully the quality of your work will catch the eye of @Battlefront.com and get you deservedly on the team.
  24. Even so cooler heads prevailed due to the unfeasability of the plans for Operation Unthinkable "to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and the British Empire."
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