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Everything posted by Wicky

  1. Good news that - does it also address displaying fog?
  2. Mac finder is seeing the 3 data files (2H, 2C & 3) as application programs - Individually double clicking one of them starts it off - with a "preparing to install" but as it starts to install it crashes out - Most probably because it hasn't had a preference set to where to install too as that is a choice made when starting the main Installer (which when I installed mine worked it's way automatically accessing the 3 data files) The files are marked as created by Aladdin 7.1.1 (InstallerMaker?) so they're most probably mutant self-extracting archives but are hopeless without running in unison from the 1st installer file. [ December 11, 2003, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  3. I think using stuffit was possibly misleading but I may be wrong. How many Gigabytes capacity do you have left free to install onto your Hard Drive?
  4. Mods shouldn't as far as I know cause the game to crash - overload your Graphics card maybe if they were high res (be careful with alternative sky mods). Did you back up your bmp files/folder so you can restore the game easily? Also some of the sound mods need to be converted to wmv files before they can replace the originals. What Mac and graphics card have you got, what is the nature of the 'crash' and what particular mods have you tried to install?
  5. As Schrullenhaft said, create a folder on the desktop and name it "CMAK" or something. Copy over from the CD into the new folder the English Installer and the 3 Data files. Run the copied installer, select where you want the game installed and you hopefully should be away. It takes a while so put the kettle on and half-an-hour later you should have a hot copy of CMAK to slurp Also, make sure your before installing that your Energy Saver control panel is set for the Hard Drive not to go to sleep (when done you can set it back to how it was). When installed you might have to set the CMAK application a bit memory than allocated by default. Is there a G3 e-mac, did you mean an i-mac?
  6. Just had some Aussies in a battle on my Mac and they weren't sledging the Italians, and worst of all not sounding like Rolf Harris but more Jeffrey Archer :confused:
  7. PANZER ACES 2 Covers the life and times of six leading German tankers: Sepp Brandner (Sturmgeschutz-Brigade 912); Fritz Febmann (Panzer Aufklarungs-Abteilung 7); Kurk Knispel (schwee Panzer-Abteilung 503); Johannes Kummel (Panzer-Regiment 8 of the Deutsches Afrika Korps): Karl Nikolussi-Leck (SS-Panzer-Regiment 5 ÒwikingÓ); and, Hermann von Oppein-Bronikowski (Panzer Regiment 35; Panzer-Regiment 204; Panzer-Regiment 11; 20 Panzer-Division). Each capsule biography runs at least 50 pages and contains numerous photos. Author: Franz Kurowski Format: 582pp, 100+ period photos and maps, hb. Category: Third Reich World War Two ISBN: 0 921991 49 5 Price: £42.50
  8. Ran a test scenario (Dec 1940) and I can confirm that Auusie/UK 3" wouldn't embark (either in set up or in test game) Even in Dec 1941 Polish/NZ/Aussie radio spotters won't embark When Axis radio spotters appear they embark without a problem Very Odd
  9. Sorted Italiian last seen Mod or try CMMODS under CMBO latest
  10. Excel Reader Program allows you to open but not edit files
  11. Whose grass mod? Thre's a whole lot more inc. Panthers and a Matilda More tanks and stuff
  12. I couldn't see the bundle of faggots icon and it doesn't seem to gel with all the other icons in the game. So I've knocked this up to share It's shown here back-to-front but in the game it is righted Download here Feel free to do what you wish with it Edit: I took the liberty of working with -E's icon and removed the pinkies - I hope that OK Download here [ December 07, 2003, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  13. Whenever I've played vs Italians, they (infantry, trucks & guns) come up as this 'last seen icon'- Somehow doesn't look right or is this how they're meant to appear ? [ December 05, 2003, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  14. Exactly, I can't be personally captured when playing as the CM commander. Bill Williams, Intelligence Officer to Monty wrote. "I was summoned to the caravan on August 15 or 16, 1942. The new army commander had uncomfortably piercing eyes, and his questions , in a sharp spinsterly voice, were much to the point. He wanted to know when Rommel would attack, where, and what with... He won his first battle at Alam Halfa, by accepting the intelligence with which he was furnished that morning." Er, I don't think so. In the ETO those rarely made it to anyone lower than an army commander. Nobody who stood a chance of being captured by the enemy was even supposed to know of its existence. Michael </font>
  15. Ta, Customs find the picture in my passport amusing as well
  16. If you thought the P-51 pilot was rubbish just wait for the Luftwaffe... The allies having access to ULTRA intelligence overheard the conclusions of a conference of Luftwaffe commanders on the 17th July 1944 reviewing the air situation. "..It was instructive to know that already their opposite numbers, talking amongst themselves, believed that reinforcement pilots from Germany were useless: ....under-trained pilots were jettisoning their bombs: that experienced flight leaders were lacking: and that aircraft should avoid ground held by their own troops as they were liable to be shot down!" Ultra Goes to War, The Secret Story Ronald Lewin page 335 For realism in CMAK Ultra intelligence supplements should possibly be part of quite a few allied briefings
  17. Dear BFC, My package, delayed from yesterday, arrived today. I was surprised that the box was a bit bigger than nomal and contained 1 pair of cricketing whites, medium to be hemmed, and 1 pair of size 8 .5 spiked shoes but no CMAK CD :confused: Please fix immediately or sumfink
  18. Could you give a bit more info on your "old G3 powerbook" such as: Version, memory, graphics card & VRAM Memory allocation, Virtual memory on/off, OS version, resolution and resolution asked for and drivers .etc Ta
  19. I thought the CMBB CD was full to the brim, how did you squeeze the extra data on?
  20. Parcle Force tried to deliver something today but I was out! Hopefully whatever 'it' is will be redelivered & ripped open tomorrow. Would 'it' possibly have got from Eire to UK that quick?
  21. Bootiful MORE MORE!!! What an earth is that wacky races (italian ?) bathtub on wheels?
  22. Any idea exactly what make and model graphics card you've got inside? CMBO or CMBB? Booted in OS9 or OSX? It sounds like you've got a an ATI Radeon 9000 which won't work and there's no fix for the drivers. You might want to try a Geforce4MX and see if that works or somehow obtain an ATI Retail Radeon AGP 7000 32mb which does work. [ December 01, 2003, 05:27 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  23. In CMBO a pesky ATG took out a load of tanks, I gathered the crews and charged the gun with them in fitting retribution.
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