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Everything posted by Wicky

  1. ftp://ftp.combatmission.com/ Have you looked through here
  2. Trying to upload to CMMODS but it gets rejected as saying I haven't selected a type. All I can see is a drop down selection from "Infantry, Armour and Guns" - Is there a selection of "Other"? I've checked with a veriety of browsers from my Mac and I am stumped. I've e-mailed Colombus for help but he hasn't come back.
  3. bump for junk2drive Don't think the HTs would have the snow chains on the front steering wheels. Surely they'd be used on drive wheels If you need it I can send you the .psd transparency file
  4. Well spotted - I renamed a copy of 4043.bmp (snowy tread) as 54041.bmp and this seems to put things right.
  5. Light dusting is my preference for axis unless it can be shown that whitewashed camo was used in Italy Keep it up
  6. While researching for snowy vehicle references I stumbled across this site: Photos - Kasserine Pass to Germany More D-Day+ [ February 20, 2004, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  7. At CMMODS - Ta muchly Columbus Jeep / MG Jeep M3 Scout Car M8 Greyhound M20 Scout Car T8 Recon Truck M2/M3 Halftrack M3 GMC M3A1 Halftrack M4/M4A1 Mortar Carrier M15 MGMC M16 MGMC M21 Mortar Carrier T19 HMC T30 HMC Coming soon - UK support vehicles mod pack [ February 22, 2004, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  8. Marvellous - Carry on with the Jerries and we'll soon have both sides done & dusted
  9. BMP list from excel files posted but I forget from who I use Photoshop 7 which has the very useful inbuilt file preview browser and layer sets. Layers are the basis so you can create different effects and importantly alter them without effecting previously done artwork. When done they can be bundled up in a layer set. This was how I did the Sherman set so easily as all I had to do with different versions was use as much previously completed weathering, with only tinkering for version differences. Layer opacity/effects, stock brushes, dodge and burn were used extensively as well as having to keep multiple files open to see what was going on esp with rounded hulls and Firefly turrets. The awkward bit was having to quit and open a test scenario in CMAK everytime I needed to see the work in progress - sometimes 2-3 times per bmp. Glad you liked them and watch out for the winterised allied support vehicle packs inc. jeeps, HTs, ACs, reccies and trucks
  10. by Wicky British 3" Mortars and Walls there is no fix Plus Graphics glitch on the lower rear of US M7 B1 Priest
  11. UK - Achilles, Wolverine, Sexton & M7 Priest US - M10*, M7 Priest & M7B1 Priest (Gordon Molek's M10* GMC in the camouflage and markings of the 894th Tank Destroyer Battlaion at Anzio with added snow.) Here at CMMODS That's the M4 chassis done - any requests for what next to snow up... [ February 10, 2004, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  12. Don't know if it's my graphics card but there seems to be a slight graphics gitch with the rear lower hull in the US M7 B1 priest. If one gets to level 1 there is a funny bleeding effect. Not sure what's causing it as I thought it was my doing when doing the latest snowy mods but after much head scratching and pixel poking I reviewed the original and found it there as well.
  13. The 'read me / info' file is a text file - just add .txt and should be OK. The bmp numbers shouldn't replace any existing files in your data/bmp folder as they use new numbers (old bmp no + 50,000) which activate in snowy conditions. Don't bank on CMBO mod files working for vehicles as a lot of polygon models changed for CMBB and CMAK
  14. All the allied shermans with a dusting of snow ready for Italian winter battles. Two separate packs - UK and Allies at 17.5mb each Edit: Available now at CMMODS Edit to the Edit: I will post later the IIC Firefly I missed... Enjoy and many thanks to Columbus for hosting Edit: Missing Firefly llC now at CMMODS [ February 06, 2004, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  15. Only 21 more Sherms to go.... This is the first one of the production line inspired by the recent cold snap and Gordon and Marco's CMBO winter mod. Update... I, II (early), IIA and III (early). [ February 01, 2004, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  16. Possible Bug Playtesting a NA scenario Dec 42 had a British 3 inch mortar team (3 men) and they were unable to hop across a stone wall. Had to call back a universal carrier to get them across - otherwise it was a very long walk around. Tested it again and with axis 81 mm team (6 man) who can pass over the same wall without any problems. So unless it is dependant on crew sizes to manhandle a tube over obstacles please fix or sumfink.
  17. Poke around the ftp combatmission site for the hidden treasure Look under Gordon I can see two beauties there : ram_kangaroo2.zip 1,678K PC ZIP Archive Mon, 9 Dec, 2002, 12:00 AM Ram_Kangaroo_DF_GM_hr.zip 647K PC ZIP Archive Mon, 9 Dec, 2002, 12:00 AM and a winter CMMOS version which can be converted to normal bmp numbers easily enough: GEM_Winter_Ram_Kangaroo_CMMOS_hr.zip 2,267K PC ZIP Archive Wed, 7 Nov, 2001, 12:00 AM
  18. The specialised mod install programs were for Mac CMBO - For Mac CMBB and CMAK all you need to do is unzip 'em mods and drop them in your bmp data folder, after of course backing them up! There is a new specialised Mac CMBB mod install program around that automatically takes the hassle out and helps you set up a back up - search for "MacModganizer" Happy modding - there are a lot of vehicle snow camo mods that are absolutely necessary but be prepared for the data folder to reach 1GB proportions!
  19. Try giving the CM app more memory for a start Apple i the app > memory > preferred size up to say 200896K See what happens... I presume it's a PCI ATI graphics card? PS. Quite a powerful processor upgrade, that blue bar must shift some
  20. There are some hitches as the website needs registration which is flawed - my phone no. wasn't apparently a number :confused: The site is very slow and it appears there'll be costs attached in accessing the images:( I've e-mailed them about the registration problem and will ask more when they reply.
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