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Everything posted by Wicky

  1. ATI seem to have forgotten about it after the Retail Radeon for the Mac... Just a tease for those that don't have it, but also a lot of scenario designers hardly seem to use fog anyway due to it being 'missing'. [ November 22, 2003, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  2. Erik, It seems you might be able to use the spotter to target as soon as he appears as a reinforcement as there's a 3 min delay. But, just as long as you can get him forward to LOS of his original target before the arrival of the first ranging round. Even if you don't get there in time, just retarget (green line) with only a few secs delay as penalty. PS. Any chance of porting your game to the Mac
  3. From your description it sounds as if he was spotting without LOS on his target. This will mean the rounds could land just about anywhere. have a look around for pufts of dust, even on your own troops to see how off target things have got. [ November 22, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  4. If they're willing to take your money I'm sure they'll send it to Belgium, unless Belgium isn't part of Western Europe anymore purchase policy I went through the process of preordering the PC BB/AK bundle ($60) and the option came up for: Countries Included In Western Europe Shipping England France Ireland Northern Ireland Portugal Scotland Spain Wales Austria Belgium Italy Germany Luxembourg Switzerland Denmark Finland Iceland Liechtenstein Monaco Netherlands Norway Sweden [ November 22, 2003, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  5. iForce G3 Upgrade Odyssey processor upgrades Graphics card is built into the system board so there is no way to upgrade it. A better value for money option is to consider the emac g4 like an imac but with 17" monitor (Apple emac) but make absolutely certain it is OS9 bootable.
  6. Andreas is a beta tester (and one of the dearthly eucalyptus clan, aka school prefefects, who mismanage the forum), and his screenshots are from an earlier version to the demo???
  7. Revision a or b imac? a original blueberry b next one c slot loading (dalmation, arctic white etc) I presume a, as that came with 8.6, this will be barely adequate for CMBB as the installed 128 card is quite basic and nigh on impossible to upgrade. The optimum for the CM series seems to be the ATI 7000 ATI radeon 32mb card installed in a OS9 bootable tower. You might have a problem upgrading to a brand new machine as they don't boot in 9. Look for a good 2nd hand machine (G4) but check/search here for specs i.e. 9000 series ATI cards don't work. And all AT cards after 7000 had some problem. Nvidia cards seem OK but but have there own idiosyncrasies. My ideal CM gaming machine would be a dual Quicksilver 867 tower, OS9 bootable, with a 2nd hand (as discontinued) Retail ATI Radeon 32mb AGP card
  8. errr... it could be as long as two years before CMX, but hopefully less So my advice is don't let that stop you. Panther is quicker than previous versions of OSX but seems to use a lot of memory. I'm using it on my dual 450 g4 with 512mb and having the new CS Photoshop, Quark 6 etc and a couple of other apps it slows up. (most probably caused by most apps needing muliple undo's/scratch disk) For compairson my working 9.2.2 system uses (addmittedly bloated with extensions) 113mb of memory so gawd knows how much Panther uses. The new macs can use, I think, up to 4gig memory. Lots of good new features with panther i.e. Speedy finder, integration with idisk, multiple users. Quartz rendering works fine with my ATI 32 7000 and so does CM BEWARE if you use a Firewire external drive as there has been major problems of data loss. Check thoroughly before upgrading
  9. Doesn't say that you can't order the AK/BB pack on the purchase ordering page
  10. Inspired from the above An exceptionally well motivated and trained "Green" that featured in an allied draw vs AI axis;) A major factor seems to be how they perform under command with the variable factors that can be given to the officer units by the scenario creator which can improve by degree a squads performance. Note the major brush fire in background
  11. Thanks aka tom, But Wargamer99 says he has a Nvidia card which indicates to me he has an Ali PB 867 12' which is a slightly different beast.
  12. Should see something like this: Not sure what info gets displayed for Nvidia cards
  13. PowerBook G4/867 12" Specs? Puzzling as it says that your model can't boot into OS9 ?!?! If you can is it OS9.2.2? When you tried setting different screen resolutions and running CM was this in OSX running Classic emulation? Because CM-BO will run, albeit very graphically poorly and slowly @640x480. In OSX system prfs>start up> does the OS9 system come up as an option to boot into. Just like this: [ November 20, 2003, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  14. Quit the app, find the app, single click on it and do an "APPLE i" and change the memory allocation from the default 77400k to as much as you can spare - Try not to have anything else running if you can . My mac has 512mb (System uses 113mb) installed and so I upped CMAK to 152800k - Virtual memory OFF Hope that helps [ November 19, 2003, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  15. Have any other Mac users had a problem with the interface in the demo? G4 450 Dual with aftermarket ATI AGP Retail Radeon 32mb Edit: Gulp *comes up for air* Sorted, just needed to up the application memory allocation via "Apple i". Deep breath *Dives back into CMAK* [ November 19, 2003, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  16. Nearby this thread is one in which after much headscratching it was concluded that the Powerbook G4 (867 MHz) couldn't run CM because it has an ATI mobility 9000 video card. Could you check your system profiler to confirm the make of card and VRAM. ATI and PB867 thread VirtualPC doesn't support 3D graphics acceleration directly from graphics card VRAM and instead uses RAM, so that's a no go. Be careful wiyh Fire wire drives as 10.3 has issues with firewire drives that needed firmware fixes or data was lost. (see macfixit Firewire debacle) [ November 23, 2003, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  17. CMAK undergoing final testing in the field
  18. Yup tis stuck. It can still function like a fixed pill box, but if it it gets hit a few times the crew might decide to abandon. I would try and fire off as much HE as possibe, into known or suspected enemy positions/buildings before you possible lose it. Or alternatively, depending on where it's stuck/ status, you could hide it and use it for ambush purposes with cover arcs etc. What's experience? and is it an independant or part of a platoon or HQ tank?
  19. That was an intersting read, but after completing it the website spurred my memory of its unsavory claims and holocaust denial Link </font>
  20. Hi and welcome to the forum, Not sure what you mean by "3.o" Could you give us your system specs and OS version you're booted up in, screen settings etc Plus are you playing CMBO or CMBB? Cheers
  21. None from over two years research - but some people feel it does make a difference. There is further experimentation currently going on, which is trying to gaze into the blinding light of Charles's mind. It involves at least a 1000 CMers with 1000 tanks over a 1000 turns that might, or might not, glean some significance in 1000 years. Boggging - In memory of Joeri [ November 17, 2003, 10:02 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  22. A nightmare series to ID correctly - Titanium PowerBook G4 range: 1GHz PowerPC G4 ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 with 64MB 867MHz PowerPC G4 ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 with 32MB 667MHz PowerPC G4, ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 with 32Mb 667MHz PowerPC G4 ATI Mobility Radeon with 16Mb Now which one is it? Is your OS9 system profiler something like this: What does your VRAM say? If it is a 9000 which I certainly think it is then you seemed to have unfortunately missed the warning when ordering CMBB Link - June 17 '03 [ November 17, 2003, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]
  23. Nope, didn't help. It looks to me like CMBB is being developed by Amish Software, Inc., and will never support anything newer than 9.2. That appears to be their position on their announcements, and it actually looks like they're developing a new game, CMAK, for 9.2 It's a shame. It was a good game. Frisbee, anyone? </font>
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