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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. Once you have got a selection which covers all the pink areas just flood fill the selection with the pink colour.That should make a uniform pink colour for you.
  2. Pat, I am familiar with Gautrek’s mod tutorial; I’ve used it to add dirt, grime etc. to other modders mods. Also familiar with layers and so forth. My question then is how you fixed specially the bad pink areas in 3900.bmp. You’ll notice in the Cabe version the magenta is a different shade(s) towards the edges in spots; how did you offset that and make your edges so crisp/uniform? Did you use any painting as part of the process? When I tried the layer/similar/invert technique I still had to go in and paint to make the pink area uniform. Maybe my magic wand settings are off, though I’ve tried different combinations. -- and If anyone else has any advice I’d be glad to hear it Thanks (ps, I use Photoshop 6 or CS2 if that matters) </font>
  3. Its all in my tutorial. If you copy the base image and use this as the top layer. Then select the pink parts.Invert the selection and then cut it should give you a pink "mask " on the top layer.Then it doesn't matter if you mess up the lower layers.
  4. No mate what it takes a 9/11 type attack by OBL again so we can invade the wrong bleeding country again and f*** up some where else. Which is one of the reasons that a lot of the Europian countries didn't back the Iraq war in the first place.Its nothing to do with not wanting to fight. Its more to do with making sure we get it right in the first place. Not that that seems to bother that twat Bush and B'liar.
  5. Just a small question. When and if you bring out a Brit module is there any chance of adding a c to defence on the piccys show. As this spelling of defence iritates the f*** out of me. Sorry to be piccy but for gods sake get your speelings write.
  6. I think he has upgraded his mac to a new OS and CM will not run any more.
  7. That doesn't leave much time for porn does it.
  8. I don't think the lens comes into this at all.The guy in the background is standing slightly behind the tall one.Look at the shadows to see how far away he is. Its not just this photo any way. I have seen many images from iraq and the like where you seem to be recruiting a load of short arses for you forces. Is there not a minimum size now.
  9. Is one of these guys about 7 foot tall or is the other guy a Dwarf? This is one thing i have noticed in a load of photos and footage from Iraq. You yanks seem to be shrinking. There seems to be lot of very short guys in your forces now. Do you any sort of mininum size or is it based on ability to carry stuff and general fittness. Edited cause i can't speel to save my life
  10. Does that mean we can expect a ships and boats only ToW game soon. If not why not.
  11. I must admit that until i saw the screenshot i hadn't realised how big the Stryker is. Bear in mind i now nothing about it apart from a few piccys that i have seen. How manouverable is it? I would imagine that its a bit piss poor in narrow streets?
  12. here is another shot of said gun. Notice the flamethrower trailer next to it for some idea of scale.
  13. Check out this piccy of a Sturmtiger gun. Not the Italian tankette hiding behind it.Its nearly as big as the Italian vehicle I have added some links to more piccys of my visit to this years tankfest at Bovington in the GF.
  14. Why not just grow up and stop behaving like a 5 year old. OK.
  15. Thats not the point. The subject matter is the problem. Yanks verses Arabs.(YAWN). Whats wrong with Nato verses the Warsaw pact set in the 70's/80's.That would have been the dogs bollocks. But CMSF just leaves me cold. No interest what so ever.
  16. I think the one with 111 on the side is one of mine from my pack. :cool:
  17. Same differance to me mate. It could just as easy be chinese. Actualy the .CZ gave it away once i had posted it here.
  18. check out this site for some piccys of a T38 that didn't like water.I'm sorry but its in polish. T38
  19. I seem to be having a LOS problem with this bleeding thread. I have to scroll to view the whole text.Now i know how your PIAT guy feels.
  20. Just a small mod i have wipped up. Its based on a photo i happened to find.Its an original WWII mine marker. Just download the image below and stick into you bmp folder.It should be named 1220.bmp. this works in both games.I will do a tank one.
  21. I may have a fiddle with this for you. Leave it with me for a few days.
  22. I take it you didn't like this one either? I think its under CMBB but it should fit in CMAK
  23. I take it you didn't like this one either? I think its under CMBB but it should fit in CMAK
  24. here is a sneak preview of my PZ 4 mod. its based on a famous photo of a PZ4 thats been covered in chalk. I have tried to add some snow to this. Look closely at the wheels and the corners of the hull This is very rough and ready at the moment Edited cause i'm piss poor at speeling [ October 20, 2005, 04:26 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  25. My problem is that all i managed to find on the net was a straight bit of track.So i need to be able to bend my straight image round a corner. I'm not clever enough to actualy be able to redraw new railtracks.
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