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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. I will release them once i can work out how to do the curves.Its beyond me at the moment.
  2. This is my version of the hasty Panzer IIIG seen on page 21 of the first Panzer colours book. i have used mikeyd's redrawn base art for this mod. Thanks. Ihave included all his BMP's into my mod so you can install this mod as is.Just in case you havn't already downloaded his panzer IIIg mod ( and if not why not?). I did try adding snow to this mod but its not happening at the moment so i decided to release this mod with out snow. I am halfway through snowing up a panzer 4 at the moment
  3. You need to post the image on a website and then remote link to it using the image button in the reply form. I was actualy trying to set my AT gun up on the ridge shown in the screenshot but my mates tank rush stopped me bringing my cunning plan into action. image hosting Try here for a free image hosting site that others use on this forum [ October 14, 2005, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  4. So if you then add all the ETO stuff to CMAK you can release a new BO game for hardly any development time. Think of all the wonga you can make,and it shouldn't delay the CM Iraqi freedom or what ever its called game at all.
  5. So take it that my AMD 650 MHZ chip and geforce annihilator graphics card is now good any more then. Should i go and get a new PC.
  6. Well after trying some of the things pointed out to me and my total lack of skill in using AT guns on the attack. I present a screenie which i am slightly chuffed about. This AT gun was placed slightly behind a hill as an area denial weapon.(The fact that i was rushed into putting it there due to my mates tank rush on the right hand side of the map doesn't come into it.)And he caught me halfway to where i was planning to place it.But it all worked out swimingly for me.Note the kills dotted on the hillside. It did help that i had also placed 2 MG42's in close proximity to cover the hill side as well.So the combined MG and AT force worked out well.Note the evidence of a hard fought battle. So take back all i said about AT guns.They are Brilliant on attack.
  7. Comanding units from a Stryker brigade? Sorry but i havn't a clue what you are talking about.It must be some yank thing that i for one know nothing about and to be perfectly honest i don't give a toss about either. I would have prefered a Cold war setting as well.
  8. No problem. Check you mail as i have sent the bmp list's for CMBB and CMAK.
  9. Can someone explain this to me a bit more. As i have never looked at modding any other game. And does this mean that they can still be modded using PSP or PS.
  10. Well i must admit that some of what you guys have said has sunk in. I am using a couple of 75 mm AT guns in my latest PBEM game.I had started aimlessly driving them about at the start while trying to decide where to stick them.But i decided to stick one behind a small rise to deny the area to my mate.It was a bit touch and go as to if his sudden mad tank rush would get it before it deployed. (He is playing the Russians and he has much tank mounted infantry so his tactics makes sense.) But no i have managed to deploy it and set up a cover arc as well.God i'm getting better at this game.I also have a few MG42's dotted about to provide support(this is more down the halftracks getting killed than my good placing), The best bit is that a couple of T34's have just driven over the rise and i think i have managed to snot one of them,and the other one looks like it could be next. So yes AT guns on attack can be good.
  11. I bet that got you a bit worried when you read the post above didn't it. And no i havn't signed you up.
  12. As you seem to like the subject matter on display there i have signed you up for the online version of their magazine.I hope you don't mind as i used you email address from this site. No its allright you don't need to thank me.
  13. So you are telling me that you actualy looked at the site then. And i thought i was sad.
  14. Well bugger me it would seem you are right. I have just been looking at the website of the American fense association. American fense association. Oh no wait a minute thats wrong.
  15. Geez, Gautrek...how to put this? They're best on defense? </font>
  16. I am not to happy with the cratres. So i have had another play with them. Hows this. Better? ignore the filled in crater as thats still the same.
  17. Well it seems like it just me then. Maybe its my stupid fault for not being able to decide where to put them.I will have to work on this methinks. The only plus point is that my normal mate i play against is as bad as me. God you lot are a bit serious about this game aren't you. I think its a waste if i don't get every piece of equipment or men at least injured or blown up by the end of the game.I think its gamey hiding things so they count towards the score. My kind of player.I think buildings are only placed on maps for target practice anyway. But seriously i think i may have been trying to much with them.Maybe i should work more on the area denial idea. thanks any way guys.
  18. Is it just me. I have a major problem with anti tank guns.Apart from the usual one of them kiling my tanks. My problem is when i get given them when i am attacking. It goes something like this. Move forward with my infantry and armour.locate the enemy. Think maybe its about time to get my AT guns set up.So i drive them into position.Unlimber them and get them set up.Only to find they can't bleeding well see anything.So its then a case of load them back up and drive them to somewhere else. Unlimber them again(Checking out the LOS before hand).Wait for the setup up time to finish so i can unleash them at his armour. And then bang they have been spotted and blown up. Or they then spend the rest of the game sitting there with nothing to shoot at as i have bleeding well put them in the wrong place again.And i can't be arsed to move them again. So to stop these situations happening i seem to spend most of the game driving round with them behind vehicles not daring to place them as i know i will get it wrong anyway. So this is a plea to scenario designers.For my sanity please don't bother giving me any anti tank guns when i am attacking. As i can't cope with them. Give me another tank or something similar.Because i can at least move that around with ease if its in the wrong place.
  19. I have released a winter set of craters for both CMAK and CMBB. They are under CMAK at the database. See my other post in the CMAK sectio here for more details.
  20. I have just posted my winter craters. These will work in both CMAK and CMBB. They are based on JUJU's redrawn craters. And you will have to add and remove them as an when you need them.
  21. Well done you have passed the observation test. So you can claim your free set of winter craters off me as soon as i release them. I just need a question answering first.Do i need to renumber the winter craters.And if so what do they need renumbering to? Or is it a case of swapping them out as and when they are needed
  22. Dont worry i'm just messing about with some ideas at the moment. I have seen some nice piccys of some Canadian Shermans totaly covered in spare tracks so i may have alook at something like that as well.
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