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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. Well aren't you in a hurry to see it after all the screen shots. Its just that i like to see dirty and bent tanks when i am playing.And i don't mean bent as in how most of mine end up. So i thought i would get in early and ask before everybody else starts.Its more of a wish than anything.
  2. Can any of you very fine and talented modders out there (crawl, crawl) please put me out of my misery. My wish for is mods to come out that are for rusty and muddy looking vehicles.Also a small amount of damage to mudguards and such like(If this is possable which as as i have no talent for this sort of thing so i dont know) thanks
  3. yes i know what you mean about the camps after the public go home.That is the best bit of the shows for me. Also it seems i might be able to get there on the sunday . Have you joined English Heratige yet as we joined a couple of years ago and you get into any events for nothing.We saved the joining fee staight off by going to the whole weekend for both years.You need to go for both daays to be able to see everything.
  4. Oh bollocks i was planning to go to Kirby hall this year but we are coming back from our holiday that weekend.I might have to have a word with the wife and see if we can come back early as i really enjoy this event.Dont you think the arena pieces look better now they are using the smaller arena.The American civil war and the Napolionics looked so much better when you are sat closer to them. Also wasn't the Lancaster a great way to end the show . Apparently the tiger is built on a Russian tank base and it was built for a film.it can only fire one shot as they have to load the charge in the barrel end and then run wires done the barrel to let it off. The only thing that spoilt it for me was when the tank was knocked out the tank crew just stood around on the tank talking instead of taking cover.Because i do reenactment this sort of thing pisses me off big time.We are told to act in character when we are in the public view. Also was that Murrey Walker sitting in one of the tanks as it looks very much like him and his mouth is open as if he is talking.
  5. Thats it thanks Are they any good though.Because i think they look brilliant
  6. What i want to know about this game is will we get to play with the Russian mg on wheels that you see in all the war footage on the Russian front. Also what is it called
  7. Myself and a mate bought a shop copy of CM .All seems fine but i keep reading items about the intro movie. Both myself and my mate would love to watch this movie but both of us have never seen it .Are we doing something wrong or is it not on the shop bought version. Thanks
  8. thanks this must be about the only site i haven't looked at
  9. After spending hours changing cm i have finally got it looking how i want it apart from one small detail. I have spent hours looking around all the sites i know of and i seem to have drawn a blank. My problem is i can't find a working mod for the ram kangeroo.All the sites i have looked at either don't seem to have it or the links don't work. So can somebody point me in the right dirction. thanks
  10. oh i didnt mean that they would have solved the problems it just that they might have helped .
  11. The problem in this game with having an AVRE tank is that everybody thinks that this was it.When in fact it stood to mean any tank used by the Royal Engineers .All though i think the churchill was the only tank called an AVRE. These included bridgelaying tanks and tanks to drop fascines in to antitank ditches(a fascine is basically a big bundle of logs which roll off the front)and armoured recovery vehicles.As well as numerous others. They were called The Funnies and it is now thought that if they Americans had used them they would not have been stuck on the beach for so long on D day.
  12. Could somebody please tell where i can download these from as i cant seem to find them yet. thanks
  13. I thought it might be something like that. thanks anyway
  14. I know that somebody will tell me a very good reason why its not been done yet.But why has nobody moddied the flame throwers and bazookers and such like.Or have they been done and i havent found them yet.if they have been done could somebody point me in the right direction. thanks
  15. thanks for all your help i am in the process of checking out all of the above
  16. hello all I have just started playing CM and i am a bit disapointed, I havent seen any secnarios yet that contain churchill tanks.Could somebody point me in the direction of any good battles that include the above vehicles. As i have just finished reading about the 9TH Royal Tank regiment and i was hoping somebody would have done some more british tank battles. Thanks
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