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Everything posted by gautrek

  1. Look whats next. The Hetzer is based on MikeyD's mod. These are both done but just need checking out before i release them.
  2. Just so you CMBB 'ers don't feel left out. I have managed to fit my CMAK halftrack mods onto the CMBB models. I have posted the M5 and M17 halftracks at Cmmods for you downloading pleasure. And just in case junk2drive is reading this. THESE ARE CMBB MODS.don't use in CMAK. As i had to alter the bmp's slightly to get them to fit the older models.
  3. here you go. Part 2 of the set. This time its the M4,M4A1 and M21 mortar carriers. I have included Juju's MG bmp's so dont worry about having these overwritten by my mod. [ March 11, 2005, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  4. I have also uploaded the italian L5 mod as well today.
  5. Right here we go. I have finaly released the first set in the yank halftrack series. In this set you get the plain half tracks. IE the M2,M3 and M3A1. The M3A1 comes with optional kit as per the previous image. All the mods also come with a corrected side bmp kindly done by Marcus. This moves the rollers into the correct postion to match up with the tracks in game. I will release the rest of the halftracks over the next few days. I have also done a CMBB version of my mods. this will also be released over the next few days. Don't use these mods in CMBB as the bmps are slightly differant.
  6. Couldn't agree more about stonehenge. I think its very overrated.I was a bit dissapointed with it.And also bear in mind you can't get anywhere near it now days as its roped off so you can't touch it.How crap is that. I would recomend Avebury as well its most impressive.You can also go to Silbury Hill and west Kennet long barrow if you hire a car out.These are all within about 2 miles of averbury. Megalitic map site Check out this site for loads of stuff to see around Stonehenge and Avebury.
  7. Only if you ask nice And i will try to upload them tues night. These look so much better with my dusty tracks fitted.
  8. I seem to recall that the last patch was corrupted or some thing.And it didn't install all the Aussie bmp's correctly.So maybe you didn't have the updated patch.
  9. One more vehicle to do then thats the full set done. They just need a final check and then they are ready. I will hopfully have them ready for the end of the week But just to keep people happy i have uploaded a small mod i did weeks ago. Its a captured aussie L3/33 tankette. I had forgotten i had done this. I bet this mod is never even seen in game by most people. I have also nearly done the other 2 vehicles that make up the captured set for the aussies.
  10. Cheers for that. I have been looking around for decent piccys of kit like that to hang of my mods. As i can't actualy draw much in PSP to save my life.So photos and such like are a life saver for me. Thanks again .
  11. I don'tknow if anybody here has seen my WIP thread. But i need the ok off who ever owns the photos shown here to let me release a mod of mine. So if they could let me know yes or no to using the image that would be nice. thanks
  12. No i hadn't seen it. I missed that last night while i was browsing. But is this what you had in mind. And yes i have emailed the relavent people about using the image. So i may or may not be able to release this depending on the resuilt. I have also tried to make it look like they have smeared mud over the star to tone it down a bit.
  13. Ohhhhh god. He's started again. Always asking for just one more. Send me the bmp numbers and i'll have a look. The guns wind me up as i can never find the one i want.
  14. Here you go. Here is my latest bone for you. I have finished the M15 at the front and am just starting the M3A1 behind it. I think i have 2 more halftracks to do for the full set including the brit stuff as well. But i need a favour off a few people. What with swapping bmps and getting into a right 2 and 8 with this mod,I need a couple of people to help me out. All this would entail is for them to find all the halftracks in the game and then load in my mod to see if i have missed any.AS i bet i have managed to miss at least one. So if you are up for helping leave a message here and an email addy.You will need a fair size email box as well. And BTW junk i have allready contacted you [ March 17, 2005, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: gautrek ]
  15. My goodness! :eek: I'm glad you're okay (better than dead, anyway). Just a piece of advice: wear a breath mask while working with those dust mods, the particles aren't good for your lungs! </font>
  16. My turn by turn chatter is normaly of the,You git thats my last tank you have just killed. Or why the **** doesn't my bleeding anti tank gun ever kill any thing at all. Or where the **** did they come from. So yes i suppose if you want to call it propaganda then yes it is.
  17. Tell me about it,it took me three goes to upload it.
  18. I have posted a dusty and damaged version of Vossiewulf's camo scheme for the Panther D. I have added optional kill markings and air recog flag. And yes i do know that these aren't correct for using MCCMM or what ever its called.But my bleeding computer is to stupid to allow me to zip the files up any other way. this mod will also work in CMAK.
  19. Cheers guys. I can't take it easy for much longer as its doing my head in. I need to get to work and start trying to get back to "normal".
  20. I have just posted my first mod for a long while. Its my Dusty and battle worn kubelwagon. i have included the late version as well.This i have just added a layer of dust to. Sorry its been a long time since i last did much. But after nearly dying in Novemeber i think i had more important things to do. I was rushed into hospital suffering from Pnuemonia,a massive chest infection and a case of fluid on the lung.So that why i havn't been about much lately.I have had various pipes and drains fitted into my chest cavity to drain out the fluid. I thought i was over it but it came back the other week and i was readmited for a few days.I have been given the OK to return to work next week but i still have a slight lung infection so it may still come back.the doctors just want to see how i cope without any antibiotics. So i will see how i go.But its taken me until now to get back to somewhere full health.As i hadn't realised how much it had knocked me back. I will have a look and see what i have got hanging about on my hard drive mod wise and release them for you. Also i have been trying to redo my website.This is finally coming together now so watch this space.
  21. Thanks thats sorted now. And i must put the data base in my bookmarks.
  22. Can somebody let me know what year the captured italian tanks are used by the aussies. I have found the L3/33 and the M13 40. But i cant seem to find the other one. So can some kind soul help me out of my misery.
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