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Everything posted by Lindan

  1. What was your gaming equipment like in 1999? I think I was on a 800Mhz CPU and 256MB Ram. Had a Geforce 2 MX for graphics. No wonder RT was out of the question.
  2. Seizure Zoloft is also broken in multiplayer. Please fix or do somefink.
  3. (Weak side hull armor + good turret armor)/2 = Average side armor. Sounds right to me.
  4. (Weak side hull armor + good turret armor)/2 = Average side armor. Sounds right to me.
  5. (Weak side hull armor + good turret armor)/2 = Average side armor. Sounds right to me.
  6. Wire fences are there already. Look like concrete walls though...
  7. After an hour getting used to crtl-click and "click-tab-2" supplementing the mouse move/rotates of the camera, I kind of like it too. I still try to move the camera off the map though..
  8. Paypal is an international service. I don't get your point.
  9. In case you actually start playing the game someday, instead of bitching about every single aspect of it: there are more OPTIONS to chose from than your mouse has buttons. This may be a strange concept to you. How about playing some Desktop Tower Defense for your wargame fix instead. Really good game. Only one mousebutton and 4 keys needed, too.
  10. The real question that has puzzled the inner circle for years... as Charles is member #2, who's #1 ?
  11. <p style="text-align:center;background-color:red;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-size:120%;border:1px solid silver">Adjustable Waypoints</p>
  12. There has to be a better way than gridding. Having programmed a bit of OpenGL myself, it's not hard to do some basic shading. The fact that Charles didn't code it in may mean there are other problems we don't know of.
  13. I believe the "hotkeys" menu is just an extract and not the full key mapping. But it is useful anyways.
  14. Show All Movement Paths would be extremely helpful.
  15. Hi Mr. Parabellum! Nice to see you are still with the community. That map looks brillant.
  16. I can't believe you guys are still all here! :eek: It's like I walked into a time machine and appeared 5 years back. Well then, see you all in Shock Force!
  17. (throwing bra) Seanachai... I.. I ... I LOVE you!!
  18. Lol! I was just checking if you released the new CM already, without me noticing. You can't trust those sneaky publishers...
  19. Hi Mike, yes I still drive it. I hope the fuel prices will go down a bit, as 12 litre super / 100 km is a bit pricey at 1.28 €/liter... Perhaps we can arrange another meeting with Apex, Parabellum and the others some time soon.
  20. Hehe... . Yes, Warpy married and moved to his new house. A lot of things to do and not enough time for playing games. Speaking of clashes in the desert, I'd like to get back into CM. So if one of you guys is interested in refreshing my memory the hard way, please send me a setup. Something smallish would be nice, as I have no broadband at the moment. @Jev : I'm a relic from the dark ages when there was no CM, just the CMBO beta demo. @rune: still designing those "childish" scenarios? @mace: I still have "Dolly, the inflatable love sheep" here for you, but lost your mail address. Please resend.
  21. Hi guys, I think this is the first time in two years that I visit this forum. Nice to see that many of the old guys (Andreas, JonS, JasonC etc.) are still here. It seems like ages that I joined this forum as member number 313. Greetings to all of you those who know me, I think we'll see each other more often from now on.
  22. I finished my first 2 defeats vs John Kettler and Londoner. Status ok for all other games, I don't think getting defeated in time will be a problem.
  23. Hi John, Aliens of 5 different star systems abducted me already and always brought me back as fast as they could. I'm waiting for your turn for quite a while now... cheers, Oli
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