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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. The number is not correct, only used to communicate that very few of the customer base use PBEM, and even fewer would base their buying decision on its inclusion or lackof. Most customers does not frequent these boards (in fact, VERY few do so) or recives emails from BFC. Those that do are more likely to be playing the game with other humans. So, any poll would be skewed. </font>
  2. After my first *proper* game of CMBB I never went back to CMBO.
  3. The number is not correct, only used to communicate that very few of the customer base use PBEM, and even fewer would base their buying decision on its inclusion or lackof. Most customers does not frequent these boards (in fact, VERY few do so) or recives emails from BFC. Those that do are more likely to be playing the game with other humans. So, any poll would be skewed.
  4. No mate, more like refusing to accept any change or locked into their own belief beyond reason. BFC has explained multiple times why PBEM may or may not be in the CMx2. And people are still complaining and raising questions that has been fully answered. Thus, they are blind and/or narrowminded, stuck with their preconcived ideas.
  5. You guys are either extremely narrowminded or just blind! If anything 1% plays CM BB/AK as PBEM. And, who knows if PBEM will be in or not, are you just deliberating not reading what Steve said, or ignoring it? Sheesh, I'm glad I dont have to deal with you as my customer base! PS! Who gives a **** if you are going to buy it or not depending on PBEM is in or not? Not BFC, so give it a rest.
  6. Connected to the fact that many players are turtles when it comes to gameplay. If you dont want time pressure, stick with PBEM.
  7. If you want to ponder your every move, PBEM. But having tried both, TCP/IP is the way to go! (I have a quick head )
  8. And the outfall from this would be even worse!
  9. I think BFC role in T72 is limited to marketing processes and certainly not coding.
  10. I think being placed as CO or a specific role in a game like CM would find a very limited market. Thus it does not make sense to make such a game. Adding it as an option must be viewd from a cost/benefit POV. But as I said, there are no plans so far to include this.
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum. The CO view you are decribing are not going to be implimented by BFC for gameplay (=fun) reasons. While BFC is trying to make realistic games, they must also appeal to the gamer. There are numerous threads in the CMAK forum now where BFC are discussing the future of CM, I would recommend you to browse through them. If you are looking for a WEGO game but from a divisional perspective, I would urge you to look up Combined Arms from Matrix Games.
  12. [ February 22, 2005, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  13. Err... BFC has done NOTHING on the new titles.... they are purley the publisher.
  14. I think you (and others) need to get rid of the idea that 1:1 is "eye-candy". It has very significant effects on the gameplay itself.
  15. Wow! Im just astounded! Anyone who knows me know that in the past Ive been critical to more than a few issues with BFC and their games, but people, you'r WAAAAAAAY off base! Seldom have I seen such a ignorant (in terms of game design), ungrateful and almost obnoxious group of forum goers. Get your head out of your ass, Steve will ask you for advice when he wants to know the velocity of a M16 bullet, but THANK GOD, he won't listen to you guys for a minute when it comes to game design! Praise the Lord! And why should he? Most of the forum goers (Grogs) game experience is limited to 2D hexes on a monitor or a cardboard. Do you REALLY think he listens to such a intravert group's suggestions about game design. Hell, if he did we would never have CM in the first place. There are a lot of people here that doesn't get the BIG PICTURE. Please, stop your bitching and moaning, at least until you try the demo! As a ex. programmer and customer service representative, kudos to you Steve for keeping your head relativeliy cool. Please ignore the idjits and gimme me more info!
  16. Not a very good shot, now was she I take it you mean thay had courage to fight, instead of commiting suicide? If so I agree, if you mean the suicide bit, I disagree.
  17. Vietnam would be good. Let's see if they get to that after their initial cmx2 release of modern combat.
  18. Vietnam would be good. Let's see if they get to that after their initial cmx2 release of modern combat.
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