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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Thanks alot Ike, this is the way QBs should be played.
  2. And on that note, same thing for vehicles, except MG ammo loadout. You can get that tank you plan on using for anti-infantry duty a high HE loudout. Just remember you need to do it at the scenario start, can't edit your units midway through a scenario. As your loading up your saved game files and not the actual edit-able scenario file.
  3. As if that's not enough to sink your teeth into. Check out some of Carl Stumpf's Scenarios that have random reinforcements.
  4. There's some smoke mods over at CMHQ found here. These aren't posted at CMMODS. I personally like/use the white smoke 1800.bmp from this "Real Smoke Mod" by Nathan Shinn. I then use the black smoke 1801.bmp from this"Smoke Mod Version 2" by John Caravella. It adds a tad bit of flame into the black smoke. I like it better than just the plain black smoke.
  5. Well, better than nothing, as the ole saying goes. These are very much needed, thanks David.
  6. Links work well, but it's not too hard finding it, took a single try. It was search-cmak/all/other/tracers. Here's a link to it. Btw Windycity, since your here. What bmps should your US helmet mod with netting be renumbered to? There's just a single bmp called "net.bmp". Don't know where to renumber. Here's the link to it.
  7. Awesome, that's great to hear. I'll be looking forward to them.
  8. Very nice snow mods once again. Thanks so much. I now have pretty much all your snow mods for CMAK I admit, haven't played as much CMAK as CMBB. But been getting into some Ardennes scenarios recently. Is there really no USA HT or snow HT mods at all? Or am i missing something. It's not in the list at CMMODS.
  9. Just a reminder too, use the search function of the forum. There's been alot of discussions in the past about practically everything from the CM world.
  10. Ok, now that we're all lubed up and ready for the release of MikeyD's big kats. Any reccommendations for worthy scenarios with Tigers? I have one, just played through HSG-N-Villers Bocage op by Warmonger found here. Good fun!
  11. Ok, now that we're all lubed up and ready for the release of MikeyD's big kats. Any reccommendations for worthy scenarios with Tigers? I have one, just played through HSG-N-Villers Bocage op by Warmonger found here. Good fun!
  12. I did catch most of this program. Pretty kool stuff, basically spying on the enemy and calling in arty, at least the part on the rooftop in Kafji. That part about attacking the tanks on foot with only small arms fire. Grant it, that certainly takes balls of steel, but doesn't seem like a smart idea. Good ole fow.
  13. Certainly doesn't hurt to dream. Although I think there was a way to do this. But it didn't work that good and was difficult to do.
  14. Ok, so it's been 2 1/2 weeks now. How about an update to the update?
  15. And if your imagination sucks, well here ya go! I loved that one with Bruce as that bank teller who freaks out about his pen. "My pen? Where's my pen? Have you seen my pen?"
  16. I knew I wasn't the only out there that hopes the Grizzly Bears get redone. Definitely looking forward to his Tigers though.
  17. I knew I wasn't the only out there that hopes the Grizzly Bears get redone. Definitely looking forward to his Tigers though.
  18. Well, I wasn't gonna bring it up, but since you did. Besides praying for rain, I've also been praying for a MikeyD razzle-dazzle-overhaul Brummbar mod for our CMAK-BB games. Is there any snowballs chance in hell of this happening? I know I've mentioned it before. P.S. I know once a mod request is thrown at you it's usually followed by several more. Sorry for starting it.
  19. I remember(3+ yrs ago) when I decided to try some sound mods. You know that little thud sound when arty is dropping smoke rounds, well some sound effects modder decided to make that a normal sounding arty rounds(beefed it up). So when a barrage of smoke shells hit the ground it sounded like all hell was breaking loose. It annoyed the hell outta me. I was finally able to track down the offending wav file and put back in the default wav. But all the other sound effects were great.
  20. I too, for now on, will pray for rain on weekends wherever MikeyD lives.
  21. I doubt he typed all that out, that would be way too much effort. Probably just a copy/paste job from some self-help website that he needs in order to get through this life. Or at least this major life-altering ordeal with CMC.
  22. Just do what I did, take it 1 battle at a time. Don't try and mod em all at once. Just hunt down the AFVs that need whitewashed for the battle at hand from CMMODS. Before you know it, pretty much everything is whitewashed. It only takes like 10 mins(for me) to mod several AFVs to be WW.
  23. Wow, that is a great site. Thanks for posting it.
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