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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. sorry, all I have currently is links to web sites with hot Russian chicks (naked) </font>
  2. Can I just say one thing? Last time I checked, we don't see alot of threads featuring the cowbell. It's the cock of the walk baby. Better quality mpeg found here. Cowbell fever, catch it! :eek:
  3. While we're at it, can we get one of those russian hotties along with the game too? I know that may be asking for a bit too much. But I'm looking forward to the vodka that goes along with the purchase.
  4. The only thing WWIIOnline and Tow have in common is that they both take place in, yup you guessed it, World War II. It would be like comparing the CC series(RTS) to the CoD games(FPS), apples and oranges.
  5. I remember a great battle from a couple of years ago with a scenario called "Meeting in the Wind". Couldn't find it at the SDII though. IIRC, it was a battle that took place in a sort of sandstorm.
  6. Here you go. It's not a spreadsheet but you might find it helpfull. Or you probably already know of it.
  7. Kool, been looking forward to it. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. That's a real bummer, I thought there was gonna be somekind of a map/campaign editor included in the game. Ah well, can't have everything.
  9. Take a chill pill Capt. Toleran and head over to Filefront and grab both videos. Btw, asked this in another thread but it got missed.
  10. Just try that Filefront link I gave, shouldn't have any probs with it. RMC, Battlefield Command is what the game use to be called years ago before it became known as just WWIIRTS and now ToW. Btw, is there anyway to maximize the Bink video? So it doesn't play in windowed mode.
  11. So basically in a nutshell, buildings serve no purpose tactically at all? Their just there to get blown up and block LOS? Couldn't occupying a building be limited/simplified by only allowing certain types of infantry to enter like snipers, FOs, tankhunters, flamethrowers, etc. Just seems a little odd to have buildings there just for eye candy, especially in a ground combat simulator. This omission is the only thing that's bugging me about the game.
  12. Well, been coming to these forums for quite awhile and this the first time my sig has been pegged. What can I say, I love that part in Predator when Billy sums up their, knee-deep-in-**** situation with a simple, "We're all gonna die!" statement.
  13. You need the newer AVI codecs, you can get them here.
  14. The engagement ranges/map sizes are discussed in this thread. Here's a juicy screenshot to show the range/size. [ July 28, 2006, 01:15 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  15. MeatEtr


    Just out of curiosity, is CMVention a private get-together? Because it's only about a 4-5 hr drive for me, as I live in Greenville, SC. Would of loved heading down to Myrtle Beach for some sun and CM action. Especially the opportunity to play the beta ToW, or at least catch a glimpse of it.
  16. Ahh, ok, was just about to post about the video not working. Well at least now I got my AVI codecs updated.
  17. (claiming first annoying release date thread) All it says is "the end of 2006". Any chance in hell we can get a more specific date? Ok, didn't think so, just figured I'd ask. How about this one, any plans for a demo? If so when? Ok, I'll shut up now.
  18. Me likey, me wanty. Going through all the new screenies, wow, looks great. I was afraid this game became vaporware. Now it's being published by my beloved BFC, this is awesome.
  19. (direct download here) That might put some people in the mood to use the rare beast. So if you'll excuse me, it's time to go blow the hell outta some nameless town. All thanks to the mighty MikeyD.
  20. YES!(shakes fist in air) Been waiting for the big bear to get a much needed facelift(sorry for bugging). Now all we need is CMC to be released. Everybody chant along with me now...MikeyD ROCKS...MikeyD ROCKS...MikeyD ROCKS...MikeyD ROCKS...MikeyD ROCKS...MikeyD ROCKS... :eek: Ok, I'll shut up now.
  21. There's also an increased chance of getting bogged/immobilized going over trenches. Like driving over soft ground.
  22. YES! The clouds have parted and now rays of sunshine burst through. :cool:
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