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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. FYI, I noticed this same AA HT in CMRT as well. So if and when it ever gets modded, it could double duty in both games.
  2. Thanks for trying mjkerner on whipping up a mod for this AA HT. Yeah maybe the master Aris can give it some of his mod love. Known on these forums as @Fuser
  3. I believe this oddball AA HT came in the vehicle pack, so it may have been overlooked.
  4. Thanks but I tried those already, except for the snow versions since they do me no good in CMBN.
  5. Thought I had pretty much everything modded in CMBN but saw this guy in one of my latest battles. Tried searching for it over at CMMODs and couldn't find it. Maybe I missed something. Any mods for it?
  6. I cant get this mod to work. All it does for me is turn day time into night. Tried all different combos of shaders off, night time mode, and alt-M but nothing. All mods cleared out of the z folder.
  7. FWIW I just bought Panzercorps the other week for 10 bucks on their steam sale. I'm loving it and plan on buying the expansion packs at whatever they cost, sale or no sale. Would I have bought the game for 30 from over at the Slitherine site, nope no sale. I've bought lots of games I never would of even heard of if not for Steam. Would be interesting if BF try a test with their old CMx1 games with a Steam release. Or maybe CMSF just to sorta test the waters.
  8. Honestly guys, while making and testing this scenario my IS-2s usually just brushed aside the Stugs. If I had to toss out a stat, I'd say about 75% of the time my IS-2s defeated the Stugs with losses of around 2-5 ISs (IMO acceptable losses). Thats based on at least a dozen playthroughs. Also if memory serves, I think there was some comments from other testers about even beefing up the Germans with a Panther to help. That suggestion was denied due to being historically inaccurate. Happy to hear you like it Lethaface. Had a ball making it. And lets face it, who doesn't like blowing stuff up with big guns. P.S. Agree with you about some missions being a little too big, at least for my tastes. Especially for the first mission of a cam. But IIRC Steve said something along the lines of setting the tone for CMRT having larger scale battles.
  9. It's been many years since I read it, so don't remember much. I did enjoy it no doubt, but also remember thinking it was overrated. Still worth a read though.
  10. Yeah I noticed this as well, I figured it was scans from a book and it was part of the other page. But it doesn't bother me at all, still looks good and better than the default screens. Have you tried potemkines main men splashscreens? They are pretty much a must-have. Lot's of great pics to choose from.
  11. Yep the login thing is weird. As far as I can tell the only way to login is to try and download something. Then after logging in your kicked back to the main page and gotta go back to what you want to download. +1 to having more preview pics or at least the ability to have a bigger resolution pic. Other then that, it's a great site, good job, we still and will always love it! So thanks for having it for us.
  12. Great stuff as usual, thanks for your work!
  13. Someday somebody is gonna post a tombstone pic of it. "Here lies so and so, a dedicated and devout CM gamer. He often wondered, whos grass mod is that? Oh and yeah, nice mods Juju as usual, thanks!
  14. Very nice Saferight. Too bad the game can't make use of all of them like decals for tanks. Would also be nice if we got a decal for HE marks and maybe burn/scorch marks from flames.
  15. NDA be damned, wait til they get their hands on the real Space Lobsters game coming soon. Most Epic!
  16. The word is that there is no word. So now you have the word. P.S.
  17. Yummy yummy... more Aris mods in my CMRT tummy! Thank you very much for your hard work, love the weathered look and decals.
  18. Get well soon Ed! It's great to hear your urge to mod is coming back for the East Front. Your mods are also in the category of must-have.
  19. Ahh yes, a new CM game along with Juju's must have UI mod. It's like a breath of fresh air. Thanks for all your hard work Juju, it's much appreciated!
  20. Black and white works too, I sure don't mind no colors. Something I've been thinking of doing or attempt is creating a splashscreen inspired from the one below. It's from the CMBB days and I always loved it. The modder had several different versions swapping out the middle pic while keeping the kool collage template. Wish I knew who did it to give credit where credit is do. But these mods are probably about 10 yrs old by now, wow time flies.
  21. Just wanted to say thanks for this excellent mod. It's quickly become the definitive splashscreen mod for CMRT.
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