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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Churchill et al did make plans to continue the war via "terrorist/spec ops" means should GB be invaded. I don't think GB would meekly surrender or ceasefire. The US strategic interest was to destroy the Brit Empire so it could replace it. You'll notice how strategic locations changed hands as well as (probably) gold reserves and nuke technology. Heck, all Brits know that most of the US "inventions" around that time were actually British. So long as there was an advantage to keep GB in the fight if only to drain the Third Reich - for the same reasons that the Russians were being supported (why would the Brits send resources to Russia if they were not confident the US would keep replacing em?), the US would continue to support the Brits so it could swoop in and pick up the imperial empire pieces later. It was not in US interests to have an even more powerful German empire bent on world domination to exist. Kinda like we're starting to realize re China.
  2. Yes, lovely. Thanks... and I am well insulated in my bunker, so no neighbor problems.
  3. Fantastic work! I still really like the SS flags with the skull. But the dude with the skull looks a bit like Heer. The camo guy with with his arm out is the one who looks most like SS - but there is no skull. I know some folks don't want the skull. You sure you can't squeeze the skull in someplace on the icon with the camo dude with arm out and maybe remove it from the cap uniform guy?
  4. I know one can have branched campaign missions depending on if the player had a Win (incl Draw), or a Loss (incl Draw). But, are branches possible for a level of win (or loss)? ie: Could a Total Victory lead to a different path than a Tactical Victory?
  5. So, the previous mod of yours which had a mix of helmet models is really all we need unless we want our units to ALL have the same Mk3 turtle helmets?
  6. Rather than repeating an old scenario but with Army, I would do something new (more fun?).
  7. If only CMA and CMSF were compatible, we could use LLF's superb map for NATO, SYRIANS, RUSSIANS and UNCON forces to melee.
  8. Xian: Not sure if you're looking for feedback or not. But, the white or color on a black BG is by far the easiest to read fast.
  9. Well, if you need the upper class twit/chinless wonder Brit officer accent, am willing to skype it with you.
  10. Any advice as to whether all those nationalities had the same helmet, or is it appropriate to mix and match Mk2 and Mk3 helmets?
  11. Thanks. I will add to the previous single decal SS helmet folder that had 2 helmets.
  12. The vehicles that are supposed to have telescopic antenna for spotting or ATGM's get no such advantage. The system acts as if they were regular vehicles and just as visible, and therefore may have a short life unless used at very long range (~3Km).
  13. Okay, so for accuracy we should use these rather than the "two decaled" SS helmets.
  14. Thanks for your patience... Now stop replying to my stoopid questions and get back to modding!
  15. "I named that Beret mod as Commando instead of Red Devils..." Yes, it ruins the entire game and I have refused to play any para scenarios until the mod is renamed correctly!
  16. Presumably, you can delete the helmets you do not want. I simply wondered whether the CW would troops would have worn different versions of helmet at the same time.
  17. That's just the way the game works. Usually the AI/graphics will set your men down in sensible positions even if the waypoint is not exactly where you wanted them to go. Other times, it can be a problem.
  18. I posted a question elsewhere re what are players' personal policies re ending a campaign scenario vs the AI. If you know you have a win with a lot of time in hand (say 30+ minutes), do you: 1) Wait out the rest of the game and avoid any friendly casualties if you can, even if nothing happens for 30+ minutes? 2) Immediately Ceasefire, even though the enemy AI may have time to mount a counterattack? 3) Try and improve your position/get a higher victory level in the final 30+ minutes, even if that risks suffering additional friendly casualties that could cripple you in the next campaign missions?
  19. I did actually mean would one see different models of helmet at the same time/era, in the same unit? (The camo is not an issue.)
  20. I meant would it be realistic to see different models of helmet (as opposed to different camo versions).
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