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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Yes, the patches are good. Nicely muted and not too easy to see. If that was for me... many thanks. And yes, we had a laugh about Hugo Boss designing all those cool SS uniforms some time ago on these forums. I think it was a cartoon or something...
  2. So, you find the following text offensive: “Thanks for the mod...too bad you didn't do one for CMA, CMSF, CMFI... Thanks for the mod too bad it wasn't packaged right. Thanks for the mod but it's a lot like work loading it... Thanks for the mod but one button irritates me, can you change it?” After a search I can't actually find those comments as written. You appear to have paraphrased in order to better justify your childish response: "If you didn't bitch or have a passive aggressive comment for just about everything anybody here ever does, designers might be apt to consider your viewpoint more openly. You are one of the most demanding dudes on this board. Everything with you is "work"...CMX2 is work...the scenario is work...loading mods is work. Thing is, you aren't doing any work...you are benefiting from the WORK other people do...and apparently nobody can do any of it well enough to satisfy you. It gets f*****' old." You really don’t see the qualitative difference? A lot of people are reading what you write, and I feel embarrassed for you. It’s as if all you try to do is pick arguments with people, and shut them up if they say something you don't like. And the real question is have you even yet bothered to play Pandur’s scenario, so you can judge whether my comments and suggestions for improvement were appropriate? What have you done to help the situation? Did you give him feedback? We're all eager to read your words.
  3. "Part 1 seems to have bmps for buildings 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 007 and 008. Part 2 has bmps for buildings 004, 005, 007, 008." Do we have to select .bmp's or simply let em copy over themselves as they are identical? Awesome job btw. Thanks...
  4. Well, it looks great. Wish Allied (and Italian) uniforms looked as good/had as much detail.
  5. Wot sburke said.... However, there is no guarantee that a weapon or ammo will be recovered.
  6. Part one unzipped and the folder moved to Z just fine. I get the error message when I attempt to move the 2nd unzipped folder to my Z folder. It created a frozen window and I have to reboot. Just tried it again with the same result.
  7. IMO The more mixed up and messed up, the better. I noticed however, that no other nationality's uniform mods look anywhere as good as the Gernans. I have no graphics or modding experience (or talent) so am curious why the Allied uniforms (even the Italians) always seem to lack detail/contrast... or something. The Allied uniforms seem to look more 2D than the German better 3D look. Not a criticism of your mod mj, just a general observation.
  8. This will be really welcome. I never play CMSF, CMA or CMBN without the useful range and ammo type info your mod provides. The ammo type is most useful as without it, it's often confusing what resupply to take from vehicles.
  9. The uniforms look great, Nik. Especially the ones in the first image. But, I do have a question re the following images... did combat troops go into combat with their shiny medals, ribbons and rank flashes?
  10. I am not a victim, Mord, just one of the very few people here who give any feedback or thanks at all, and am not initimidated by the rudeness and unpleasantness of VSB's who seem to enjoy dumping on posters when they offer an opinion that differs from theirs. You interprete everything in the most negative way, even when someone is trying to be helpful. I don't know where your thin skin, bitterness and mean replies originate from. But, in my experience you must have some awful personal, professional issues or problems at home that motivate the mean and intolerant posts that you make simply to make yourself feel like a "big man". I enjoy playing the game. Nobody needs to provide feedback, say thanks, or acknowledge the work of others. Maybe you should consider having your own forum where you can say what you want and nobody else says anything. Then you would not be irritated so much.
  11. The Brit Javelin... This is different to the ATGM Javelin, or...? Bit confused...
  12. Well unless your idea of feedback is "yes, you're brilliant, great job, you are wonderful, don't change a thing" then yes, useful feedback has to be critical in some way BUT should also be accompanied with practical suggestions for why and how the issue can be improved. In this instance feedback was requested. You interjected yourself into the thread when it appears that you hadn't bothered to even play the scenario, and you didn't add anything positive or helpful to the discussion. Seriously, Mord... I get private messages from people here who are scared to post messages publicly cos of VSB's (Venom Spewing Bullies) who they fear will dump on them. The thing with VSB's is that they make themselves feel better when they can humiliate other posters or make them feel like crap. I believe we all have a duty to monitor VSB type activity and call these nasty jerks on their behavior whenever it happens. Hopefully, they will start behaving a bit more maturely, or go away and bother someone else. You, me and all the other frequent posters here have to be a bit more tolerant of each other and focus more on eliminating posts that offer nothing but bullying insults like this one: "If you didn't bitch or have a passive aggressive comment for just about everything anybody here ever does, designers might be apt to consider your viewpoint more openly. You are one of the most demanding dudes on this board. Everything with you is "work"...CMX2 is work...the scenario is work...loading mods is work. Thing is, you aren't doing any work...you are benefiting from the WORK other people do...and apparently nobody can do any of it well enough to satisfy you. It gets f*****' old."
  13. There are some good mods for terrain available now.
  14. I like the simple operational level that Achtung Panzer and the Close Combat series have (and wish CM could have something like that). Unfortunately, their tactical levels are not as good as CM.
  15. +1 The CM series is a great entertainment bargain when you consider what people spend on movies, a meal, alcohol... or other computer ganes.
  16. http://www.freetranslation.com/translate-english-italian.htm hope this is helpful...
  17. Another great phenomenon to watch is when you order an AT team to FAST MOVE from a building (from which they can never fire) to another location, and the zook/shrek/faust man stops (purely on his own/AI initiative), aims at the tank and kills it before continuing (FAST!) to his destination. Because ATR's can't fire from inside buildings I have started using this technique as a deliberate tactic... and it seems to work. Hope someone more knowledgeable than me can comment on your ammo issue. I don't recall ever seeing that in my games.
  18. "it is possible for me to see X location, but it won't necessarily tell me I will definitely be able to nor will it tell me I can actually fire on that location." This is the crux of the LOS issue. As I have mentioned before, there is no point in a game having the 3rd ammo donkey able to see a target if it's impossible to get a weapon to fire at it. When your buddy, a few inches away, can see a nearby target it is nothing but frustrating that one can't get a weapon to move a few inches so it can fire at it. And this is what happens a lot, not just once in a blue moon. Whether you consider CM is primarily a simulation or an entertainment product, this is one of the greatest challenges.
  19. Just downloaded all 7 xnt mods. (That's everything so far, right?) Thank you Aris and GAJ (and "benefactor".).
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