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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Wot... no Poles??!! How can one play Monte Cassino?
  2. Lovely clip. However, it shows shells exploding very close to troops with no ill-effect on them, so looks very staged Hollywood-like. But, at least they also had flamethrowers.
  3. Am assuming that one rocket is not already loaded in the weapon so it comes with the weapon(?) It's possible that the recon crew is already loaded to the max and therefore can't acquire any more stuff. I used German Fenneks and acquired rockets with no problem. Not sure if the Dutch ones are different.
  4. What would speed up gameplay a great deal is being able to select a unit by clicking on its waypoint or line (as one can in CM1). When one has many units it takes time to go back to select the actual unit itself just so one can then go to its waypoint elsewhere to move it.
  5. It's only changing your mind during the planning process. Why gamey?
  6. Yes, bigger is better for many of us. I know that some really enjoy the more detail of CM2, but, it's the reason I loved Panzerblitz, but found SL and ASL to be just too detailed and too much like hard work. A simple CM1 Operational level would be great (obviously). If we had a CM Campaign level a la Close Combat series rather than attempting to make it a standalone game (which imo scuppered it) CM1 would be even more widely played than it still is. How to enable BF to mke some money out of it is the issue, as they certainly deserve to given the incredible value we all got from the CM1 series. I worry that CM2 with all the separate game series/families and non-transferable mods etc will get to be like hard work to keep current for many players.
  7. Slightly OT, but what do you think of Win 8? Worth getting, and if so, when?
  8. Mnay of us who prefer large scenarios would probably agree with you. CM2 is a lot more time intensive than it perhaps needs to be.
  9. If you have a widescreen monitor I find that 1920 1200 0 seems to work well in the display txt file.
  10. I like the golfballs on sticks... presumably to show where the edge of the vehicle is?
  11. MOVE is only safe to use when you are sure there is no enemy with LOS to the route. HUNT has replaced MOVE TO CONTACT but has about the same effect. I do find that even with HUNT, when fired upon, the unit will hit the dirt, but can still be fired on and often takes casualties. It's safer to use a HIDE command at the same time. But, since that means the recon unit won't be able to see anything, you need another unit a few meters behind it to (hopefully) actually spot where the fire is coming from.
  12. Given that most maps/scenarios are smallish, I'd like to put in a vote for the vocal faction that loves large/huge maps and scenarios. But, I do hope we can get an AI version.
  13. Just curious if there existed special "less lethal" rounds for spotting - just in case it landed on friendlies(?)
  14. I often use 120mm and heavier arty to point target enemy armor and usually it's quite effective. Only occasionally have I experienced arty striking way off target. (And my understanding is that WW2 arty was often way off target.) So, there may be something in the way you are using FO's. (?)
  15. Jason: I understand how to move a unit to the back wall of a building (away from a windowed wall) with a covered arc that faces the non-windowed wall direction. However, to have them turn and shoot back out of the window, one has to remove the arc, or rotate it back to the window. As soon as one does that, (and there is an enemy visible through the window) I find that units will rush to the windowed wall to shoot. How do you manage to keep em keyholed at the back wall?
  16. That looks like a good result sburke... altho still about 25% German casualties. I hope that if the designer makes any improvements to the scenario, that the length of 4 hours is not changed. One of the most fun challenges is how to accomplish the objectives with fewer friendly casualties. I often find that impatience is the most deadly enemy. It's good to have a scenario that really does provide enuff time to be more careful. Congrats for finishing before me btw. Am looking forward to getting back to this when I get home next week. I hope other players try this scenario out as it's amongst my favorites - about the same scale as the final COURAGE AND FORTITUDE scenario which also had about a battalion of troops with a company plus of armor and tons of supporting units and arty (but one gets to play as the US).
  17. I wish the final scenario in COURAGE AND FORTITUDE was available as a standalone scenario. It was my favorite large scenario for a very long time and I think otjers would really enjoy it. (Without having to fight through the very difficult campaign.)
  18. "The shocking thing was that it was offered as an option to the French at all." Of course we don't know what the US wanted in return. IIRC Britain paid a huge cost in gold, hi tech and loss of imperial possessions to get US support in WW2. The US was in the business of destroying the old empires in order to replace them.
  19. The rule as Baneman noted is that if you order DISMOUNT - any passengers (not crew) will dismount BEFORE the vehicle moves - no pause is needed. You can pick up passengers at any waypoint so long as there is capacity in the vehicle (obviously) but also so long as the vehicle has a PAUSE at the "pick up" waypoint sufficient to allow the passengers to reach the vehicle and mount. IIRC you can not dismount any troops once a vehicle has started its movement until it reaches the final waypoint.
  20. Even if it dropped through an open hatch, it would be very hot, but other than that... Still, it's fun to see what the game engine is capable of.
  21. Are you limited to a truck or AC as a flavor object, or could it be an animal (or herd of animals), a train engine, or some other interesting object? And if one can place em on impassable terrain that would that not take care of the "driving thru" issue.
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