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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I will be back in August if you still need guinea pigs...
  2. I thought those old Lugers weren't in use by WW2(?).
  3. The other issue that is the "elephant in the room" is with any modern game is that airpower spoils all the "fun". A modern game has to find excuses why the US doesn't dominate the skies and destroy all the enemy with precision strikes etc.
  4. I would be surprised if the number of CM2 games at WeBoB yet approaches amything like CM1, but there are a number of CM2 forums and CM2 tournaments at WeBob: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/forums/99/CMx2 http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/forums/115/The-Italian-Cup-Gustav-Line http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/forums/117/CMBN-CW-VillarBocage-Tournament
  5. Why not update the Acquire command to include the choice of what weapon (and ammo) is available to be scrounged? (In addition to making it easier to acquire ammo from vehicles without the need for boarding, and from adjacent units etc.) Yes, if one is in longer range combat one prefers the rifle. But, most of the CM2 scenarios are on rather smaller maps and nearly all involve assaults, so the SMG would be often preferred.
  6. One probably doesn't want LOS from every vehicle - esp those that should never be used for scouting. The current LOS capabilities of the game are very generous. The big problem is one wants LOS from the primary weapon, not some insignificant crew member when the primary weapon cannot be moved a few inches to also get LOS.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I travel a lot and often 4-6 hours drive, so I love audiobooks, but often forget to stock up.
  8. Hey... I bin married 26 years and vegetative hasn't kicked in yet. We laugh a lot. (In between the screaming and ranting.)
  9. Agreed. However, a "storyline" isn't hard to change. The terrain doesn't have to change (other than a better damage model perhaps). It's just the equipment (and possibly AI) that needs to be updated for a particular era. How much has changed since 2008?
  10. Not picking up different weapons... Is that a new feature? I would swear that in CMBN I used to end up with German squads with two or three MG42's that they picked up and replaced their rifles with.
  11. Horribly compelling, like a TV show... Am impressed with the balls of the camera crew who are filming with their cameras out for lengthy periods. Surprised they don't get targeted accidentally or deliberately by one side of the other. And talk about looking a bit like Stalingrad must have. I dunno how anything is hit or accomplished. You can't see anybody. Love the civilian vehicles passing by. I guess after a year or more, it's just "business as usual."
  12. To be gentle with the guy and his gf, they probably represent what the average gamer is like and how they react to games they don't understand, or care to understand. Our little group is really a very, very tiny subset of grogs. Many would put us in the same category as the fanatics who love and memorize every aspect of StarWars and StarTrek... as if those worlds really mattered as well...
  13. I love the sound mod and use it myself. However, the sounds of walking or running feet are a bit loud. First time I heard it, it sounded like horse cavalry.
  14. U sure the tanks is KIA in that clip? Could be just reactive armor?
  15. Xnt news re SF2... (And "Black Sea" as well, natch.)
  16. "The crew who designed this learned how not to make an RTS." He didn't even realize it's supposed to be played WEGO. LOL
  17. Are you doing a version for CMFI, or will this work there as well? Thanks...
  18. Dam. I would love to help test your "vs AI" version. Unfortunately, I will be abroad without a gaming computer next week.
  19. Looking forward to this. I loved "Helluva Road Opening".
  20. Is there a way of making the importance of victory locations appear different to the AI? ie: Could the AI be made to fight harder for a "more important" VL, or less hard for a lesser VL?
  21. Great stuff. Interestingly, the LUCE logo on the top right of the videos is very similar to that now used by USPS. (Can one sue US Govt for copyright infringement?) Also, the videos show why the Italian tanks are so light and narrow - they could be carried by regular trucks!
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