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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "Dis is nice boy. He go down on you for maybe 20 roubles and shot of Vodka. Now, this one he like it up butt..." (No plans to visit Russia again in near future...)
  2. The smartass answer is always appreciated, but am not sure that you understood the question. eg: If inside the main Z folder one has a Z SUBFOLDER, and inside that Z SUBFOLDER on has an "old" mod file - eg "MOD OLD". In addition one has a Z DESIRED MOD FOLDER that contain a "new" mod (eg: "MOD NEW") that one wants to try out. Now, suppose I want to try out "MOD NEW" that is in the Z DESIRED MODS folder so that it appears in the game replacing "MOD OLD" that resides in a Z SUBFOLDER. Is it sufficient to rename the DESIRED MOD folder "ZZ DESIRED MOD"? ie: Will the two "ZZ's" make ALL mods including "MOD NEW" in the DESIRED MOD folder load last and therefore appear in the game replacing "MOD OLD"? OR... Does one have to rename the actual mod folder ("MOD NEW") that resides in the DESIRED MOD folder to "Z MOD NEW" so that it replaces "MOD OLD" (in one of the other folders)?
  3. I wasn't sure there would be enuff smoke for that. I forgot that I could use satchel charges on the wire and the men simply ran around it. Very few casualties crossing the bridge oddly enuff. Once that was done it was easy to outflank and kill the enemy. Ended in surrender and Total Victory.
  4. Tries out a good grip on her boob radio as well.
  5. So all the JPzIV bmp's should be renamed replacing the "70" with "mid". But, everything else left the same. Is that correct? Thanks for figuring all this out. PS: Somehow I missed getting Aris' PSW 233 for CMFI. Is that in CMMODS or Repository? (I think I have ez's PSW233.)
  6. Make note: "Never play Vinnart."
  7. maybe this will help re mod organization: First create a Z folder and then subfolders called Z TERRAIN, Z UNIFORMS, Z FX, Z SOUNDS and Z UI. Maybe also Z VEHICLES if you don't want those in the main Z folder. That covers most mods I think. The Z ensures that the program will read that folder last so what is in those folders will be seen in the game. I also have another folder called ZZ DESIRED MODS. This is for new mods that I am unsure about and want to see their effect in game before committing them to one of the other sub-folders. The two "Z's" will make the program load the contents last. One item I don't understand, even after all these years of CM2, is whether it is also necessary to name the individual mods themselves with Z's on the front, or if the Z's in the name of the folder is sufficient to ensure that all the files in that folder are loaded last and therefore appear in the game. (Anyone...?)
  8. That's a good point. One doesn't want to go the way of Kubrick and Lucas with technology triumphing over content. I also do not want to replay scenarios let alone a campaign just cos there are some added graphics or a weapons system has been tweaked. And no, I could care less about seeing an AA gun firing at a plane unless it enhanced the scenario challenges. Playing the game is what it is about for people like me, not looking at enhancements and getting into heated discussions about arcane aspects of a rifle butt. However, I appreciate that it often seems that many on these forums like discussing those details (more than they actually play the game). I think CMSF2 will be a big hit because one looks forwards to huge improvements that will essentially make it a new game in the same sense that CM2 is more advanced than CM1.
  9. There's quite a contingent here that is excited about this. I never thought I would enjoy modern combat more than WW2 but CMSF really grew on me.
  10. My other favorite mission game was the final huge scenario in CMBN's COURAGE AND FORTITUDE campaign. That was even bigger than this first mission in Russian Campaign.
  11. When folks said they enjoyed a lot of the features of CM1 they were told to "get over it and they'd soon get used to CM2". So, in the same spirit, let's have lots more large CM2 maps and scenarios and people will soon get used to playing large CM2 scenarios.
  12. The strange thing is that using the above "formula" I thought it an easy scenario. (I did have to replay it once I do admit.) "Though I didn't let up fire, so perhaps they would have if I'd paused the onslaught..." I only just became aware of that tactic, so I doubt I let up until I saw the crew running. It could be that by that time my assault troops were close enuff and already also firing on the bunker. I think I used the mortars to suppress the ATG, so that played little part in the game.
  13. When I saw the title of the thread, I thought you needed a couple of bucks for bus fare...!
  14. I am one of those really enjoying the largeness of the first mission, and a bit disappointed that you're saying the rest are smaller. Yes, regiments on each side in CM1 were great!
  15. "Most of us..." Weeeell, do you mean "most of us in these forums...?" That's a different world than the real one hehe. And personally, I think there are now SO many CM offerings that it's become impossible to keep up with em unless playing em is a full-time job. Not complaining about that. But, I for one am not impatient re new releases as I feel I already have enuff to last a couple more years b4 I get bored (if ever). (I know I seem to be in the minority on that one. But, am very happy that BF is taking its time so it can release increasingly polished product like CMRT that does not appear to have any significant problems.)
  16. Here's a thought: When the shell hits, it leaves white-red hot hole. So, maybe a variant that would show heat in some way? I mean it would stay hot for a lengthy duration of a typical average 60 minute CM scenario after all. The cold holes we see here are what you'd see next day.
  17. The problem is Aris, that your mods raise the quality bar, so now the uniforms that looked so good before now look like c%$p. I mean those crisp lovely uniforms would get dirty just touching that machine! A couple of kilometers later they'd look like coal miners. So, now someone has to mod the uniforms and the cycle of mod slut hell starts again. <sigh>
  18. shame... it would be quite useful... BTW: When I say "reinforcements" could they be units sitting quietly minding their own business in some part of the map until a trigger activates them?
  19. Aw... leave it the way it is. You guys spoil all the fun!
  20. RSW's point in his article about making the triggers "reasonable" was good. If a designer wants to activate something when someone gets to a location, at least have a friendly there to "spot" the activity so that the triggered response seems logical and due to him reporting activity, rather than as if it was due to a magical/telepathic ability of the opposing (AI) CO to predict the future. Question: Has anyone used triggers in a scenario designed for H2H play? Eg: It would be good balancing mechanism if a weaker player gets reinforcements ONLY if his better oppo is making better progress than expected - ie gets to an objective b4 a certain time.
  21. Yes, thanks BF for the best game yet. Here's to many more and a bright future!
  22. Even if you were attacking in one direction along the corridor it would be fun. I still (when I have time) really enjoy the ("dynamic"?) campaigns in CM1 where the playable area of the map moved depending on your progress, so you would start on the far edge of the map that you played the previous mission and would be seeing more of the map as you progressed. Of course if you were forced back you would find yourself fighting over areas of the map you'd already played. I can't recall if the terrain maintained any damage, craters etc from mission to mission, but it may have.
  23. Great to see you back Aris! Although I was kinda hoping we didn't have a mod explosion for CMRT as I think BF has done a good job with the out of the box models (and it's gotten really time-consuming keeping up with mods when they don't work in new game versions). Anyone have a list of which CMBN or CMFI modes work in CMRT as is, or will they need renaming, or...?
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