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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Whoops... I missed something. We need to re-download the 3.0 we purchased for CMBN as well as CMFI and reinstall both?
  2. I don't recall the scenario, but re general principles, you need to first ensure your units can't be observed by enemy units that can harm them.
  3. Can you post a list of all the Kieme mods we should have? When I try to d/l Ground5 from the Repository I seem to get #6(!). I found some other ones like BuildingsAddOn 1 and 2. Wasn't sure if #3 replaces #1 and #2 or if we need em all together.
  4. The serious limitation of HUNT is that you can't just set a long distance waypoint and have your INFANTRY units move far without exhaustion. MOVE TO CONTACT would still be a very valuable addition.
  5. What u did with "helluva road opening" was.terrific. That's what I mean by providing the player with more strategy options. road Opening is definitely replayable. .
  6. I liked the Cm1 move to contact. It was more useful than HUNT. It would solve the minefield issue. Not sure why we can't have both.
  7. "My next scenario - I shall post a WIP soon - will differ from this small and congested area. It will be fought on a map 2560 meters long by 2480 meters wide. More it will have long LOS. Pretty interesting with 2 Nashorns and 2 King Tigers on hand." Xnt. Should be fun! ******SPOILERS****** I suggest that you also set up the possibility of "little sideshow" battles. I enjoyed that aspect of Railyard Attack. eg: Rather than always have a major defense to overcome that takes significant force, provide us with the problem of locating and neutralizing a pesky crack sniper of something similar (trying to not take friendly losses). So, one may have overwhelming force, but you don't want it committed at an early stage. Also, re the current problem of troops happily following a blown up leaders into known minefields, plz use em judiciously and/or mark mines. A couple surprises are ok, but I felt I was losing too many men. Of course that was cos I had unsplit squads and platoons close together cos I thought that was doctrine. Now I understand that 1944 Soviets should be handles more like Germans etc, splitting into scout teams and maintaining distance will mitigate the problem. AI also hope that larger scenarios will give opportunity for radically different attack strategies. While you may have different AI plans for Blood on the Tracks, what reduces replayability is the fact that it is a small map and the attack strategies are limited to only one or two. Once one knows more or less where the ATG's and AA's are located and how many enemy tanks and minefields there are, it will never have the same surprises as the first time one played. Your scenarios are always interesting and fun!!
  8. That's great. But #5 doesn't seem to show up in the d/l list. http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=70
  9. Don't recall any mods. But from time to time someone asks about WW1 scenarios. I you enjoy it, give it a bash.
  10. *****SPOILERS****** Just completed Blood on the Tracks. Very good scenario that is hampered by perhaps poor replayability potential since I would really like to play at it again. I got a draw when I saved and did a CF about 50 minutes b4 the end as I was really low on inf and tanks. Then I reloaded and played on till about 15 minutes b4 end to see if I could improve my score - I got more points but not enuff to get a victory. My main error was trying to play the Soviets as I thought they should be played - using platoons (inf and tank) together and not splitting squads. ie: Steamroller and mass firepower rather than scouting and maneuver for keyhole shots. I did two attacks on the flanks like most people seem to have done. (I wonder if one attack on one flank would have been smarter.) German arty wasn't a big problem - I simply waited until the barrage seemed to stop and rushed over the river (tank riding) with few casualties when the arty started up again. But, once across the downside of keeping squads and tank platoons close together showed. One ambush or minefield would take out several guys and one ATG would take out 2 or 3 tanks b4 the ATG was killed. My plan was to try and get all the way across the map via the flanks and then attack "backwards". I got about 2/3 the way on the right flank, but then halted due to high casualties. One the left flank, I lost a couple of tanks plus infantry to the minefields on the road in the woods. Arty helped take out most of the Germans defending, but I had to use inf to KO the Stug. I also tried to send units through the woods. But, here I was tricked by the AI pathing as instead of allowing vehicles thru the woods if sent em thru another minefield strategically placed at the edge of the tank trap. There didn't seem any reason why a path thru the woods wasn't possible, so I felt a bit cheated by that. I think it's a bit unfair when the designer exploits the vagaries of the AI pathing eccentricities. To make matters worse a Stug had a keyhole to that exact spot and I lost a tank plus two trucks there. (The Russian ATG was useless - never got anyplace useful.) Nevertheless as my inf unit got down to only a few guys per squad and I only had a couple tanks and an assault gun left, my efficiency went up. I was able to make a lot more progress getting to the back map edge on both right and left flanks killing enemy flak and AFV's as I went. I never got the Tiger and there was one Stug and some trucks surviving when I finally got bored and CF'd with about 15 mins on the clock.. Incidentally, I had a fair amount of arty ammo unused as I couldn't get a long enuff LOS in most cases to use it safely. More smoke would have been helpful maybe. However, the 50mm mortars were very useful for direct fire on guns. I had rushed too fast and kept everything massed and that was the cause of many casualties. If I were to replay, I would use these 1944 era Russians as if they were Germans or WAllies. Scout, scout and scout some more. Split into teams and infiltrate slowly. Use tanks individually from keyhole positions rather than line em up for mass HE fire. It's a shame that now all sides have similar characteristics and can use similar tactics. In CMRT I was looking forward to playing the Russians differently from the Germans and WAllies (like you have to handle the Italians and even the Brits differently than the US or Germans). The fact that even after making all these errors I still got a draw shows the game is eminently winnable. But, I like winning and still having friendly forces in good enuff shape to keep going "tomorrow". (That's why I generally only play campaigns.) It bothers me to win when I only have handful of troops and vehicle crews left. That seems like a pyrrhic victory and such a CO would be sacked. I wish this scenario was larger and had more possible attack strategies to try out as I would enjoy playing it again if there were more surprises.
  11. What happened to #5 and #6? Don't see em in the list for d/l.
  12. To bring things back to CM2 game issues, would a 1944-45 Soviet unit be essentially similar to a German or WAllied unit in 44/45? ie: in the CMRT '44 game is it appropriate to split Soviet squads and do scouting in the same way as one do with US or Germans? I have a thread elsewhere where I described my lack of success is using steamroller tactics - keeping squads intact and together as platoons and trying to attack en masse, ignoring casualties, but relying on overwhelming mass and firepower to carry the day. However, because currently AI pathing causes all troops to follow each other into minefields (or other ambushes) like lemmings, I found the steamroller approach too costly. If it is appropriate to handle late war Soviets like Germans or WAllies, then that would mitigate the problems experienced.
  13. Also check out GMT Games who operate a similar system. There are others as well. However, cardboard games do have different economic issues.
  14. Fortunately it's a lot easier to do a CM1 map and scenario. So, why not give it a go and post it at Repository or CMMODS and then you'll see how may people try it.
  15. Since you won a Total Victory, your tactics can't be that bad lol. Nice video.
  16. I agree it's hot easy to find pics. Found these: http://fallschirmjager.tumblr.com/post/23732725607/mujahideen-in-one-of-many-mountains-surrounding https://www.google.com/search?q=Afghan+mujahideen+using+ar+10+rifle+in+war+vs+soviets&tbm=isch&imgil=PKutsovXRixd4M%253A%253BOiE8E5uguPUkZM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fforums.islamicawakening.com%25252Ff41%25252Fafghan-soviet-jihad-photos-27237%25252F&source=iu&usg=__3a2dVWyEpZXtNfE8idtmWC-Ubtg%3D&sa=X&ei=EyLxU5bKGIasyATrtYCADw&ved=0CGgQ9QEwDA&biw=1419&bih=1124#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=PKutsovXRixd4M%253A%3BOiE8E5uguPUkZM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffarm2.static.flickr.com%252F1361%252F859949243_d64592bb37_b.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fforums.islamicawakening.com%252Ff41%252Fafghan-soviet-jihad-photos-27237%252F%3B1024%3B655 https://www.google.com/search?q=Afghan+mujahideen+using+ar+10+rifle+in+war+vs+soviets&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=EyLxU5bKGIasyATrtYCADw&ved=0CGkQ7Ak&biw=1419&bih=1124
  17. So we can delete the previous Building1 d/l folder and replace with the new one?
  18. It would be useful if BF had the capability of polling customers re just how many would pay for an upgraded CMA - I wonder if it could be done alongside or part of CMSF2. The real issue is how many thousand paying customers for any particular game do they need to at least break even.
  19. Thanks for all the explanations... Very helpful.
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