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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. With all the money I have saved from only buying CM games from BF instead of the dozen or so crappy games a year I used to buy, I can now eat better. If only CM came with an exercise program which forced one to get up from the computer and move around every hour or so...
  2. "...ensure you remove the mods before you update your game." Well, yes that seems to be important. Wish that the patch/update install process warned about that b4 one installs - as in my excitement I always forget. Having said that, certain mods seem to stop working properly after a new patch/update and the mod has to be updated, or one has to permanently delete it. Trying to identify those mods when one has thousands is not always easy. My fervent wish is that "one day" BF will be able to incorporate the CM2 families into one large install. In addition to the convenience that would provide, there seems little point in having so many versions of a similar engine taking up HD space.
  3. At this point BF has built a hard-earned reputation for quality and reliability. I would say you DO know what you are getting when you buy a BF product or upgrade. That is what makes their "franchise" so valuable. It is a known quantity. On top of that, because BF is working for and marketing to a tiny niche of the wargaming market (which is a tiny niche in itself) as with any "luxury/unique" product category one would expect to pay big bucks. A decent dinner out for you and your sigother unit can easily come to $50-$100+. An evening at a bar could cost big bucks. Strippers and lap dances... A good hooker could be thousands... And all those are for only ONE NIGHT's enjoyment!! With CM, one can spend literally hundreds of hours making innane posts on these forums, and IT DOESN'T COST ANYTHING! And waaaaait... You can actually buy a reliably great game series from a trusted company for a few hundred dollars that will last you for thousands of man-hours, and with little chance of catching chlamydia. Let's be realistic folks.
  4. "Any problems you remove the obvious mods that cause problems." It can be that the problematic mod isn't obvious, George. I don't know how many mods you use, but I much have thousands by now (in a complex series of mod subfolders). Figuring out which mods can or should be deleted after each update is a growing issue.
  5. The scary thing about a heavily modded CM2 game is when an upgrade or patch is installed, you don't know wheich mods will work or not and which need replacing. My concern about the proliferation of "families" of CM2 games is that one start to spend as much time keeping up to date as playing.
  6. What has always destroyed the immersion of CMBN for me is the absence of red light districts and hookers on corners.
  7. Yeah, I find that feature useful. Glad it's in.
  8. You would get cooked lasagne with meat filling.
  9. Now you got rid of the euro bricks, it's looking more authentic.
  10. As much as I love WW2 era games, it can get a bit much and CMSF is a really nice change to avoid burn-out. Maybe a N. Africa WW2 game would work, but there's something about those wide open spaces, lots of room to maneuver, and all that sun.
  11. Are you using icon mods? They may well no longer work properly.
  12. I already bought the upgrades. However, the question for the budget conscious is when will BF release the games already upgraded to v3.0.
  13. Military grade Lasagne - doubles as temporary airstrip.
  14. That's pretty good and I have seen domes that look similarish.
  15. Unfortunately, while there are folks who would love to see CMA upgraded, it sounds like it will be a long wait to get even the much more popular CMSF upgraded, and no info an anything more for CMA - possibly cos it was made by a Russian contractor.
  16. Huge improvement. One thing to bear in mind is that you won't see European style and size bricks in buildings. I saw large grey breeze blocks primarily. Windows are just holes in walls. No window ledges or even frames. And just a ragged unfinished look. Not a lot of nice straight lines etc. send me PM with your e-mail and I'll send you some pics.
  17. "Well you have to ...take a ruler a protractor and whatever you think of and you have the enemy in sight..." As was SOP in RL I understand...
  18. Going strictly off memory and a check of my saved game folder (so there may well be other scenarios/campaigns that I really enjoyed but which have been deleted (the saved game files) and forgotten. The reason I like certain scenarios is that they are different/more original from the majority. Eg: I like scenarios where the designer has arranged for "mini-dramas" around the map - so one has several small clashes to overcome while on one's way to the major objective. What I find in too many scenarios is there is the one big objective and the one big assault and it feels like WW1 warfare without maneuver or the satisfaction of gaining small victories along the way. CMBN: Road to Nijmegan KG Engel KG Himmelfahrt A Bloody Ride Die Letzte Hoffnung And while it was frustrating, I liked School of Hard Knocks scenario from C&F as mastering it after one or two tries was great training and humbling, since I had thought I was a good player. It was also one of those rare large scenarios that I also really enjoy. For that reason I also very much enjoyed the final mission of that campaign. CMFI: Venafro - haven't succeeded at it but I think a great trainer for urban combat. Troina v2 FGM Something about Lucia (Haven't played as much CMFI for some reason) CMRT: Blood on the Tracks Railyard at Pitrovsk Rettet Soldat Reinhart could be xnt, but currently has some flaws Hammer's Flank has some good missions I am certain there are lots of other scenarios/campaigns I haven't yet played that are xnt. But, the above are the ones I have played that I enjoyed (or are still enjoying).
  19. "we'll have new scenarios of US vs ISIS....think of it...Styrkers versus waves of technicals and uparmored Hummers." This could be done with the existing CMSF. There exist xnt mods for uncon/mujahideen and red forces that would work very well. (See Mord's for example.)
  20. Agreed. I much prefer the totally realistic movies where they shoot at you while you watch the film and the audience leaves with bullet holes or shrapnel wounds plus PTSD.
  21. Ooops... Suddenly, my MG module started working - for no reason that I can see. However, my MG games are back. Hope Hister's comes back too.
  22. Good idea, however, my MG module is in the module folder. Do I need to do an additional activation of some kind? (I did forget to remove my Z folder before upgrading. Wish the patch and upgrade "system" would remind us if it's needed. In all the excitement I almost always forget.)
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