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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Apologies, I didn't read your post carefully enuff.
  2. Saying people should make their own scenarios and campaigns is like saying "people should make their own models" - ultimately, "people should develop their own games". If you don't have the inclination, talent, time or find any enjoyment in scenario-making activities but are willing to pay others for the service, what is the issue? maybe there is a split in the community between primarily "players" and those who primarily like to study models and graphics. I dunno. But, to me the CM2 game series is about playing scenarios and campaigns... and after a point (reached long ago by BF) that is far more important than adding a few more vehicles.
  3. Yes check out Veins, Aris, Drakenlord's mods (and others) in repository or CMMODS.
  4. Did you release your own version, Jock? (I couldn't find it.) And Mord: Does yours work in CMA as well?
  5. Thanks Kevin! ******SPOILERS******* This is a tiny 15 min scenario and it's really about overwhelming US forces massacring Red forces. In the first turn my ATGM vehicles killed several enemy BMP's and caught Red inf running into town. After that it was simply a matter of using the vehicles in stand off mode and killing everything at as long a range as the small map will allow. Then when the US inf turns up simply advancing slow towards the town while the AI picks targets and kills everything. Got enemy surrender with several minutes to go and didn't have to get anywhere near the town (or do much as the AI didn't need my help). I was really hoping for an IS vs Iraqi or Syrian Kurd/Peshmurga type scenario so one could play IS forces and get a better understanding of how a few thousand men can take over such vast areas of countries. (And also to use some of the very cool uncon mods.)
  6. I tested this and (in CMRT at least) there are halftrack vehicles including the German flamer IIRC that you CAN disembark the crew, and mount inf to acquire ammo. I know in CMSF there were notorious vehicles where that was impossible. The point is that there needs to be an ACQUIRE revision as the current system is ridiculously cumbersome re mouse clicks and WEGO turns spent.
  7. Xnt! One day all movies will be made this way (by Jorge MC). How many millions did you say it cost?
  8. Well, at least it will simplify the process of creating the portee 2 pounder ATG that the Brits used in N. Africa.
  9. There are some vehicles that are fully crewed/occupied but that have spare ammo. So, you need the additional step of dismounting the crew in one WEGO turn, so that an inf team can board in the 2nd WEGO turn, acquire in the 3rd WEGO turn, then disembark, then combine with rest of squad in the 4th WEGO turn. Yes, CM2 needs a streamlined acquire process.
  10. If BF does do a CMFI Pack, PLEEZE include a couple of simple scenarios so we can immediately enjoy the new unit features.
  11. This sort of info is gold re teaching how to play the game better. Thanks...
  12. It's a MUCH easier install process. If it's not automatic, create a folder called CMAK or whatever and install everything into that folder. You should end up with 7 subfolders called: BMP, OpenPlay Modules, PBEM, Quick Battle Maps, Saved Games, Scenarios (includes campaigns), and WAV. In the main folder you will also have the CM Afrika Korps.exe, Manual, Prefs and a few other files. If you bought it recently with BF's "new" security activation process, that may be another issue. (I bought mine 15+ years ago when there was no security.)
  13. Very useful tests. Re the first set, am puzzled by the MP40 caused casualties in tests 7-9 Question: In tests 4-6, did the assaulting team never get to 50m range? ie: What happened that enabled the US to suffer so much in 7-9 when one would have thought that suppression would have been more effective given the extra minutes of suppression fire.
  14. No problem with BF charging more $ for their product. Have been saying that for years. What I am saying is that the shortage these days is well-made campaigns, not units or better graphics. Would be happy to pay BF for more really good campaigns (that feature the new units in packs). I don't mind playing the $50. My suggestion re the Vehicle Packs is that BF releases perhaps fewer units in a Pack, but includes at least a couple of (purpose-made) scenarios to show off the features of the new units in play. Hopefully, the interface and efficiency/ergonomic issues re being able to play the larger CM2 scenarios faster by reducing unnecessary clicks etc will be addressed in time.
  15. I love BF and what they are doing. But, I have to agree with waclaw. Ultimately, it's about value for money. I always support BF products with my wallet. But, it's starting to be more because I feel I "owe" them a lot for the amazing CM1 series which they practically gave away to us. Going forward, my hope is that BF focuses more on making the game system "mechanics/interface" more intuitive/more efficient to play and also on providing more "play content" - primarily good long campaigns which add the challenges of ammo and force preservation - which the volunteer market is no longer providing.
  16. Ahhh... Xnt point... (However, we seem to have similar emphasis on pics and videos on all forums. I still recall in the early days when 90% of discussion was about tactics and how to better play the game. I miss all that.)
  17. It's part of the "Improved nature" CMRT mod by Kieme (at CMMODS I think).
  18. Not sure if it's what you are referring to but there is a nice "flowers" mod for CMRT. Am assuming it could work in CMBN and CMFI(?)
  19. I genuinely believe that folks who take the time and trouble to create campaigns (especially) should be able to benefit from em. Those seem to be almost a full-time job. For established designers here who we know and trust can do an xnt job, they deserve it. Or, maybe BF can hire them on a contract basis. Or, maybe if designers made campaigns on spec, BF could first have the option to buy their campaigns and then sell them to us and make a profit - win-win given that campaigns are currently an endangered species..
  20. That's an interesting point. I always assumed that WW2 troops were older than in latter day wars. However, Hwd appeals primarily to the teens and 20's (mostly male) demographic and generally everyone in action movies is young. So, it is strange why, when it comes to WW2, most soldiers are portrayed as men in their 30's.
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