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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. What a shame... I enjoyed the playtesting... it was up to v5(!)... Oh well, we wait for the campaign then... Any ETA of the decade it may get released?
  2. ok... but is the existing 'Taking It To The People' scenario the final version (for playing)?
  3. That's merely a symptom of senility... or is it Alzheimer's...? I forget...
  4. Kohenlau's NA mods are available. Was there ever a link to d/l these ones from pappagoat?
  5. IIRC Blast only works vs walls and hedges. I thought vs bunkers or vehicles one had to simply wait until a unit with charges uses its own initiative. If you use TARGET IIRC the unit just fires at the target. But, it's been very long since I played a scenario with bunkers...
  6. Good point. In the same way that Auschwitz has been kept as a memorial. Some of the ACW statues are wonderful art. Can't see why obliterating "records" of ACW helps. What's next? Emptying all the museums of ACW memorabilia? It sets a bad precedent. ISIS feels the same way about us, and we call that evil. The purpose of history education is to define what happened, what is good or bad. An attempt to destroy evidence/records could well backfire and create a mythos that will be romanticized in the future.
  7. dragonwynn has made some xnt scenarios and campaign(s). (As you know) I prefer campaigns when they provide the extra challenges of force and ammo conservation.
  8. +1 An xnt way to provide the player with motivation to move as quickly as possible and make a difficult challenge entertaining and winnable.
  9. It's ironic that we despise people for destroying historical monuments (see ISIS and Palmyra) and here we are doing it to Confederate monuments. Of course it's not as if destroying things some people hate hasn't happened b4 - viz Troy and Carthage. But, this sort of destruction is always despised by later generations and regretted by history. (Mind you, we destroyed a lot of Nazi stuff too.)
  10. Hmmm... The Brit film didn't mention the German's accomplishment - how odd... I also recently saw what I think was a Brit film about how they were way ahead on Nuclear research and they gave it all to the Yanks as that was the only reason the Yanks were able to make a bomb in the end. So, the Atomic Age was all thanks to the Brits giving away their secrets to the US as the Yanks had the Brits over a barrel re WW2 lendlease etc. and squeeeezed the Brits dry... The big race is on to establish credit in a historical narrative.
  11. I doubt that any size mortars will do anything. If you only have inf, your guys need satchel charges (attacking from the rear). You would think that bazookas will KIA a bunker from the front. But am not sure about that. Not sure if grenades in the rear will do anything. I woulda thought that bunkers are designed to resist grenades, small arms, and any HE hitting from above.
  12. Been trying to ensure I have the latest and best versions of campaigns and scenarios: I have a version of Heart of Darkness campaign dated 11/08/16. Is this the final version?
  13. Got it, thanks… I really am suffering from CM burnout – but hope to get excited to play again soon… Inshallah… PS: Re Testing. A designer has to get a scenario to the point that he thinks it is perfect AND ONLY THEN ask for testing. Cos that is actually the Alpha. You will then get useful info about aspects that you would never have thought of. Then the Beta is made, cos that is definitely “perfect”. And then you get additional feedback that you would never have thought of. Only after at least two “perfect” iterations have been edited is the product ready for prime time. If this was a screenplay a writer may have to produce dozens of iterations/versions, so I understand the frustration. But that’s what it takes to produce good work. PS: What happened to "Taking It To The People"? Was that completed?
  14. I find that getting rid of unnecessary folders like MY DOCUMENTS and MS WORD etc really helps... SS: So... The Heist is complete and ready for play?
  15. Ok... Then next I think will be the 2nd "Copper Mines" scenario which looks a lot better than the first ("Riots"). It's amazing/shocking how much time is liberated when I don't play CM2!! Actually getting productive things accomplished!!! (Like seeing "Wonder Woman" in IMAX 3D later today, B4 "The Mummy" takes over the theatre.) Actually, what scenarios are newly available in CMA and CMSF?? Am getting the impression that you started one, then left it incomplete and started another, then left that incomplete and now are starting some more... It's getting confusing trying to figure out which ones are ready for primetime...
  16. Been busy trying to finish off all the other uncompleted CMSF and CMA games I started. I reckon I put more playing time in than most here. And now suffering from my regular bout of CM burn-out. There seem to be so few people playing any particular title these days. Hence my comments to you about burning out the few of us here with repeated testing. My next one when I get my mojo back was going to be "Action & Reaction". Is the above one "Wicked Wednesday"? That's on the list, no worries...
  17. Want to help but am suffering the usual periodic CM burn-out. I need to play/do something else for a while. Need to go have a few flings with the co-ed dolly birds who infest my building like friggin very sexy sirens... But my wife won't let me...
  18. I just saw a week or so ago a movie about how the Brits invented Radar ("Castles In The Sky"). It wasn't that gripping dramatically, but was interesting to learn about and see credit going to the correct people (who IIRC were officially "neglected" after the war as they didn't go to the right schools etc.). A year or two ago there was a movie about Turing who invented the computer (and was then hounded to suicide). "Personally i think Britains war effort is being erased by hollywood." Yes, that's my point. The dominant culture gets to write/rewrite history to its own benefit. And the Poles are now making their claim as well: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2215003/Secrets-Enigma-code-cracked-Polish-Brits-MPs-claim.html
  19. I mean that the films themselves are not that interesting. But, they are creating a historical narrative for future generations as to who did/invented what when. And even the U-Boat capture wasn't the whole Enigma story. It was the Poles who smuggled out parts of an Enigma machine to the Brits long b4 the U-Boat one was captured. But, no movies about the Poles' brave efforts... (yet...)
  20. There should be a lot more available. Leastways I uploaded a lot more to the above.
  21. Strange... This is another "locally" produced film on the same subject. My sense after watching the first movie is that the country is desperate to show that they resisted the Nazis rather than collaborated in the murder of so many Jews and others. It's like they want to rewrite history to show that their country was a victim as well. Nowadays, everyone was in the Resistance... Am thinking that the UK films that came out recently, or are coming out, that cement the UK claim of inventing TV and Radar etc. are also part of a Brit cultural effort to ensure that the correct people get the credit in history. (Otherwise one tends to see Hwd movies showing that the US won the war single-handedly etc. Eg the capture of U-110 and the Enigma by the Brits was turned into a US movie showing how they captured the U-boat.)
  22. +1 The current system generates a quantity of codes and passwords and installs that are incompatible. It has to be a concern that the system will implode under its own complexity and the frustrations it creates. CM1 was immeasurably easier. I understand that BF needed something that would give them a revenue stream so that a CM2 title broken into modules would effectively bring in several hundred $ per unit rather than the paltry amount the received for the all-encompassing CMBB or CMAK. But, it's hard to foresee what the CM2 system will be like if they ever get to complete some of the "families" and add other eras all the way to the start of WW2. How many CM2 titles will we have to install on our computers by then?? Another issue is social - the fragmentation of this niche hobby into increasingly smaller numbers of players per title. Right now we have maybe 10 folks making 90% of the posts. And those are spread over all the forums. At some point we're going to end up with one or two people per forum (or the same few windbags* on all forums heh). (*Present co excluded of course.)
  23. Perhaps you didn't read the original post. I was commenting on LLF's point about the number of terrorists in Philippines.
  24. Sure, we can just wait till things get that bad and someone gets a nuke or (more likely) a biochem item (or even more likely - figures out how to shut down the food supply or contaminate drinking water). That was my point. The successful history of appeasement 'n all that good stuff...
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