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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Very interesting. According to their assessment of CM: "The commercial scenarios are not balanced according to military doctrine. They are weighted more as ‘problems’ than as balanced engagements. For example, enemy assets always seem substantially larger than doctrine would support such as a US dismounted company attack set up against multiple enemy platoons." But their review is generally positive.
  2. Ok, WSB surrendered with abut 48 mins left on the clock. Was surprised. There wasn't a single Red unit on the map. Not sure if reinforcements were coming, or if they were designed to arrive after scenario end. Ended up with plenty of ammo and a full bar of 81mm offboard. So, I coulda used a lot more 81mm and maybe taken fewer casualties. But still got a Brit Total Victory: 93 OK; 1 KIA; 6 WIA vs WSB: 51 OK; 64 KIA; 52 WIA; 36 MIA; + 15 vehicles KO The last ten minutes were a big anticlimax as I probed cautiously towards the final LZ objective. I didn't see any more enemy. I must have killed off the last vehicle or somesuch to trigger the surrender. Was surprised that the Victory Locations were not broken up into numerous smaller ones. That would motivate the Brit player to investigate all the buildings. I did that anyway. But I think one could accomplish all objectives by sneakily touching them and running away. Was thinking that it would have been good to have another location on the map towards the east that the Brits had to investigate and kill more Reds. I understand maybe that didn't happen in RL, but it woulda made the scenario more interesting for its full length rather than ending with almost an hour left. Overall very satisfying and often thrilling scenario and a sense of accomplishment (other than the last ten minutes). Loved ambushing the WSB trucks. But, was helped by the AI's poor attacking methodology. Also liked the Africa mods. The Brits seemed a bit too white. So, I mixed and matched some other Brit skins to get some guys (the experienced NCO's I suppose) with more sunburned look and a few faded camo helmets. The overall visual effect plus jungle look was v good. For those who want jungle warfare (in SE Asia for example), this mod should also give them a chance to try it out. Question re total Brit troop numbers: I count 3 platoons: 8 x 3 + 4(HQ) = 28 x3 = 84 + 3 (Co HQ) + 3 (2IC) plus 2F(O) + 4 (Snipers) = 96. But the final result shows 1there should be 100 Brits. What happened to 4 guys??
  3. What is the purpose of the "modtag text file goes in scenario folder.txt" files?
  4. SOP for snipers on the offense (in the game) is a good question. Do you use em as recon units with longer range weapons? Use em to overwatch guard recon units armed with SMG's? Use em to protect FO's? Are snipers more useful as hidden spotters or as units that shoot stealthily?
  5. Oh, and SS, as I have often said... Attempting to learn how to do the amazing work that you and other so do would be like pulling my own teeth out. Am trying to reduce stress, not get a heart attack. Be proud of your capabilities. Not everyone wants to or has the talent to do this. Oh.. and yes, I know there are no exits in CMSF. I was thinking of simulating the entrance to a heavily defended UN base with static defender units (immobilized AFV's?) that the Red forces cannot take, and hence would provide a safe haven for the civvies after they are bussed out. ie: The buses drive through the UN fort gate and turn to get behind high walls or buildings out of sight and any danger. The gate is heavily guarded by immobilized AFV's and even infantry which can fire out of doorless buildings through windows, (but which they cannot exit from), so are also static defenders. These days it doesn't seem to matter what CM title one is playing, all the scenarios start to feel the same. Am attempting to come up with intriguing ideas that I cannot recall seeing in any CM game EVER in the hope reviving flagging interest and in finding novel types of scenarios.
  6. Thought it would be useful/helpful to discuss what is considered to be the components of "good" scenarios. Am not requesting anything or aiming this at anyone. So, plz no one go off on me... Re full disclosure: It is no secret that my "prejudice" is for entertaining situations and that reality can and should be adjusted in favor of maximizing entertainment value. Other motivators: 1) How to make more use of the superb urban maps that you guys have created. 2) Intrigued by the possibilities of using several dozen "spies" in CMSF as unarmed civilian "hostages". 3) Use as much of the features that CMSF provides in the way of nationalities and their varied equipment and unique SOP's of fighting. 4) Also feature rarely if ever seen vehicles. Eg for Blue: The Nyala, Fuchs Wolf, Fennek, Weisel, Dutch G-Wagen & Canadian GWagon, Coyote, YPR-765 GN, LAV-C2, MTVR, M1078, Spartan, Sultan, Bulldog etc. Eg for the Red forces: PU with ZU-23-2, Zil-131, BRD, UAZ... (Can "Syrian" forces also use captured NATO equipment as a Red force??) The following situation is what I woke up with at 3am while dreaming of topical news... First imagine a map standing on a corner rather than an edge - like a wildlife crossing sign. I think this makes the best use of a map. Let's say that the top corner is "North" for ease of explanation. For sake of simplicity let's say that the RHS ("East") corner would be where a few dozen civilians (Christians, Sunnis etc.) are hiding out - trapped. The important point is that this location should not be defensible. They are surrounded by poorly trained and equipped Red teams. The civvies have a couple of equally poorly trained and equipped squads of volunteer militia which are just enuff to deter the Red teams - but not enuff to allow them to escape. So, the civilians are relatively safe if they stay put and wait for rescue, but they can't just walk out. The opposite corner ("West corner") would be where a large force of motivated/fanatic Red Uncon/ISIS types come pouring in (over several turns) - their objective is to get to the civilians for BBQ or somesuch. In the Red Force way is a small force of Iraqi Army or militia, bolstered by a few Elite SAS or SEALS (a couple sniper teams and FO's perhaps) who are on a training exercise. (Probably no vehicles or heavy weapons. However, perhaps access to Choppers and/or fixed wing support - but no bombs allowed due to the high civilian density of the city - only guns and maybe rockets.) This force is not strong enough to stand and fight. It's objective is to delay the tidal wave of Red uncon/ISIS. The delay is vital, to allow time for rescue missions from the South and North corners to get to the civilians b4 the Red Uncon/ISIS chaps get to them and escort them "off the map" to safe havens. In this case the safe havens would consist of a "safe/fortified" UN location on the SW or NW map edges. To maximize forces available in CMSF, the South/UN/NATO rescue mission could be Germans, Dutch and Canadians in light vehicles. Possibly Brits as well. The above list of vehicles can be used as buses on which the hostages can embark and be transported away to the safe UN zone. The North force could be US forces (with Brits if they are not already with the South UN/NATO group). One of these two rescue forces will have to join up with the SAS/SEALS and help hold back and then destroy the ISIS/Uncons - or maybe simply to hold open a safe corridor for the escaping civvies. The other will rescue the trapped civilians. Both Blue forces will have to fight through Red/Isis forces whose objective is to delay the rescue missions so that the large Red force from the West can get to the civilians. Am thinking that due to neutral civilian density in the city, heavy (150mm+) artillery cannot be used (and light arty seems to not be useful). My sense is that air support may be available, but only with light weapons - no 1,000lb bombs that can destroy an apartment block etc. ******** Well, that was what woke me up very early. Comments...?
  7. Ok thanks... So with basic ammo load the 51mm using WEGO only lasts 1 to 2 turns. Is that using TARGET LIGHT or TARGET? (So, there is no way to order the Platoon HQ unit to only use their rifles while there is 51mm ammo remaining?)
  8. Sounds very good news if you can get it working. So, currently you play out the operational scenarios using CM2 H2H or vs AI?
  9. "...new TACSOP with the Pause command. This also works inside a small (1 A/S footprint building). Target or Target Light and Pause for 20 or 30 seconds then a waypoint in the same or adjacent action spot with a Face command. So they will shoot for the duration of the Pause, shift to the waypoint and stop shooting. This saved me from running out of ammo." Oooo... must try this... I have always thought that when waypoints were on top of each other or even very close, they would be nullified and disappear as if there was no waypoint. One of my squads burned thru half its ammo firing at an abandoned pickup. I didn't want to five a restricted arc as there was enemy inf in a nearby area. Could not kill that damn pickup until the inf got close enuff for grenades. I enjoy the challenges caused by the Brit lack of ammo as I use fire conservatively in any CM2 title even when I have the US and their huge amount of ammo. It's hard for me to do a lot of recon by fire or area fire on merely suspected positions. I like to KNOW there is an enemy there b4 I fire. Just my eccentricity... I find the 81mm useful for destroying buildings that I know are enemy occupied. I haven't seen a static group of enemy in the bush that would make a good target, so can't see how the 81mm would useful for anything other than destroying enemy in buildings - anything to avoid risky MOUT tactics. The problem with CMSF and CMA is that you don't know how many rounds one has. So, I have been very conservative - using only HEAVY and QUICK duration for all 3 tubes. Done that about 4 times and the ammo counter still seems full. Had I known I had significant mortar ammo, I would have used it more prolifically. Haven't found a use for the 51mm mortar. The squad weapons are pretty deadly at these short ranges and do the job more quickly than trying to use the HQ 51mm. I keep all the HQ's well back in safety anyway. What is a good SOP for the Brit HQ's and their 51mm?
  10. +1 Am very impressed that some like designing maps, some do mods, and some do entire scenarios. You have to be a saint/masochist with no other life to make a campaign. But, others like me have no talent or patience for that. Happy to pay BF to create content, and very appreciative of all the volunteer user-made efforts.
  11. CM2 would definitely benefit from an operational layer. But, these would be two separate games? Or, is there some linkage planned?
  12. You can change the % probability of any reinforcement arriving after a particular turn. That is probably random enuff. In these small CM2 scenarios where you have a company or two, if a reinforcements doesn't arrive at all it may completely unbalance the situation. In a larger scenario where you have a battalion+ plus a company of armor, maybe a platoon of inf or a couple of tanks reinforcement wouldn't be critical. But, then why have the reinforcement at all. I really like the idea of having access to reserves that lose you points if you request them. IIRC in CM1 there was a system whereby one had Battalion, Regimental and Divisional Reserves that were automatically activated by the AI and arrived if the AI system calculated that you needed them(!)
  13. Have about 55 mins left and am enjoying this immensely - even tho' am not a fan of infantry-only scenarios. Will probably take too many friendly casualties for a Total Victory. One can take the objectives relatively easily with no (or minimal) casualties in WEGO. But, imo one needs to clear every single building to stay in the spirit of things. And it's those close combat situations where friendlies get hit. Am using 2 platoons to go west to east with a third scouting ahead and flanking. Probably should be using the FO and 81mm more. But I get impatient waiting for offboard - always fatal for someone.
  14. Ok, thanks. I didn't see that BF post. Glad they said that as I recall bitter arguments where some folks wanted to argue to the end that the CM2 engine is "so realistic that everything is high fidelity and all you have to do is go to ground level and spot blah blah..." No... going to ground level and attempting to see what the AI sees is an exercise in futility. Mastering the intricacies of the CM2 LOS "system" (making allowances for it) is crucial to playing well.
  15. "The situation should be difficult. It shouldn't be difficult cos one is given inadequate resources." Well yes, exactly... It seems that many/most scenarios have their "scenario difficulty" created by merely making the human attacker overwhelmingly out-numbered. The player has (say) a company and he is supposed to attack a battalion or more of equal or superior quality. Sure, it's fun to play that situation occasionally. But, this seems to be the most common type of design choice in order to compensate for game AI inadequacies and create challenges. For example... Let's say you are the Russians who in RL never got our of bed unless they had massive artillery support. A poor designer will create a scenario where the Russians have inadequate artillery in order to make the scenario difficult. My sense is that the majority of scenarios are variations on this type of "create challenge by giving ludicrously inadequate resources" design concept. The good news is that there are several excellent scenarios and campaigns where the designer has created challenges thru clever design or victory conditions. I gave examples of some of my recent favorites where you have the resources you need, but you cannot expend your units like cannon fodder - the challenge is that you have to conserve ammo and units in order to get a higher level victory. I know this is a personal taste, but I enjoy those kinds of challenges far more than simple bloodbaths where there is "no tomorrow" so you can have your own forces destroyed and end up with only one guy and be a winner. Those types of battles are extreme outliers in reality.
  16. "The AI has no advantage over you for spotting. The Tac AI doing the spotting is the same for your troops and the AI's troops." I think we're not talking about friendly AI spotting but the fallacy of the CM2 WYSIWYG claims. I too have regularly suffered by an enemy finding LOS to my unit when I cannot see anything no matter how hard I look. I play WEGO so I can study a situation for as long as I can stand it, and there are many instances where it is impossible for the human eye to see a clear shot, but the AI can. LOS in CM2 is flawed in that respect. CM2 could be described as "The frustrating game of LOS determination challenges." But, as I said, it depicts the arbitrariness of combat. The most experienced and careful soldier can get shot and never know where the shot came from.
  17. "Erwin (sorry Erwin, not trying to be a d**k, but I just found it striking that he is complaining about the very thing that you were asking for) commenting on the CMSF forum about a scenario that was being created and asking for assurance he'd have the resources to complete the mission." Hi sburke... congrats on achieving your goal without trying. I have no understanding of the relevance of your referring to me re the post I made. It may be helpful to actually READ the posts before going off based on assuming something was said that actually was not. Re "Not much fun having battles be complete walk-overs." A "walkover" is determined by the victory conditions. Suppose you can only win if you take minimal casualties and end up with at least 50% of your ammo at the end so your force is ready for future actions? Now that "easy walkover" gets very tough. There are several xnt scenarios that have tough conditions like that. Am playing Op Barras, a brand new CMSF historical scenario in which your Brit Crack paras are overrunning a bunch of peasants in a series of African villages. Could be the definition of a walk-over. But you can only afford to take 2-3 Brit casualties for a big win! Suddenly, it's a very tough scenario. Also recommended are "Into the Green" and "Mullah Fayed" - similar xnt scenarios where you can't afford to take friendly casualties.
  18. I suspect that the AI can spot thru a 1 pixel gap that only a computer can "see". However, the Ai needs all the help it can get to be challenging. So, generally it's just demonstrates the arbitrariness or war - that you may think you are safe, and suddenly someone gets shot...
  19. "1. No real possibility to use recon vehicles for recon because there is no possibility to make them evade, if they face a threat. Which would be crucial to recon big maps and find an enemy, for example. 2. The Campaign system: only one "battle" on one map. No uncertainty. No recon phases before a battle, no mop up phases. Map destruction not preserved: no difficult attacks, which need recon, cancel of attack, additional recon, try from another direction,... - for example against heavily fortified positions." I completely agree with "1". While inf recon/scouting is critical, there is very little function for recon vehicles in CM2 scenarios. In RL recon units would have been withdrawn at the time period when a typical CM2 scenario starts and it's the combat units which go in. IMO that is a function of the relatively small maps we (usually) see in CM2. By contrast, CM1 often featured 8Kx4K maps and mobility, recon, keeping reserves etc. were required much more. However, there are recon scenarios. Puzzled by "2" since a campaign can feature a recon scenario followed by a battle scenario which handles the situation better. Recon can take hours or days in RL, so not very practical to have a "recon phase" followed by a typical 1-2 hour CM2 battle.
  20. I wonder how they will play since they are different eras. But, since you asked... CMBN: KG Himmelfarht - a large and long scenario. One of my favorites. CMFI: Venafro Back Into Hell - city fighting CMRT: Blood On the Tracks - a classic Mostly I play campaigns and some of the missions would be good. Can one convert a campaign (effectively)??
  21. Yes, this needs to be a sticky as it covers questions that come up regularly year after year...
  22. Didn't even realize the old mod was no longer working. Thank you Vein. (Will this work for other titles btw?)
  23. Amongst the many pros is the fact that CMBN is now a mature game (ie: few if any bugs) and has modules and many mods available to make the base game even better. In terms of price, the game has already given many of us hundreds and probably thousands of man-hours of entertainment. Compare the cost per hour with "average" games that may only entertain for a few dozen hours and then you want it deleted and go buy another.
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