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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. One should always have hope... even when the situation is hopeless.
  2. I designed a CM1 mission many years ago which started with an ambush that the receiving player could do nothing about. The whole point was to create the sort of shock and dismay that a real ambush would cause. This ambush set the tone for the rest of the mission. My concept was to demonstrate the players' lack of control in an ambush situation and to create cautiousness in the ambushed player - at least for the start of the mission. As Combatintman says, the screams of horror and criticism from players were loud. It's a psychology issue. Players do not want "realism". They want the "illusion of realism" (verisimilitude) - that encourages the player to think that (s)he is a great commander and is in control of the situation. So, yes it's a wonderful idea, and some players may appreciate a mission that starts with a nasty ambush in turn 1. But, be prepared that most will not appreciate it.
  3. My thought was since there were mines on the left that the right flank move would be better. Your pushing thru the left flank was the better move, (but maybe very lucky?). If I played this again however, it still seems that the logical route is via the right flank due to the mines on the left. One would normally predict many more vehicles lost to mines than you suffered. However, the 5 Stuarts situated on the right were tough to winkle out, plus as mentioned there were long range openings for US tank destroyers to spot and shoot accurately all the way to the roads leading to the VL's. Pushing along the main road would have been ok had there been more time to move carefully. But, given the pace one had to maintain, it was a suicide road as it was covered by about 6+ US armor.
  4. Quite a few ASU athlete type girls with amazing bods like her work out at the "Mountainside" gym beside Tempe Lake - they regularly do some amazing acrobatics. Aren't you in Phx area, John?
  5. Agreed. Small Spec Ops missions with jeeps etc are not really what the European CM games are designed for - other than a tiny number of mission types as above. Maybe more useful in the desert environments of CMSF where mobility is a much more needed option. (Wish we had a WW2 CM DAK game, but there you are...) Anyone see the old Michael Caine movie "Play Dirty"? That would make a great WW2 Spec Ops mission (in the NA desert). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063443/
  6. "...eventually working my way well up the left flank and way up the right flank." I lost a Luchs to mines on the left flank so assumed that was it (the briefing warned about mines) and after killing two US AC's brought the Panthers and surviving damaged Luchs on the left flank back to the road with no further attempts to the left. But, the right flank encountered 5 (I think) Stuarts and an HE thrower plus infantry that KO'd one and damaged a 2nd right flank Luchs. The Panthers coped with that but suddenly the tank killers got long range LOS to the left side of the panthers as they tried to make headway to the small right flank VL's and KO'd two. (The Panthers never saw a thing.) After that I tried to make way on the road. But again it seemed like the US tanks got first sight and first shot while the PzV's could not see anything. Operated them in pairs as SOP. However, in a WEGO turn, a Panther would be hit 3 or 4 times and then a finally a fatal shot - without seeing the enemy tanks at all. Ended up losing 5 panthers plus a JgPz IV plus some halftracks before getting to the first road village. CF'd and was stunned at how many well placed tank killers were out there. It's nearly always a good idea to go for the flanks. But, since we were warned about mines, not sure how players had the balls to ignore mines (and apparently not get blown up either!).
  7. I was wondering what tactics or strategy other players used for this scenario. Talking WEGO primarily. ****************** POSSIBLE SPOILERS ****************** One is forced to recon with the Pz II's on either side of the road since the Germans start with unconfirmed sightings on both flanks. However, as noted in the briefing the Pz II's are like a pop gun mounted on an eggshell. The Pz II's can't hurt the US recon vehicles which can instead easily damage or kill em. In WEGO by the time the Pz II's have eyes on the enemy, they are already in trouble and at least one on each flank is either damaged or KO'd. So... One sits and waits for the PzV's. As soon as they turn up, one ends up sending a couple Panthers to each flank. The Panthers can take out the Stuarts and AC's easily but at they try to take the victory locations to the right of the road, they become flanked by tank killers situated at the far end of the map via long LOS channels. In RT one can do a lot to instantly respond, but in WEGO... So, how did you do it?
  8. "...requires a good, uninterrupted LOS, which is not going to happen to often on most of the maps." Ivanov hits the nail on the head. It's very rare to experience long range combat the way the weapons systems were designed for on CM2 maps... with the exception of CMSF and the large desert maps designers often make. Which is why so many of us are excited about CMSF2.
  9. Really like the talk by Moran. Need time to check it out better later. Thank you...
  10. Looking forward to this as the original skins were the worst in all of the CM families.
  11. BTW: I highly recommend some of the older user-made CMA scenarios like "The Road Of All Fears" and the "Competent Incompetence" campaign. (BTW SS: Did you ever finish your CMA campaign or scenarios??)
  12. Love the weathering, Olek. Maybe make the understructure behind the track wheels a bit darker/dirtier?
  13. That already looks much better. Thanks. (Where to d/l?)
  14. Am excited you have enthusiasm for CMA. As Sgt Squarehead and others noted, CMA is a great change of pace and a different experience from the other CM2 titles. Hope you are aware that there are a significant number of uniform mods already available - nearly all soviet (Para; Spetznaz; .Mech Inf; Tankers etc.) I have about 20 .brz folders of Soviet troops plus others. Don't want you trying to "reinvent the wheel" so can send em to you if you can't find em. The Afghan Army uniforms and skins are the ones that desperately need improving.
  15. I am stunned that any comment that doesn't pay automatic homage has to be pounced on by certain people who feel the need to make snarky responses. As usual in these cases, you contribute nothing to this thread. Having played every CM1 game for at total of over 10,000 hours and every CM2 family for probably closer to 15,000 hours total its probably that I know the game better than the vast majority of CM players here. You really think someone would do that if it wasn't fun?! That's the point, a few of us actually play the game and don't really care about the tech aspects of whether a particular gun has the correct characteristics so long as the game is believable - ie exhibits verisimilitude. It doesn't bother me (or you apparently) that we have massive threads of tech aspects of the game that are not perfect. But, god help anyone who makes a comment on the game play issues. CM1 was replaced by CM2 after about 7 years, CM2 is now 10 years old. Can't see why one shouldn't start looking forward to CM3 when there will be opportunity for another evolution. But that sentiment probably pisses certain people off as well.
  16. "I love Combat Mission and spend a lot of time meticulously plotting the movements of my troops so I can have the fun moments where I get to rain destruction on the enemy and this fun part was unfairly taken away. If something could be done where I get to choose to go on after the enemy has surrendered that would be great." +1 This has been a frustration ever since CM2 superceded CM1. In CM1 it was normal to have to fight to the end as victory calculations changed slowly as one ground away at the enemy. In CM2 it is common that the AI will surrender before one gets to the "fun" part of implementing one's plan. If one saves every turn in a CM2 game it's not uncommon to go from a defeat to a respectable victory cos of the loss of one unit. CM1 is akin to an older aircraft where changes occurred slowly and it is very forgiving or errors. CM2 is like a jet with controls that need a computer to master as it is so unstable in terms of a small movement making a huge difference, and one error can cost you the game. "Reality" is boring and frustrating and often not fun. However, this is a game that most of us (I think... I hope...) play for fun and relaxation. So, I agree with DG that this kind of "coitus interruptus" is annoying. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that anything can be done about it with the CM2 engine. Hence my hope for significant improvements in CM3.
  17. Just found it in my regular recon of CMMODS. Thanks Olek!! PS: Am assuming you saw MikeyD's version of same CMA vehicle??
  18. Great pic. That should be enuff to get everyone hooked on becoming mod sluts! Then join "Mod Sluts Anonymous".
  19. Thought I would raise this question again, as it was never answered.
  20. Before computers were able to produce gorgeous 3D sims of such units and engagements I was a miniatures fan. I have an entire 1944 Brit Armored Division and a bunch of German stuff - all bought b4 CM and other games like that were available. Now, stored away and not looked at for 20+ years. It all seems a bit pointless when we have marvelous 3D sims available. Sad that he can't even find a museum which would be interested in the collection.
  21. Let's call it "LATER" in the alphabet takes precedence.
  22. Every time am on AF Base am making sure to lobby to not retire the A10 - the powers that be want to get rid of it. Clearly my efforts are making all the difference. (Heh.) But, what's with all the silly moustaches? They all planning on being motorcycle cops??
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