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Herr Kruger

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Everything posted by Herr Kruger

  1. Are such comments really necessary? I thought the Peng threads were for this kind of thing.
  2. Hello, how many 88mm FlaK gun mods are there? I've been trying to find one for the last couple of days... J Kruger
  3. Can we expect to see more posters in the future? I hope so! [ January 22, 2003, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]
  4. Do people actually buy PC games at Wal-Mart?
  5. Ok, a squad of mine runs into a minefield in tall pines, suffers a casualty, and goes into shaken status. The squad continues its movement order, which was a run to the next bit of trees, except it is now sneaking into open ground instead of running as it should have been.... does this make sense? This post is not intended to be negative about CMBB, but to me this does not make sense. I'm just trying to help. Apologies if this sneaking issue has been brought up before...
  6. Hello board! Okay, so how do you scout? On the attack? What about outposts or feelers on defense? I'm looking to create a little discussion on scouting in CMBB. I'm looking for tips a little more in-depth than one line posts saying "yeah, use half-squads!" Thinking of situations in which your forces are at 10% casualties or less. I'm sure if you have a squad that is half-gone, ie/ 5/10 guys are casualties in the setup phase, that squad might be a candidate to use as a scout right? One of the coolest features in CMBB I like is that you can have Green, Regular and Veteran in a platoon which was part of a Regular company when it was bought. So, if you have two Regulars and a Green in a platoon, would you use the Green squad? If it runs into an ambush it would be better because they are less valuable to your force, right? At the same time, the command delay of the Green troops is larger... How far ahead do you send your scouts? Do you make a real effort to keep them under command of their HQ? Or do you just send them 100 or 200 m ahead? I've been wondering 'cause I've only played a few CMBB against humans and wanted to address this topic so I can learn something! [ January 07, 2003, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]
  7. While it might sound nice, it's actually not. First of all, you'd be taking away people's right and will to play this game how they want to. What if I wanted to join a ladder with certain rules that another ladder doesn't use? Etc... I've already paid $80 + for this game, now you want me to pay $90 more (a year) to join a ladder... ? I don't think so.
  8. I'm no grog, but what's the problem? Did you look at the muzzle velocities?
  9. Sportsmanship is about being the best, it's about being the bexst gracefully. And losing gracefully. See Steve Yzerman
  10. Is this a bug or is there a purpose behind it? I've noticed it a couple of times so far on enemy infantry...
  11. I am on cable. Is cable considered broadband or low-end broadband or what?
  12. I'll play you Dorosh! If you are now lacking opponents? I'm just getting back into playing CMBB, had to take some stress time there.... :eek:
  13. I'm proud to say I rarely used the heavies in CMBO, though I think it may be hard to maintain that in CMBB. Hehe.
  14. Hello friendly board, First off, this thread is not intended to slam this game. It's my favorite game. I was just wondering if anyone else agrees with me that the tank engine sounds are too loud? Especially when you have a group of tanks moving together. I like to go down to view 1 a lot and see how pretty things look, and when I am following one of my nice tanks around and there are more of my nice tanks around, well, it drowns out all the other sounds. In CMBO I think the tank sounds were more or less perfect (in volume). Like I said, I'm not trying to slam CMBB at all, just wondering if anyone has the same experience. How many tank .wav files are there... I'm consiering hunting them down and decreasing the volume a bit. J Kruger
  15. Hmm, what about the other flag mod on your site? I tried d/ling it, but got a 404 error. Just to let you know. J Kruger
  16. Wow, very nice. The Marders are one of my favorites!
  17. Might you have movies of any of those? And if so, would you send them to me? jjkruger@shaw.ca
  18. People who do that are cool. On a side note I've been wondering what the cultural significance of Vader's Jester is? Is it related to Darth Vader and, if so, how?
  19. My copy arrived today!!!! Yeah! And they don't want ot this weekend!!! :cool:
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