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Herr Kruger

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Everything posted by Herr Kruger

  1. I may have to pick it up, if it is available for GameCube, hee hee
  2. My wish.. no un-hittable guns... hehe. I hope that makes it into CMBB as well.
  3. Thanks for the bumps, I am looking for serious answers, however. [ March 06, 2003, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]
  4. Or is anybody in the process of doing so? I greatly enjoyed playing Short-75 Rules for CMBO, I was just wondering if anyone had done so. J Kruger
  5. If that were true, you would not have posted this. Perhaps now you don't care, but at one point you probably did. J Kruger - officially done with this thread.
  6. I don't have a problem. I'm just saying you should expect other players to look on this with some skepticism is all. No the word "record" does not bother me in the slightest. Why do you think the word "record" bothers me? Because I disagree with you? Because I think it may not be a record? I really don't understand why you think the word "record" bothers me, b/c it doesn't. You may have a record, you may not. You seem to have a problem with people thinking it is not a record, though. Like I said, it doesn't matter b/c people can make custom maps in which they can excel or play opponents whom they happen to outclass to set a new record, it is undoubtedly one of the reasons you don't see many posts like this one here. I'm sorry if you feel like you are being treated unfairly or rudely, I'm not trying to do that. I'm just saying, IMO, it doesn't really matter. And no, the word "record, does not bother me, for the record. Thanks.
  7. I think it is time to say : Nobody cares. It might be a record for those particular settings, it probably isn't. The bottom line is, it doesn't matter. Do ladder matches even track vehicle losses or casualties? They seem to track only wins/losses, which is a good idea. There doesn't seem to be any point to arguing whether this is a record or not, b/c it doesn't matter much. Why doesn't it matter? Well, your opponent could be your best buddy, he could have been intentionally trying something he knew to be reckless, etc etc... it's already been suggested, if you want accolades, join a ladder. Since this thread can go nowhere, it should be locked.
  8. Are you sure? 14 tanks in two minutes... </font>
  9. It's really unfortunate how people who frequent this forum more than others take the time to respond to a thread only to do the whole "use the search" crap. If you are going to bother to respond at all, why not respond constructively or juts move onto another thread.
  10. Ok, thanks. I was kind of thinking it makes sense to use one of the specific T34 bmps instead of having a whole other set of bmps for a generic T34. J Kruger
  11. No, I'm not talking about the grey, blockey "Tank?" and "Light Armor?" shapes. Those are displayed before a vehicle is IDed even as a tank or not, ie. your troops are not sure it is even a tank. I'm talking about what bmps are displayed when your troops know it is a T34, but what type of T34 it is is not yet known. What I'm asking is, is there a generic T34 bmp that is displayed before the specific T34 bmp comes into use. In a QB I'm playing I've knocked out two T34s, one is fully IDed, the other is not. Are there different bmps for such a case... My CMBB is not heavily modded so I'm not sure myself yet. Not sure if I made myself clear or not... J Kruger
  12. Ok, what .bmps are used for vehicles that are partially IDed but not fully IDed? We have several types of T34s, but when they are partially IDed as "T34 Tank" but not the specific type, which .bmps are being used at that point? Have these been modded? Is it one specific type of T34 which is being shown in this level of identification? Just wondering. J Kruger
  13. The Hetzer in CMBO was definitely one of my favorite AFVs. I don't know if it is more realistic to have the entire upper hull as 'curved' or not, but if this is an error I certainly hope it gets corrected. J Kruger
  14. Well, it was quite a surprise to see CMBB on Headline News like that! Consider me as your first opponent from the forums ! I'm only middle-good at this game, haha. Was great to see CMBB get some exposure it deserves.
  15. My step-dad called me up to see the "report on wargames" and I came up to see Combat Mission : Barbarossa to Berlin being mentioned and someone watching a movie file of artillery action and some armored cars moving up. My step-dad was like "Why isn't he shooting those guys and why are they running away?" Hehe. I went on to explain that it was a game about planning and that the action was a movie file showing results of the orders. They also showed a bit of America's Army and Ghost Recon.
  16. Just saw a little blurb, well a bit of it, on wargames on Headline News (CNN) and CMBB was mentioned! Was kinda cool.
  17. It is posts like these that make me wish this forum had a "Printer Friendly Version" button! J Kruger Edit : Actually, copying and pasting to Word works much better that I thought it would haha. [ January 28, 2003, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]
  18. Thank you for your reply! I'll have to look at CMHQ a bit more closely as I could not find it there. Is it in the CMMOS section of CMHQ? I tried Tom's site, but it was not available there. It's supposed to be there, but when I tried to download it, the file was not there.
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