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Herr Kruger

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Everything posted by Herr Kruger

  1. I don't think mine are coming out the way they should...
  2. I have visited this site several times and I think it is a great site!
  3. All the graphics files are .BMPS and thus can be tinkered with and overhauled, which many, many talented people have done, and so the look of the game is improved greatly.
  4. There is the pic. All 13 shots fired at that Sherman! Note the huge brea.. uh, the cowering American squad in the foreground.
  5. Be advised, there is a waiting list. I am still on it, I hope... am I SuperTed?
  6. Update : Okay, so my Marder then misses his next five shots, so that is thirteen consecutive misses from the Marder haha!
  7. Okay, this is funny. I have a Marder III that near the end of a turn sights a buttoned Sherman and gets a free shot, which misses. Next turn, my opponent targets my Marder III while I target the Sherman still. Both are hull down. The result of that turn is 7 misses by the Marder and six by the Sherman. Range is 643 m. Hehe... so 8 misses in a row by my Marder III! LOL!
  8. Scipio's Artillery rules are the best in the business. I usually play with one of Fionn's armor rules, but then say that Scipio's Artillery Rules are also in effect and take precedence. You have to play a game with more than 1250 points (a ME, that is) just to get above 81 mm (for German and US) and while a little more complicated, I find no reason why you can't figure them out.. it's quite easy. And infantry definitely does not get blown out of the woods in my short-75 games, that's for sure. At least my Axis infantry doesn't, hehe... Anyone wanna play me?!
  9. Does anyone else think that when you positively identify a unit, you shouldn't be able to know it's experience level?
  10. What quality of printer would you need to print that out? [ March 16, 2002, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]
  11. I am taping it right now! There is some very cool stuff in it.
  12. Hussars is not always nice, but does not fully represent this board. Welcome. You'll probably love CM:BO... we do! Allied Infantry has much less selection than the German Infantry does. The German player can choose some squads which are entirely SMGs American and British "regular" infantry is mostly rifles with a couple of SMGs mixed in, but American and British Airborne troops have more SMGs mixed in. 4.2 inch mortars are represented. 'fausts and 'shrecks have much greater penetration potential than 'zooks do, and are deadly to Shermans close-up, except maybe the Jumbo kinds. Same would go for the Churchill I guess, at least from the front. Symbols on infantry? Perhaps you are referring to HQ untis? Those represent the HQ's abilties... When the HQ's squads are in Command of him, they gain bonuses... J Kruger
  13. Holding in the "Shift" key while moving the mouse to left and right screen edges will move the screen left and right rather than panning...
  14. He is a prominent figure in Michael Reynolds' "Steel Inferno", a look at the SS Panzer Divisions in Normandy. After reading that book, which contains numerous quotes from the aforementioned "Grenadiers" I have to agree with the author of "Steel Inferno" that Meyer's book is somewhat dramatic.
  15. I think I did this way : on the link to the message board make it open into a new window and then bookmark that new window into your bookmarks....
  16. Bad bad Dorosh! Hey Mikey, know of any place in Cowtown I can buy plastic army men? Yes, I'm serious.
  17. You can push armor?! This is a joke, right? :eek:
  18. Um, no... thereby the most common (historically) units become the most expensive?! LOL!
  19. Excellent work! I have been eagerly aweaiting this mod as the Marder III is one of my most oft used vehicles! Thanks!
  20. I'm serious, I can't read German, and I don't have the money.. hehe. Well, thanks for the suggestions and I'll check out what I can check out. Thanks!
  21. Just wondering if there is a comprehensive, but easy to understand (I'm no grog, whatever a grog is) book or series on German forces or German land forces that covers the basics of tactics, compositions of typical companies and the life... maybe kinda like that Oxford Companion to World War Two but a little bit of theory and rank insignia and uniforms and thinhs mixed in.. yeah, I think that's a good jumble...
  22. Even better, make a printout.. I for one hope we never become a true paperless society, some things are too valuable to trust to 1s and 0s, don't you agree? Ie. hot chick's phone numbers and the like.
  23. Wow! I for one appreciate the work you have done!
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