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Herr Kruger

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Everything posted by Herr Kruger

  1. Brought a tear to me eye.. no, really it did, b/c mine is not here yet. Dorosh got it, but not me! Damn him! Damn damn damn! I live here too.
  2. Ya know, that's what I keep telling myself. B</font>
  3. I currently have 192 MB of PC100 RAM. My computer can accept up to three sticks of 128 MB PC 100 RAM. I'm thinking of doing that or maybe, maybe seeing what my upgrade options are. Based on what I've read in this thread, 384 MB RAM and my 32 MB ATI card should be ok for the kinds of battles I've been playing CMBO. I have not really ventured into large battles at all. I played one 3000 point ME, all the rest were smaller.
  4. I ordered on the 17th and have not received it yet. =( It can't be too long, right? Heh
  5. After reading some of the initial posts about battles, I'm growing concerned =( Doh!
  6. Are they included in the Sherman downloads or are they separate? Are there CMMOS Firefly Mods in existence? Thanks for any replies. Jeremy
  7. Changed in CMBB? I think it will be evn harder to see the "true" casualty totals in CMBB b/c of the Extreme Fog of War. Even without EFOW it would not necessarily be a good idea to see actual casualties inflicted, unless it really only shows at the end of the battle and not during. As for CMBO, you don't get to see how many true casualties your units inflict... the only way to do it is to get your opponents password and watch the action from his POV.
  8. I just finished a Demo PBEM with a human opponent (Yelnia Stare) and saw my casualties were high, way higher than what I think I started with could equal up to. In that scenario the German side has casualties to begin the battle.... so these are included in the AAR right? As if they were casualties inflicted in the battle? And also in the score calculation? Is this the same in the full version? I'm pretty sure you can set the "before battle casualty" level in the full version, but of course I would prefer that "before battle casualties" not really count as casualties in the AAR... um, yeah that's a clear sounding post. Hehe. Anyway, I know a lot of people on this board like to jump all over anyone who says anything negative about the game, I have already pre-ordered it and such I'm just asking a question and helping to further the improvement of the game (in my eyes). Jeremy
  9. Does this mean I was charged twice...? Just checking.. I just orderee and then got 2 confirmation e-mails.... Off to work now.
  10. So, how close do you have to be to use these close assault weapons tank hunter teams have [to assault tanks]? 30m? 20m? 10 or less? Yup, I mean how close do you have to be to start hammering away at those beasties? [ September 12, 2002, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]
  11. Not a bad idea.... keep up? LOL! Not everyone is lucky enough to have a cooshy desk job where you sit on your butt and read the BFC forum, people. Plus, doesn't splitting the board make the search function easier to use? [ September 10, 2002, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]
  12. Oops! Well, I suspect the same to be true. It was the mgs on the tank that got em.
  13. That would be cool, but does not appear to be modelled (sp?) in the game. I just ran a test.... I just placed one of the Russian guns in scattered trees, hiding and facing the Soviet lines and reversed a buttoned up Panzer III over the foxhole the gun was in. The Panzer III, though buttoned up, did spot the foxhole about 20 - 30 m before it reached it, but did not spot the gun. As the tank began to roll over the foxhole, it slowed down ( new terrain, tougher going) and the commander unbuttoned on his own. At this point the Panzer III spotted the gun, it was definitely on top of it, though and it was not knocked out. The range was 1 m and the gun crew, spotted and knowing it, unhid on their own and took aim, scoring a side penetration at 1 m but causing no significant damage... the panzer rotated its turret but could not fire its gun, or at least did not. The panzer continued reversing, now putting distance between itself and the gun, but now it's mgs opened up, suppressed and quickly knocked out the gun. Theory, the same thing happened to the gun your friend engaged. Managed to get close enough to suppress and knock out the gun with mgs but perhaps in the heat of battle did not notice it.
  14. And this thread contributes meaningfully to the forum how? :confused:
  15. Hi, I'm a willing disciple... I have no prior modding experience though. =( It's soemthing I've thought about doing but well... it seems difficult! I've read a little bit on PawBroon's site but have not yet really tried out a mod... Not sure if you could use my help... love the dirty look though.
  16. they be configured as? I know .wav but what else? Anyone have some suggestions for some sound editing programs?? J Kruger
  17. I had this happen to me as well.... long before you reach the rocky areas... There is no weapons fire happening, no indication of a hit from an antitank rifle etc... the vehicle goes to bogged status for scant seconds and then becomes immobilized...
  18. There is no need to have all 12 men represented on screen. Think how cluttered things would get. Because CM uses abstractions it would be a needless thing, wouldn't it? These 9 men, these 10 men, these 11 men all get the same orders and move and fight as a squad..... I think showing all 12 men is only necessary when you have a game that allows you to micromange on a level to which CM does not allow. ie. sending one guy (out of a full squad) up a staircase to investigate the second floor of a building.... Just my thoughts. Jeremy
  19. How about taking out a T-34 with a Grenage Bundle after it shrugged off a rifle greande... [ September 02, 2002, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Herr Kruger ]
  20. First of all, I love the game, just two things... Can you make the "Done" button larger and perhaps not so near the bottom of the screen? Also, tank movement/engine sounds seem really loud to me... they drown out the cool machinegun sounds when you are at view four and the same side of the map as they are.... I don't know, seems to loud to me. Looking forward to the full version!
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