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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Congratulations NGCavscout. May your daughter grow up to have all the beauty, wit and charm that you lack.
  2. An excellent idea. Maybe something for a patch? (Hubert, you didn't think we'd let you get any rest, did you?)
  3. I believe most of us would refer to you as one of those "old time SC addicts". Hey, it's better than "opinionated guy who posts a lot" . Eye candy will never please everyone, no matter how detailed/accurate/impressive. As long as it's not too silly (and doesn't stretch the system requirements), I don't care if there or not.
  4. No retreat! Not a step back! You will defend your position, or die trying. What are you, French?
  5. Made in Italy? Yeah, the first place I think of in relation to fine knives and high quality steel is Italy.
  6. Learn to spindle and mutilate, and you could be a member of that elite force of postal workers.
  7. Stoat, you accept a "challenge" as weak as that, and I'll throw the game to Seanachai.
  8. But the expression on her face shows how she feels about you as daddy.
  9. Since when has that been an issue? Next thing you'll be talking "fair" and "nice". Not necessary, nor expected.
  10. This one certainly seems to have a high opinoin of itself, what? Thinking it would be addressed directly? Shame on v42 for not applying the brick and boot to good effect. Seanachai, while I do not live to hear your words, I do so enjoy vexing you. So, simply to have you stop in mid victory-capering (probably with underwear firmly atop your head) I formally withdraw my concession (hot dogs and peanuts, napkins extra) of Stoat. We are men of action. Insults do not become us. How's about a Blood Hamster in CM:BO for the lad? I can't find the damn BB disc anywhere.
  11. Oh, blather, blather. You're starting to be all official like. Stop before you become another Joe. I don't think any of us could stand the rules as written by a windbag such as yourself. Holy Picture of Mary on burnt toast, you make Dickens sound concise. Note that it is Stoat (not toad) we are talking about. Different species entirely. I shall concede, if only to spare us from more of your droning.
  12. I suppose we could cut him in half. But, I get the right side.
  13. Yes, of course. But I'm happily foolish and deluded. Never underestimate the value of silliness.
  14. MrPeng, my dad had a valve replaced (congenital murmer) a couple of years ago. He recovered quickly, and the difference in his general health, energy and stamina was amazing. This for a man who is in his early 80's. Hope it goes the same for your mom. P.S. If she gets a pacemaker, have them set you up with a remote control, so you can crank her up to shovel the walk.
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