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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Ouch, tag-teamed by the grog and biker chick. But you could at least picked a worthy target.
  2. You have been missing out from day one. If you have SC1, you already know how well BF.C and Hubert will support this one. Should have pre-ordered, you'd have saved a few bucks.
  3. Wasn't me...I would never save rleete! *shrug* </font>
  4. I'm sure there are plenty of things you could catch from a pod. I'm also sure that none of them are very pleasant.
  5. MrPeng, bravo to your girl. And to you for letting it play out, instead of being one of those overly protective parents who would have rushed in and stopped the game because their precious got a boo-boo. Lars, you could learn a thing or two from her. Like not quitting.
  6. So, you're chickening out, just when the tables were about to turn? Gamey bastard, I expected no less from you. I played the French, but it was you who has shown himself to be the surrender monkey. Trading the Ruskies 1 for 1 in corps destroyed on your "drive" is no way to keep the offensive going, bubba. Don't forget the three level 3 tank armies hiding behind Moscow just waiting for you to stick your neck out. I'll grant you that the Med was pretty much your pond. For the time being. The Amis hadn't even gotten in the game, you couldn't crack Lenningrad, and the Brit navy was almost back up to strength. Just where did you think it was headed? Oh, right. You didn't think, which is why you would have been trounced. Really? News to me. How about I make you play the Krauts again, just to see if you stuff it up a second time? Care to drop those paras in the trees again? What you smell is the stink of defeat. It sticks to you like flies to the tarred roof of Abbott's hovel.
  7. Me, too. Let the AI have a few minor "cheats" to balance things. Might be nice to run up to that level 1 Ruskie tank expecting an easy kill, only to have it upgrade to a level 3 right in front of you!
  8. Okay. Germany is screwed. Oh, that's not the part you wanted to hear?
  9. No, but you implied it. No slimey ad-man tricks, we know what you meant. Hey, at least someone has the guts to do it. I'm sure it makes him proud, but disgusts him that it was another house that had to step up to do the job.
  10. So, what you're saying is that Croda is obsolete. Nice welcome for your leige. Enjoy your (imminent) stomping.
  11. Having had to play that abomination (against Boo no less) as my first Cesspool game has left too many scars. I'll not inflict that cruelty on my squire unless it is as punishment.
  12. I done got myself hired! And a pay raise, as well. Bow before my good fortune.
  13. What the hell are you nattering on about? Try to make some sense once in a while, hmmmm? Stoat! I've got your first written assignment. "Senile Dementia or Gormless Git: the real reason Old Foul Joe's posts are not relevant". Single spaced, a couple of pages. No filler, I want you to get right to the point, unlike this batch of nannies.
  14. Well, you could die. I doubt you'd be any more likely to be labeled "genius" (snowballs in hell and all that) than you are now. Like, never. But, for whatever it's worth, we'd appreciate it.
  15. You could send me a turnwhile you wait, Lars. Hint, hint.
  16. Seems Olde Fowl Joe has discovered the mirror. Oh, and young stoat was following instruction. I told him to post a few insults, and since he is relatively inexperienced, to pick the easiest and most obvious targets. Tag, you're it*. (* Well, you and Boo, but we can't be too pickey. He has to work his way up from the bottom)
  17. Why, thank you. Nicest thing you've ever said to me. Hey, at least I'm consistant.
  18. Did you think you were getting close to done? Bah, we'll keep you occupied with patch requests for a year, at least.
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