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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. I'd like to see a variable surrender (randomized) for minor countries. If I've decimated 7/8 of their forces with only trivial losses, they should surrender even if there is one remaining corps in the capital. Would you fight on, surrounded and outnumbered 6 to one or more? Also, the computer should surrender the game if the situation is hopeless, like suggested above.
  2. You are embarking on the hardest, yet most rewarding journey you can take. Make the time to be with her, and teach her as much as you can, and it will all be worth it.
  3. So easy to stir up the natives, eh? Sometimes it's fun to poke the ant nest, just to watch them scurry about.
  4. No thanks. I'm trying to cut back after the incident with the scuba tanks. The Secret Service agent was nice enough to let me go with just a warning.
  5. Sounds like a challenge, Boo. I suggest you spend all your time over there from now on.
  6. Aw, gee. And I'm not even on fire. But I do agree that Soddy is a "useless maggot".
  7. Of course not. Rudel had smoked them before they even got to the front. Surely a fine, upstanding Aryan wouldn't exagerate?
  8. Drooling on the keyboard is bad. So I've heard. Where the hell is the only one in this gawd-forsaken thread worth the bandwidth? I mean, of course, Miss Moldy Kitty. (ants not included).
  9. Having size issues again, Lars? What we need is more of these "pocket cruisers". Not sure about the combat effectivness, though.
  10. Dale, my sincere condolences. May your friend be where he has plenty of chew toys, open fields to run and a soft, warm place to sleep.
  11. You can't do it in your head? Pfffft. Amateur.
  12. That's good. More tradeoffs. It makes it a more delicate balancing act. I like it.
  13. One of my uncles (driver, Sherman, Patton's third) said the same thing. He said you never wore anything on a web belt (canteen, first aid kit, etc.), becuase when you bailed, the hatches were too tight, and you wanted to get out now. Not sure how true it was, but stories circulated about drivers and bow gunners getting their legs burned (or worse) because they spent an extra second grabbing gear or getting unstuck. He said it wasn't worth finding out the hard way.
  14. Experience levels I can tolerate, because I can counter that with better play. And, I often play games where I deliberately don't conquer the capital until I have killed off all the units (France is a good example), just to boost my unit's experience levels for the inevitable Barbarossa. More resources is the part I dislike.
  15. Oh, and just as an afterthought: We have quite the "personalities" here already. I'm sure most of them will be squabbling over SC2 soon enough!
  16. Ooooh, I really hate those "more for the computer to ramp up difficulty things". It happens a lot in resource gathering games, where the (lazy) programmers give more to the AI, because they can't figure out how to make it play smarter. It usually isn't that much harder, just longer (or more of a clickfest). "Normal" difficulty is 1 to 1, and then tougher levels just give progressively more stuff to the computer side. All that means is that I have to wade through more units to get to my objective. Cannon fodder is just that, and having 2 times as much to kill doesn't make for a better game. No offense to you, I see you are just throwing out suggestions. But, I'm hoping that Hubert has more to it than that, or it won't be much fun to play for very long. And, as you said, the AI doesn't use bombers very effectively. Just giving them more won't do much good, unless it's all re-coded anyway.
  17. A shiny rock, you dimwit. He even posted pics of the damn thing, right here in the MBT. Maybe you should go do a search, old man. BTW, they say that the memory is the second thing to go. Sucks to be you.
  18. Man, you must have been a chimney! If my calculations are right, that was over 2-1/2 cigs per hour, every hour, for 16 hours a day. In that same time period, I only smoked about 1100 ciggies.
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