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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. See? If I can overcome such handicaps from the start, bringing Stoat into the fold in the correct manner will be easy. Hell, I even got you to send turns on a semi-regular basis. What could be harder than that?
  2. There's your title, then. I dub thee "Fire Supression System". Arise, Sir Fizzle!
  3. I don't, but see how serious it is? To hell with the environment, STAMP OUT THIS ALCOHOL ABUSE!
  4. Stefman, my reply, although just after your post was not meant as a reply to you, but rather to the original post.
  5. How about "no self-righteous newbies cross posting the same damn thing as in the GF"? Who went and appointed you forum cop? Don't you think it is a bit smug of you to assume that Madmatt, Moon, etc. can't handle things all by themselves? If you truly feel that some particular poster's behavior has been out of line, drop a note to the existing (and quite capable) moderators, and let them handle it. Quite frankly, I find your "Miss Manners" indignation to be more distasteful than the occasional bickering that occurs.
  6. Hell's Bells. Who is responsible for this waste of bandwidth? Not only does it number the whole damn thing (just wait until Elvis sees that), he goes on about points no self respecting, er, semi respected, um, typical gutter bum Knaggit cares a toss about. Talk about evidence of shoddy training. Next thing it will be talking about setting up a MBT ladder and win/loss records. Before you know it, we will all have to be polite and have to stick our pinkies out while drinking foofy fruity mixed drinks with tiny little umbrellas (that aren't even waterproof, think about it) and take off our shoes at the door. Just think of the stench. And do any of you want to step in bare stockings where Mace has tread? It might be enough to upset the delicate ecosystem. It's an environmental issue, folks. Save the cesspool! Evidently, juan giant loser thinks so, too. Puts you in excellent company, Joe.
  7. I still get to shoot the old bastard at twenty paces, right? Tell me I get to shoot the old tosser, pretty please?
  8. Just to make it O-fish-al: I hereby claim Stoat as my squire, to be used and abused in the finest traditions. Boo, go polish a rock.
  9. Seanachai, you disgusting old man. [Yes, Mace, I do realise that is redundant, now do shut up.] I come in here to finally propose Stoat be elevated to be my squire. This, as I think he has shown the proper staying power and has held his own against the usual suspects both here and on that "other forum". What do I find, but you trying to steal your own grandsquire. Why does this not surprise me? That you'd be the type to abduct small children is obvious (although Stoat is double your size (in height not girth)), but this goes beyond the pale. Even for someone as pale as you, cracker. How the hell can I threaten him with playing you if he has to anyway? Takes away all incentive to better himself. And the instruction he'd receive! Or rather, lack of same. Key-riced, he'd be better off asking an Oddstrailian for dating advice not concerning livestock. But the kicker is: I sent you booze, you scurvy sea sponge! I broke Og knows how many laws in doing so - and if I'm half the neo-con you claim, you'd realize what a sacrifice that was - out of the goodness of my heart. I could have swilled the brew myself, and mocked you for having none. But instead I sent a bottle (hoping to kill off just enough more brain cells to keep your posts shorter had nothing to do with it at all, honest) of lovingly handcrafted nectar. And this is the thanks I get? A pox on you. May your next pizza be delivered COLD! I surrender Stoat as squire never. Over my dead body, as it were. And, before you go looking for a duel at sunrise, be forewarned that I have more firepower than dalem, not counting his Star Trek toys. Rheeeeeeeeeee!
  10. Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. You could have been a leader. Damn, I was MrPeng. No wonder I feel nauseated.
  11. The shock therapy was working until you reminded me. Now it's back to the nightmares.
  12. Hop over to upstate, old man. I'll feed you all the eggs and pork products you can hold.
  13. I hope SC2 gets released while you are gone, and sells out so that you have to wait even longer. By that time, the lovely Sharri will have forbidden you to buy any more of "those silly computer games". Serves you right.
  14. But I like them; they're so comfy. Besides, the little footie jammies keep my toes warm and...oh. You meant for him, didn't you?
  15. What's so unusual about torturing newbies? In fact, I think that is pretty much S.O.P.
  16. So, Lars, did you hunt & kill that critter yourself, or just buy it for your boyfriend?
  17. You guys keep talking about sticky lips, and you're gonna make Sturmsebber jealous.
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