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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Well, no, I was going to ignore you, Michael. Actually, if you look at my tan/water smock mod it has a couple egg grenades dangling from the cartridge holders. I kinda like the stick grenade, so it stays, but I can try to tone down the highlights. I do remember you harassing me about the Feldgrau panzer suit. I recall that you didn't like the gray one that I made so if you are really, really, really nice I might consider altering the color to one more suitable.
  2. Aaaaarrrgh! :mad: It's not striped, it's POLKA-DOTTED!!!!!!!!!! It just looks kinda stripey in the screenshot because of the JPEG compression. Looks much better in the game, honest. I think I've seen scarves like that worn under the tunic in various photos, illustrations, etc. I do admit that it looks kind of goofy to have all your troops wearing the same scarf. I'll make a version with a shirt, and maybe a sweater.
  3. You forgot the Gauloise dangling from the lip Yeah, in the screenshot it kinda looks like a French-guy shirt (for want of a better name). In game it has more of a polka-dot look. I will make the scarf optional. I made a version that has a red&white check, and I will do versions with a shirt and maybe a sweater.
  4. :confused: It's an ordnance-tan M43 (?) stick in the belt
  5. Ok, I guess that should be "mod preview and stupid question" I've reworked the Feldgrau Heer uniforms from Super Action Pack™ Vol. 1 to show an open collar, replete with über-stylin' polka-dot scarf. Which will be an option, since I can hear half of you saying "what the Hell?". I've also darkened up the color, although I'm leaving the tint that late-war kind of warm gray. So the stupid question is: will anyone use this? Is it worth it for me to do the same with the Waffen-SS Feldgrau texture. Gotta keep up with those other modders trying to steal my uniform mod thunder. I guess I should show a screenshot.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juju: Hey Andrew, I got the wheel alright, so it's definitely in the zip. As for the side BMP: I meant the "Machine gun Jeep" side, not the standard one. That one isn't in the zip. Thanks again. Good show.<hr></blockquote> Ah, the MG Jeep. This mod contains BMPs for the UK jeep only. The MG Jeep BMP is available in the full hi-res Jeep set available at Tom's HQ. I will send them to Manx later today as he appears not to have received them originally.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator: I've just installed the Daimler mod (plain version) and must say it is superb. If we had a mod award of the year this would be my nominee. Thanks and kudos to Andrew & Manx for hosting it so quickly.<hr></blockquote> Wow, thanks!
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, When do we get this Andrew?<hr></blockquote> How about now? Check out Manx's thread...
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juju: Awww, that's ever so nice, thanks Manx. And, boy, does it look gorgeous! Oustanding Daimler, Andrew. Normally I tend to dislike MM camo, but the jeep looks even better with it. But, um, the side bmp for the MG jeep seems to be missing. Is that correct?<hr></blockquote> Thanks. Um, I'm pretty darn sure there should be a side BMP in there somewhere... Manx seems to have it, judging by the screenshot. About that screenshot--did I forget to pack the hi-res wheel BMP? :confused: Because those wheels are definitely not the ones that my Jeep is supposed to have! Also Manx, did I send you the original Jeep and the Hetzer?
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife: Here, Here! Bad-assed Daimler, Andrew. You're an innovator. I know I'm an ingrate, but, do I have to beg for you to consider doing the Cromwell?<hr></blockquote> Oh man, don't beg, it's unseemly! I have considered doing the Cromwell, as it's sorely in need of a new mod. I have heard a rumor that a groovy new Cromwell mod is currently in production, but that's all I'm saying. Four Stringer asked <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>What's a Mac?<hr></blockquote>. Well, I could tell you, but then you'd feel all inadequate and have to go buy one to fill that missing hole in your life... Besides, the mandatory live animal sacrifices to Steve Jobs get messy.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester: Andrew, Have you ever made a mod that sucks?<hr></blockquote> ...if I did I wouldn't admit it!!! :cool: BTW, PawBroon, thanks for the offer for assistance with the Top Secret Mystery Mod™. I found LOTS of visual references, but if I get stuck I'll shoot you an e-mail. So far progress is going well. Maybe I can round up some more spy shots to post here. If you do have any photos/illustrations of the Commonwealth versions of the vehicle in question I would be overjoyed to take a look at them...
  12. I'll try to make it available today. I have to go help a friend of mine move for a couple hours now, but I'll get it ready when I come back.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: Very nice. I'll be staying up the rest of the night so I can download it as soon as possible.<hr></blockquote> ...please don't wait up. I won't be sending it anywhere until the morning (PST). Goodnight, all.
  14. ...and I'll send it on to the usual suspects tomorrow because I'm tired and too lazy to write a readme right now. Maybe PawBroon--to whom this mod is dedicated because of his kind assistance on getting me good Daimler photos and research material--will host it on his lovely new website. Does he actually host mods there? I think it has to do with mods or something, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what it's all about. I guess you might want to see some screenshots. I did versions in both plain green and mickey mouse camo. Can you spot the new "in progress" mystery mod in one of shots above? I'll release this mod with, as promised, the mickey mouse British Jeep. Disclaimer: it's not CMMOS compatible because I have a Mac and I guess we Mac users are being punished for owning superior computers or something because we don't have CMMOS :mad: Ok, gotta calm down. Bless you, Steve Jobs.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, I'm thinking.... new plain german uniform full set (No cammo.... just the plain old goods, for every unit).<hr></blockquote> Uh, I did a full Feldgrau set for Heer and Waffen SS awhile back...
  16. *bump* Sorry for not posting screenshots but my server is down for emergency maintenance. Guess it gives me more time to work on mods. Give us more previews! With images!
  17. In light of a few new mod previews popping up on the board here and there I thought it would be fun to start a general mod preview thread. So what are you working on? Got any screenshots? If so, post 'em here! Don't be shy! Let's try to rekindle the modslut spirit of the past, when men were men and mod announcement threads were rich with admiring and astonished posts! Besides, I'm curious to see what everyone's working on. I'm nearly done with the Dailmer AC, and have started on another project, the nature of which will be revealed maybe tonight or this weekend. I'll post whatever screenshots I can when I get home.
  18. Thanks everyone! Gordon, I did get that pic, it looks great. My e-mail server has been acting up and I couldn't respond to your message.
  19. I'm afraid there isn't a batch file system for the mod. If someone wants to take up the challenge be my guest.
  20. I've managed to reposition the unit markings on the Daimler's rear fenders to a different BMP. Here is the result: I think it looks a little better, and I'm glad to trade a slightly higher position for that annoying mirroring. Here's just a general teaser shot And finally, for being so patient I've made a bonus mod--a Mickey Mouse camo version of my UK jeep. I also have a question for the commonwealth armor, er, armour grogs out there: does anyone have a good photo or drawing of the rear deck and engine cover of the Mk II armoured car? All the photos I have are of Mk Is, which have a different rear deck treatment than the MkII modeled by CMBO. I guess it's really a WFC kind of thing, but I'd like to add a few more details to that texture. Also, would there be any squadron or formation markings on the turret, like the various colored circles, squares, triangles, etc you see on the side of some Commonwealth Shermans? Just curious.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PawBroon: Thanks Andrew. I mudded it differently from how you told me. Only you can tell if you think it's better or not. I'll drop you a mail to explain...<hr></blockquote> Cool. Hey, as long as it looks good, who cares how you apply it.
  22. Excellent!!! Now we know which of us modders liked to play in the mud when we were children...
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