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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Yeah, saying that Trophy was a "great killer" of accompanying infantry is a stretch. AFAIK, there has been only one ISF death attributed to Trophy. This comes up periodically. Most sources I can Google up do refer to Shtora as a soft-kill APS. If this is incorrect we need to find out what the correct term is or invent one.
  2. Minor update. Without any numbers or dates this doesn't tell us much except that units may begin receiving completed machines soon. Surprise: Russia's Lethal T-14 Armata Tank Is in Production
  3. My recollection is that all of their sabot rounds are Soviet leftovers.
  4. ERA effectiveness is not range dependent. Ukrainian tanks use ammunition that was state of the art 30 years ago while Russian tanks use a modern sabot round.
  5. I can't say for sure, but all 3 hits look like "1200m Tiger" to me.
  6. Flash Point Campaigns: Red Storm Modern Air / Naval Operations Command Ops
  7. It looks to me that there is one obvious problem, that when the HT gunner unbuttons to fire the passengers do too. I don't know how hard it would be to separate the unbuttoned status so it's not all-or-nothing, although I suspect it may be problematic in situations where the gunner and the passengers are in the same unit. There are a couple of ways to mitigate so that you should be able to use Hanomags offensively. One is to place covered arcs on your assaulting (moving) HTs so they don't unbutton. Infantry will not even fire at buttoned HTs under most circumstances, rendering them (mostly) immune to small arms fire. Second, if you want to use a particular HT for fire support, disembark any passengers first.
  8. I think micro terrain usually applies to explosives and bullets. My comment was regarding the Rocky terrain type specifically, which may not be typical for the reason you mentioned earlier. Changes were also made to other terrain types. The effects are subtle. We beta testers have been playing with the changes in Final Blitzkrieg for a couple of months and they have not been controversial in the least, so take that for what it's worth
  9. Some clarification on this after some testing. It appears the increase in micro terrain cover for Rocky terrain is only for bullets, so although Rocky terrain does not produce higher casualties than plain dirt it doesn't produce significantly less either.
  10. Yes, but it doesn't work like that in the game. BTW, that item in the change log is worded incorrectly. The increase in cover values applies to bullets also, not just explosives.
  11. 152mm FSV sounds like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, as others have pointed out. 152mm on a tank is, I suspect, a bridge too far until there is some revolution in tank cannon technology (railgun?), but the Germans are beginning development of a 130mm cannon for the Leopard 3 so I'm sure we'll continue to hear about Russian efforts along those lines.
  12. And as others have said, because of geopolitical changes over the past decade I would expect a change of setting. Probably some hypothetical conflict in eastern Europe between Russian and NATO. I doubt it will even be called Shock Force 2. Maybe something like "Black Sea"?
  13. ATG movement in-game is more of an abstraction of every condition rather than just assuming level dry ground, because the speed is the same whether the gun is being push up a muddy hill or across a parking lot. Also, the crew never fatigues. Taking those factors into account the movement rate isn't as pessimistic as it appears at first blush.
  14. "Sergeant, I don't think we're in Iraq any more."
  15. My guess is the target had a damaged laser warning receiver.
  16. It's a bug that will be fixed in the upcoming patch.
  17. APFSDS should ignore slope effects up to around 80 degrees from vertical.
  18. I'll be the sourpuss and say I'd rather they spend the time on a Black Sea module. EDITED to add: IIRC, BFC has hinted that UNCONS are on the list for Black Sea.
  19. This is perhaps meant to be an anti-radiation lining, not a layer of actual neutrons? While the latter probably would make very strong armor it would weigh many trillions of tons
  20. Grey = rolled homogeneous steel Yellow/gold = a fiberglass-like filler White: air gap The boxy shapes are various types of explosive reactive armor, I believe. I'm not sure about the blue and green layers off the top of my head.
  21. OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? Thanks. I'll take a look.
  22. What!? You did not find the tete-a-tete on the proper construction of thesis statements entertaining? Writing it was a thrill a minute. Honest. Been lurking the whole time. These AARs are like the ancient battles in Hollywood movies where the combatants charge at each other screaming then hack at each other for a while. Fun to watch but not much to analyze
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