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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Got the files. You said "they remain 'limbered' even after a few turns of the unit having a 'deploy' order and nothing happens", but in fact they only arrive at the position shown in your screenshot shortly before the end of the last turn you sent (127) and are still rotating into place as the turn ends. The deploy time is nearly two full turns (1.8 minutes) so I am not sure why you are expecting them to be deployed already. It's going to be a couple more turns (131 at the earliest).
  2. I'm guessing "yes", but could be wrong. Do note that the casualty reduction from ground conditions really is quite small, about 5% small in fact.
  3. If true that would be a bug, one that I cannot replicate.
  4. Did the air controller that called them in get killed by chance? Because micro UAVs cannot be targeted by SAMs. I don't know about the 500kg bomb, but I have seen the 1525kg bomb dropped on a Abrams with APS
  5. Post it here (Dropbox link, ect) or if you can't do that I'll message you an email address
  6. During development. I don't remember the date
  7. That line in the patch notes conflates two different changes. Micro terrain effects everything, not just HE.
  8. I actually won a PBEM in this scenario as Americans during beta testing. It was a "Minor victory", eeked out on literally the last turn of the game. You'll need a bit of luck in the armor duels (which I got) but it's possible. Bogging can be a huge factor in this scenario, and admittedly my game was played when bogging chances in muddy terrain were lower than they are now.
  9. I think it has something to do with objects only casting shadows when they are within your field of view or close to it. So if you move a camera so that a tree is behind you the game doesn't render the tree's shadow. At least that's been my observation.
  10. It makes a small difference, probably understated compared to reality, but it's there. Muddy terrain tiles have a greater effect than muddy ground conditions. Deep snow has a micro-terrain magnification effect that reduced casualties from all causes. But again, these effects are more subtle than dramatic so I would not let it effect my QB unit purchases in that regard.
  11. No idea if the Germans did such a study. They didn't have the option of not using them in lieu of something else like the US did, which is probably why the US did attempt to quantify their effectiveness. Zaloga:
  12. I guess I'm not being clear. You are playing as the US in that scenario, right? The bunkers in that scenario are German. German fire passing through German bunkers is not a bug, it's a quirk of the game engine.
  13. Copy and paste from the other thread on this: Bunkers are strange creatures in the CMx2 world. As Emrys mentioned, game engine appears to treat them as immobilized vehicles in some ways so the same rules that apply to vehicles apply to bunkers to a large extent. That means units can fire through their own bunkers but incoming fire is deflected*. * Some incoming enemy fire appears to go through the bunkers, judging from the tracers. But MikeyD is correct that this graphical effect only happens in turn-based mode and does not appear to ever cause casualties
  14. Sorry, by friendly fire I meant friendly to the bunkers. Bunkers are strange creatures in the CMx2 world. The game engine appears to treat them as immobilized vehicles in some ways so the same rules that apply to vehicles apply to bunkers to a large extent. That means units can fire through their own bunkers but incoming fire is deflected*. * Some incoming enemy fire appears to go through the bunkers, judging from the tracers. But this graphical effect only happens in turn-based mode and does not appear to ever cause casualties.
  15. Markus, post the save game file if you can.
  16. We'll need a save game file actually showing the event. I just tried testing this and from 100 meters away I cannot get US infantry to even shoot at a buttoned Stug, not even from the side.
  17. The problem with relying on feel is it's subjectivity. For example, my impression is that my casualty rate for unbuttoned tank commanders is far lower than 50%. It's probably closer to 10-20% and I would bet less than half of those are from small arms.
  18. Do they stay greyed out in the following turns? That usually indicates the weapon is out of ammunition, although that seems unlikely for the 7.62mm machine guns.
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