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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Individual cannons have their own pages but technology categories have overview pages, such a for APDS and APFSDS
  2. Right, although I think your projectile weights may be off. Or mine are There are various muzzle velocities listed for the Pak 44. There were three different powder charges, and apparently AP ammunition both with and without a ballistic cap. WW2 Ballistics lists muzzle velocity for APCBC as 845m/s (lower than the Wiki page which quotes Ian Hogg for the 950m/s figure), which nets about 10 megajoules. At 950m/s it would produce 12.7 MJ. 125mm 3BM42M (a tungsten alloy penetrator) has a MV of 1750m/s and an unconfirmed penetrator weight of 4.6 to 4.85kg, which comes out to about 7 MJ.
  3. Not even close. The German 128mm would penetrate about 272mm of RHA at 100 meters. The Russian 125mm firing 1990s-era ammunition would penetrate 600-650mm of RHA at 2000 meters. For one thing, the penetrators are made of different materials. The 128mm shell is steel while the 125mm sabot is either tungsten or uranium, much denser metals than steel. Also, the penetrators are shaped radically different. The 128mm shell looks like a very large bullet. The 125mm cannon fires a shell containing a submunition called a sabot. The outer layers of the shell peel away in-flight leaving the sabot, which is only about an inch in diameter but nearly two feet long. That means the kinetic energy is concentrated into a very small area. It's the difference between sticking someone with a knife and striking him with your fist.
  4. APCBC is more effective than AP vs face-hardened armor, but less effective at short to medium ranges against rolled homogeneous and cast armor. The Panther mantlet is cast and the front turret plate is RHA. Because of its higher ballistic coefficient APCBC will outperform AP against any armor at long range.
  5. That's an emotional support animal. They add +1 to a unit's Moral rating.
  6. I have already stated that I don't think so and why, so we will have to agree to disagree.
  7. Doesn't really matter. It's the layer of abstraction magically stopping the bullets, not the windshield.
  8. Saved games are stored in a separate folder than finished PBEM turns so they don't confuse CM Helper
  9. BFC has tweaked this stuff before. It can always be tweaked again if needs be. Soft skinned vehicles were toughened-up way back in 2008 (CMSF) and passenger vulnerability in soft-skinned vehicles was increased in the CMBN 2.12 patch.
  10. Gunners and unbuttoned crew actually do have duck down animations. The AI's judgement on when it is appropriate to use that ability could perhaps be improved but that is a separate issue. Also, when the AI fires at gunners and unbuttoned tank commanders it is aiming specifically at the soldier, which I believe is not true with soft-skinned vehicles.
  11. It's because you have a Face command attached to the end waypoint. Face and Target Arc are mutually exclusive so the Face command cancels the Arc. If you want the unit to face a certain direction while maintaining a Target Arc make a 180° or smaller arc with the midpoint of the arc in the direction to be faced.
  12. I disagree. In reality the driver would not be sitting there bolt upright the whole time, especially if the vehicle was not moving. But they do in the game because there is no "duck down" animation. That is one reason not every bullet that "hits" someone injures them. There is a level of abstraction layered on top of the physics to account for things not visibly modeled.
  13. I vaguely recall having a similar issue. In my case it turned out to be another CMHelper folder left over from an older version. I don't remember what it was called or where it was.
  14. Possibly. Or it could be that you have seen an outlier. N=1. In my test, one jeep and driver stayed functional for 25 seconds, which is almost exactly how long yours lasted in that video. The difference is I had 9 other examples to place it in context.
  15. I think the comparison with half track gunners is probably fallacious. The AI aims at half track gunners. I am not 100% certain, but with a soft-skinned vehicle the AI aims at the vehicle, not the occupants.
  16. 105mm artillery will penetrate the top armor of most tanks, although I wouldn't count on hitting them. Mortars usually will not penetrate because they are low velocity.
  17. Because I apparently have nothing better to do with my time than investigate every odd occurrence in a Combat Mission game I just lined up 10 jeeps 200m meters in front of 10 MG42s (separate lanes, one MG for each jeep). Within 10 seconds 8 jeeps were destroyed and 7 drivers dead. Only one driver lived longer than 15 seconds. He made it to 25.
  18. @Pericles What version of the game are you running? EDIT: Ah, I see you said engine 4 on the previous page. I have no idea why it works on my computer and not yours
  19. It actually reduces the range at which enemy units can hear the sound contact.
  20. I have a test scenario specifically for that. It works on my end. I'll post it here tonight. In the meantime if you have a save file showing it not working post it or send it to me if you still have my email.
  21. Got the file. Had no problem getting the out-of-HE 2" mortar to fire smoke. I first moved them out from under the trees to the bocage line on the south side of the field. I suspect that like a previous poster in this thread you were targeting your mortars through a tree canopy which can sometimes cause target orders to cancel, particularly if the trajectory of the shell is more-or-less parallel to the canopy.
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