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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. It happens if the game is installed to a non-default location.
  2. Players pick a task force template of unit types then the game assigns specific units to it. Doesn't matter. People would complain about getting screwed by the random number generator. It depends, but I would consider Stugs a little better than Pz IVs and roughly on par with Sherman 76s. They have 27 rounds of HE. If you can use all 27 you're doing good. The later Stugs have a coaxial machine gun and a remote controlled machine gun. Yeah, maybe. IIRC a .50 caliber machine gun can kill a Marder so I avoid them. I once asked Steve to put me in charge of unit prices, told him I'd accept all the heat for it. He was nice enough not to let me
  3. Aren't you being a little dogmatic about this? And by a little I mean a lot. Personally, when picking tanks in a QB all I care about is their tank killing ability. Once the enemy armor is gone his infantry can be dealt with in any number of ways. Killing infantry is easy. Killing tanks is hard. In my humble opinion This is why BFC uses a formula to determine unit prices instead of someone's opinion on what a Stug is worth. That method brings it's own set of baggage and frankly I would prefer a system that didn't even use purchase points but you go to war with the QB system you have, not the QB system you wish you had.
  4. Ah, I was using individual unit prices. I think they're reasonable but I wouldn't mind seeing the Stugs 20 or 30 points cheaper. I'd rather have a Stug than a Pz IV against Sherman 75s but not Sherman 76s. Similar to how Panthers are totally worth it against Sherman 76s and T-34/85s but are probably overpriced vs. Fireflies and IS-2s. The only tanks in the game that are unequivocally "balanced" have guaranteed gun or armor overmatch against any possible opposition. One thing to remember is that QB unit prices are determined by formula, so any change in Stug pricing would presumably affect all similar type units at a minimum.
  5. The cheapest 75mm M4 I can find is 190. They go up to 232 for the later "wet" models.
  6. NORMANDY Battle Size Allied Victories Draws German Victories Tiny 12 7 11 Small 61 22 69 Medium 274 77 251 Large 75 34 106 Huge 11 2 21 FINAL BLITZKRIEG Battle Size Allied Victories Draws German Victories Tiny 0 1 0 Small 1 0 2 Medium 11 2 8 Large 13 5 15 Huge 0 0 0 RED THUNDER Battle Size Soviet Victories Draws German Victories Tiny 1 0 1 Small 6 2 3 Medium 47 5 43 Large 51 18 60 Huge 6 2 7 From The Blitz ladder. No breakdown by US/Commonwealth, unfortunately.
  7. Stugs were way under priced in CM1. Are they over priced in CM2? Maybe a little, but like everything else it depends. I have used Stugs and had them used against me in Rule of 75 QBs on a 2x2 km map. They got the better of the exchanges with Sherman 75s. 150 points? A Panzer II is 155 points, a Panzer III 188.
  8. It's entirely possible I'm wrong about it being a bug. That has happened before I agree the green dot and radio icon are misleading.
  9. Weather does affect thermal sights in Black Sea and I assume Cold War, although it may only be noticeable on the more extreme end. For example, in a "downpour" M2 Bradleys will not be able to spot enemy vehicles at 1000 meters.
  10. Maybe, but his sounds more like a theoretical possibility than something that actually happened more than once or twice. In the CM2 engine bocoge is treated as a type of wall, individual sections of which do not have intermediate damage levels like trees. I don't know how hard that would be to change but I suspect it's a much bigger time investment than we're likely to get for something that would be more for immersion than anything else. Maybe for CM3 if there is a CM3.
  11. https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/combat-studies-institute/csi-books/Doubler-Bocage.PDF A 155mm M107 artillery shell contains 15.1 pounds of high explosive, so you would need at least 2 hitting in about the same spot. But even then artillery would be detonating on the surface, which is presumably less efficient than buried demolitions, so probably more than 2 hits would be required. If artillery stonks had been a practical means of breaching bocage the Allies would have done it.
  12. I actually won that 2nd NTC mission without ever leaving my setup zone
  13. I see them. They're a little hard to see because they're weird shapes instead of boxes.
  14. I don't think there is any requirement that the different models have different names in the purchase screen. In the past they were usually named differently but that convention has been followed inconsistently in CW. For example, the manual says AH-1F and AH-1S Cobras get upgraded TOW missiles in 1981 but they are named the same as the 1980 versions. The reason the prices change for the above mentioned tanks in 1980 is they get 3BK18M HEAT ammunition to replace the 3BK18 round. In addition, I think the T-64B and B1 (but not the A) also get 3BM22 APFSDS that year. The T-80 has 3BM22 in all years. EDIT: Now that I look at it, I think the reason the T-72A gets a (1980) label in 1980 is because the previous T-72A model is still available in 1980. In the case of the T-80 and T-64 the new ammo versions completely replace the older versions.
  15. BTW, the install location issue only happens if your game is located somewhere other than the default location of C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Cold War.
  16. When running the patch you can edit the address or type in anything you want. Just delete the last \Cold War part.
  17. Yes. Make sure the patch didn't create a Cold War subfolder inside your main CW folder and put the .exe there. When I installed the patch it tried to do that. Meaning that when I pointed the patch to my D:\Cold War folder it tried to install to D:\Cold War\Cold War.
  18. I don't know. They are different in other ways. Off-map artillery lands in a circular pattern while on-map is parabolic.
  19. Howler's description is correct for off-map assets. Your description is correct for on-map assets.
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