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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. I had a regular truck crew break and panic when their truck got stuck in the mud - 1000 + meters from the closest enemy, who was well out of sight. Gyrene
  2. Did you guys notice there are textures on the explody bits flying from the T26? No more flying W's! Gyrene
  3. It's been a while since 1981, but you might recognize some of the planes seen here Gyrene
  4. I don't supposed you would mind enlightening us as to where you acquired Jaguar ahead of the pack? I just acquired the dual-1Gig demo unit from the local CompUSA for a steal and rather than rebuild 10.1 I'd love to use 10.2 as the base.</font>
  5. Buy yourself a cup of shut the hell up. Gyrene
  6. Yup, you guessed it. CM does not run under 10.2 in Classic mode. I just did an update to the latest available retail (Not a Beta) version of 10.2 (6C115), but unfortunatly it still does not solve our CM problem. My set up is a dual 533mhz G4, OEM 32mb Radeon card & 768MB of RAM. Bummer Gyrene
  7. Wanna sell that GeForce 3? It'd go good with Wolfenstein. Gyrene
  8. My 2 mods (2.25 really) are immortalized! WooT!!! Great work again Kump! Gyrene
  9. I'm attracted to all the shiny SS uniforms and I use CM to prove to all naysayers that Germany should have won the War, and to help re-write history in my sick fantasy world. Either that or the fact that the ASL rule book gives me a headache and CM makes wargaming actually fun for a change. Gyrene
  10. german tanx sUx0rS!!!!! rushin tanx woud kix there ass!!! IS3 OwNz J00 F3wL!!!!!!! KITT from Knight Rider woud kix king tiger's ass!!! W00T!
  11. Nope, 30 round clip. Don't forget about the M3 - Basically an M1 with an Infrared Night Vision scope. About 2100 were made. Gyrene
  12. It was a pretty straight forward operation to convert the M1 carbine into the full auto M2, and by most accounts the M2 was favored over the Grease Gun as it was better built, easier to shoot and more accurate. The M3 was always meant as a crewman's emergency weapon and saw very little front line use in the ETO. Anyone who needed a SMG would be much better served by the Thompson. The M2 saw quite a bit of service in Korea (Where incidently both it and the M1 Carbine proved to be terrible in sub-zero weather) and was around in very large numbers in Vietnam with South Vietnamese forces and early war American Advisors. The South Vietnamese liked it for its small size and weight as they mostly didn't enjoy the notion of having to hump around with a M14 Once the plastic rifle made it to the scene the M2 started to fade away. Gyrene
  13. You must mean the Remington M1897 "Trench Gun" Here's a link for a original one on sale Shotgun with a bayonet...Nothing says close combat quite like that... Gyrene
  14. Nice story Runyan, nice writting style too! You should consider writing short stories. Franko:I think they'd porbably ditch the tank if they were under fire from another tank. Gyrene
  15. Schrullenhaft cracked a joke! Way cool! Gyrene
  16. I'm a Mac user. Do you want my Gestalt ID as proof. Gyrene
  17. Well, there's only one of these around that is still original and can fly: Can't blame Hollywood for having to substitute. Gyrene
  18. The Germans did share some rocket plane tech with the Japanese: From my own pic collection, this one is at the Chino Planes of Fame: Looks a bit familiar? Gyrene
  19. They had no choice, but to make AA weapons to defend themselves with! I'm off to sign the guest book to congratulate him. Gyrene
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